Thrall Community Organization Database
A result from your search for " Alcoholism"
Al-Anon - MiddletownAddress: 2 Locations/wheelchair accessible (see below)
Telephone: (845) 294-9999 24 Hour Answering Service.
Meeting Hours/Places, Other Information:
No in person meetings. Zoom meetings until further notice. Please contatct website for more information. Mondays (Orange Regional Medical Center, 110 Crystal Run Rd., Middletown). 8:00 PM. Topic Meeting. Step Meeting on 1st Monday of Month . Thursdays (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Parish Center, 90 Euclid Ave.). Beginners Meeting 6:45 p.m., Topic Meeting 7:30 PM; Step/Topic Meeting every 3rd Thursday. For meetings in other areas, call 1-888-4AL-ANON
Last date this information was confirmed: Thu May 28 15:27:18 2020