Thrall Community Organization Database
A result from your search for "history"
Orange County Genealogical SocietyAddress: 1841 Court House, 101 MAIN ST., Goshen, NY 10924
Telephone: (845)562-2749 or email (for Program Information); People from out of state may be able to schedule special openings on other days by calling: Jeanne Krish 845-294-5871. Number to be used only for general information about OCGS and for scheduling special openings (not for research.)
Meeting Hours/Places, Other Information:
Open Mon, Weds, Fri 9 AM - 12:30 PM (except federal holidays or Goshen public school closings.) The regular meetings of OCGS are held the FIRST SATURDAY of each month at 9am. The meetings are held in the 1841 Court House, Goshen, NY. Following the regular monthly meeting, a program of genealogical interest is presented most months in the 1841 Court House at 10:30 AM. Starting on Wed., September 9th the research room will be open on a limited basis, by appointment only, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 12:30. For an appointment please call Jeanne Krish at 845-294-5871. Check website for calendar of events, research room hours, and information on how to submit research questions.
Last date this information was confirmed: Tue Sep 22 16:44:32 2020