MINUTES OF THE MEETING THRALL PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT OF MIDDLETOWN AND WALLKILL BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 11, 2007 I. Attendance Mrs. Hutchinson called the roll: Present Ms. Marlena Lange, Vice President Mrs. Rosa Boyd, Treasurer Mrs. Joan Hutchinson, Secretary Mr. Carl Berkowitz Ms. Barbara Kay Mr. Kevin J. Gallagher, Director Absent Ms. Eileen Connolly (excused) Mr. Richard C. Bell, President (excused) Visitors Dave Cole, Wawayanda Town Board Member Valerie Gold, Co-chair Wawayanda Library Study Committee Member Guy VanRussum, Co-chair Wawayanda Library Study Committee Member Mark Specthrie, Wawayanda Library Study Committee Member II. Agenda A. Roll Call G. Treasurer's Report B. Minutes H. Library Staff Reports C. Visitor Comments I. Committee Report D. Correspondence J. Old Business E. President's Report K. New Business F. Director's Report L. Adjournment III. Discussion and Recommendation A. Ms. Marlena Lange, Vice-President, opened the meeting at 7:00pm and led the pledge to the flag. Discussion was held with members of the Town of Wallkill Library Study Committee on library service for the untaxed portion of the town. B. Minutes Mrs. Boyd moved for adoption of the minutes of the March 14, 2007 meeting with the following correction: Ms. Lange called the roll. Mr. Berkowitz seconded. Ayes: Boyd, Berkowitz, Hutchinson, Lange, Kay - 5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (04/11/07 - 28) C. Visitor Comments No comments. D. Correspondence A copy of all the correspondence sent to each Board member is attached to the official minutes. E. President's Report No report. F. Director's Report (A copy of the Director's Report sent to each Board member is attached to the official minutes.) Discussion was held on an issue about security. G. Treasurer's Report Mr. Gallagher reported on the accounts and balances. Discussion followed. (Report attached to official minutes.) H. Library Staff Reports No report. I. Committee Reports Building & Grounds Committee: Ms. Lange reported that Brad and Jeff have been working on repairing the leak in the drain pipe above the corner of the Board Room. Initially, the repairs seem to have completely stopped the leaks. Mr. Gallagher has asked Nicola Macri, a local professional painter and plasterer, to give us an estimate for the repairs on the wall in the Board Room. We have received the contract from NYSERDA (NYS Energy Research and Development Authority) for the HVAC system analysis work to be done by Genesys Engineering. The library district's share of the costs will be $4196.00, which is lower than the initial estimate of $7500.00. Tri-County Heating and Cooling has replaced the heating coil in the Boiler Room which was broken and caused leaking during the winter. However, one of the two replacement coils shipped for the repairs above the Children's Room arrived damaged and could not be used. It was returned to the manufacturer and a replacement unit will be shipped. Tri- County hopes to have the Children's Room repairs done within a month. Once that's done, and no leaking is detected, our custodians will replace the missing and stained ceiling tiles on both floors. Finance Committee: Mrs. Boyd moved that the regular monthly disbursements for January, 2007 in the amount of $406.84 and March, 2007 in the amount of $97,618.16, having been audited by Eileen Connolly and found to be correct, be approved. Mrs. Hutchinson seconded. Ayes: Boyd, Hutchinson, Lange, Kay, Berkowitz - 5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (04/11/07 - 29) BUDGET AMENDMENT #2 Mrs. Boyd moved that the Board of Trustees of Middletown Thrall Library amend the 2007 budget to be increased by the following: FROM: REVENUES: L2705 GIFTS & DONATIONS $500.00 ADD: APPROPRIATIONS: L.7410.8521.12.3810.5 ADULT BOOKS $500.00 Donation from Middletown Lions Club for adult large print books. Ms. Kay seconded. Ayes: Boyd, Hutchinson, Lange, Kay, Berkowitz - 5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (04/11/07 - 30) J. Old Business Discussion was held on space needs. K. New Business Mr. Berkowitz asked about the energy efficiency of the lighting in the building. Mr. Gallagher said that all the fixtures are high efficiency. L. Adjournment Mr. Berkowitz moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 pm. Mrs. Hutchinson seconded. Ayes: Boyd, Hutchinson, Lange, Kay, Berkowitz - 5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (04/11/07 - 31) Respectfully submitted, Joan Hutchinson, Secretary TABLE OF MOTIONS (01/10/07 - 1) Accepted slate of officers (01/10/07 - 2) Designated Middletown Times Herald Record as official newspaper (01/10/07 - 3) Designated the Orange County Trust Company as official bank (01/10/07 - 4) Reappointed Richard Guertin as Library District Attorney (01/10/07 - 5) Adjournment (01/10/07 - 6) Approval of 12/13/06 minutes (01/10/07 - 7) Executive Session (01/10/07 - 8) Approved part-time salaries for 2007 (01/10/07 - 9) Approved Director & Administrative Assistant salaries for 2007 (01/10/07 - 10) Approved the contract for librarians (01/10/07 - 11) Approval of disbursements for December 2006 (01/10/07 - 12) Approved revised leave request for D. Libassi (01/10/07 - 13) Adjournment (02/07/07 - 14) Approval of 1/10/07 reorganizational minutes (02/07/07 - 15) Approval of 1/10/07 minutes (02/07/07 - 16) Approved disbursements for January 2007 (02/07/07 - 17) Approved the contract for clerical unit (02/07/07 - 18) Adjournment (03/14/07 - 19) Approval of 2/7/07 minutes (03/14/07 - 20) Approval of disbursements for January & February 2007 (03/14/07 - 21) Approval of Budget Amendment #7 for 2006 budget (03/14/07 - 22) Approval of Budget Amendment #1 for 2007 budget (03/14/07 - 23) Approved NYS Statistical Report (03/14/07 - 24) Approved policy to follow Fed Govt. System weekend holiday & Wednesday before Thanksgiving closing at 6:00pm (03/14/07 - 25) Approved new retainer agreement with Richard Guertin (03/14/07 - 26) Approved amendment to labor contracts to permit carrying over up to 10 days vacation for use in 2008 (03/14/07 - 27) Adjournment (04/11/07 - 28) Approval of 3/14/07 minutes (04/11/07 - 29) Approval of disbursements for January and March 2007 (04/11/07 - 30) Approval of Budget Amendment #2 (04/11/07 - 31) Adjournment