Thrall Community Organization Database

A result from your search for "family services"

Club Kid, Before and After School Child Care - Orange County

Address: YMCA 81 Highland Ave., Middletown, NY 10940

Telephone: (845) 344-9622 See website for individual school district contact information

Meeting Hours/Places, Other Information:
Club Kid, our before and after school child care program, currently runs on site at numerous elementary schools in Orange County. In most districts we provide both before and after school care for children in grades K-5. In some schools, we offer only after school care. Each Club Kid programs follows their school district's calendar. For no additional charge, we provide this program on half days for both AM and PM participants. All of our Club Kid programs are registered and licensed by the New York State Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS).


Last date this information was confirmed: Wed Apr 12 13:34:35 2023

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