Thrall Community Organization Database

A result from your search for "family services"

Super Siblings

Address: Mental Health Association (MHA) in Orange County, Inc., 73 James P. Kelly Way, Middletown, New York

Telephone: 342-2400 ext. 1254

Meeting Hours/Places, Other Information:
Getting along with a sibling may be difficult at times but getting along with a sibling who has disability (such as an intellectual developmental disability, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, neurological impairment or severe learning disability) may be a real challenge. Sometimes your child may feel embarrassed -sad -angry -confused -guilty They may find it hard to talk to parents, friends and teachers about these feelings and emotions. Siblings have a non judgemental place to share feelings, concerns and joys, they have lots of fun make an awesome craft and meet new friends.


Last date this information was confirmed: Wed Oct 23 17:15:38 2019

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