Thrall Community Organization Database

A result from your search for "history"

Downing Park Planning Committee

Address: Downing Park Shelter House and Visitor Center, Carpenter Ave/3rd St., PO Box 306, Newburgh, NY 12550

Telephone: (845) 565-5559

Meeting Hours/Places, Other Information:
"The Downing Park Planning Committee is a grass roots community group that formed in the late 1980s to revitalize a neglected historic treasure in Newburgh - Downing Park. Incorporated in 1987, the DPPC is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation. Its efforts on behalf of Downing Park are governed by contract with the park's owner, the City of Newburgh. Throughout the year, the Shelter House at Downing Park mounts month-long exhibitions of notable arists, photographers, and crafts makers. Call or stop by the Shelter House to see what's currently on display. As the weather improves, events at Downing Park include festivals, food tastings, a farmer's market, and a series of outdoor concerts. Come soon, and come often, to enjoy our delightful park and the wealth of enjoyable events.


Last date this information was confirmed: Wed Mar 20 15:28:28 2019

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