Tips & Special Features:
While this is an incredibly comprehensive database, it does not contain every
newspaper, nor does it necessarily contain every single issue for those
newspapers it does cover.
This is worth mentioning if you are doing local (Middletown, NY) research
and want to locate articles from relevant publications such as the
Times Herald Record or even a newspaper such as The New York Times.
You can determine which publications are available by clicking the
"Browse Available Papers" link at the top of the database page.
Once you do, you will be able to browse by Country, State, City, and
then Publication. You also have the option of specifying a date range,
but it is best to skip that part if you simply want to browse the
entire list of available issues for a publication in the archive.
The "Advanced Search" mode can help you reduce your search results
from millions to thousands to a more manageable set of matches
you can actually begin to go through in a timely fashion.
Click the "Advanced Search" link at the top of the database page
and you will be able to indicate which words and phrases you want
to include or exclude from your inquiry. You can also specify
beginning and ending dates (from years down to months or days)
as well as the (general or specific) location of a newspaper
(or even the specific title of a newspaper).
After you search, you can continue to modify your search limits
by changing your search criteria in the "Refine Keywords" and
"Narrow Results" panels located to the right of your search results.