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New York State Web Guide
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Farmers' Market Federation of New York
Farm Service Agency in New York State
New York Agricultural Statistics Service
New York Farm Bureau
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets

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Department of Family Assistance
Division of Veteran Affairs
"To provide quality service and advocacy for New York State veterans, armed forces members, their dependents and survivors, ensuring they receive benefits granted by law for their service to New York and the nation."
Food Stamps - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Information from the USDA.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
"Provides cash to help pay heating bills for low-income individuals and families. For applicants aged 60 and over, it is administered by local offices for the aging."
From the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. "The fast and easy way to find out about many health and human services programs and how to apply for them - anytime and anywhere." Includes information on eligibility and applying for food stamps, HEAP, WIC, and several other programs.
New York State Employee Assistance Program
"A confidential assessment and referral service for New York State government employees and their family members who need assistance with personal problems or concerns that may be affecting their work performance or overall well being."
New York State Family Information Services and Assistance Resources
Main sections include: Apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Pay Child Support. Additional topics and services can be found further down their website.
Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
"To promote greater self-sufficiency of the State's residents through the efficient delivery of temporary and transitional assistance, disability assistance, and the collection of child support."
Office of Children and Family Services
"Foster care, adoption and adoption assistance, child protective services, preventive services for children and families, services for pregnant adolescents, child care and referral programs, and protective programs for vulnerable adults. OCFS is also responsible for the functions performed by the State Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped (CBVH), and coordinates state government response to the needs of Native Americans on reservations and in communities."
Office of Victim Services (OVS) (formerly Crime Victims Compensation Board)
"The State of New York's commitment to its innocent victims of violent crime began with the creation of the Crime Victims Compensation Board in 1966, now named the Office of Victim Services (OVS). OVS has a three-tiered mission to: provide compensation to innocent victims of crime in a timely, efficient and compassionate manner; fund direct services to crime victims via a network of community-based programs; and advocate for the rights and benefits of all innocent victims of crime."
New York State Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse
"The NYS Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse was established within the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services in 1987 and operates pursuant to the NYS Executive Law. Having worked in law enforcement, identification services, training and/or technology prior to assignment to MECC, staff members collectively possess tremendous expertise in the handling of missing child cases and child safety."
SSI - Social Security Income
"People in financial need who are age 65 or older or people of any age who are blind or have a disability (including children) may be eligible for monthly cash payments from the federal government. The payments are called Supplemental Security Income (SSI)."
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps)
"The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used like cash to purchase food at authorized retail food stores. Eligibility and benefit levels are based on household size, income and other factors."Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps)
Workers Compensation Board and Disability Benefits
"Workers' compensation insurance provides weekly cash payments and the cost of full medical treatment, including rehabilitation, for covered employees who become disabled as a result of a disease or injury connected with their employment. It also provides payments for qualified dependents of a worker who dies from a compensable injury or illness."

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Arts & Culture

American Folk Art Museum
American Museum of Natural History
Art Museums in New York
The Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library
Guggenheim Museum
International Center of Photography
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum of Modern Art
Museum of the City of New York
Nation Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts
Nation Museum of the American Indian
New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
"The New York State Council on the Arts is dedicated to preserving and expanding the rich and diverse cultural resources that are and will become the heritage of New York's citizens."
New York State Museum
Whitney Museum of American Art

For more information on museums throughout New York State click here.

New York Council for the Humanities
"Devotes itself to insuring the presence of the humanities in the state's cultural and intellectual life and to guaranteeing the future of the humanities among young people."
New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
"The mission of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is to empower artists at critical stages in their creative lives. NYFA serves individual artists by offering direct financial assistance, professional development and information and resources to artists and organizations that serve artists; supports arts programs in the community; and builds collaborative relationships with others who advocate for the arts in New York State and throughout the country." Includes classifieds listings, employment opportunies (job search), event listings, podcasts, and more.
New York State Council on the Arts
"Provides support for activities of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in New York State and helps to bring artistic programs of high quality to the citizens of the state."

See also the entertainment section.

New York City Office of Management and Budget
"Responsible for assisting the Mayor in developing and implementing the City's budget, and for advising the Mayor on policy affecting the City's fiscal stability and the effectiveness of City services."
New York State Division of the Budget
Current and past enacted budgets, news, overview of the budget process, financial terminology, school aid budgets, STAR program, capital plan and investor information

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Building Codes
New York State Division of Building Standards and Codes (BSC) (formerly Division of Code and Administration)
Forms, FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), Laws and Regulations, Code Development, Technical and Regional Services, Energy Code. Includes link to free online codes.

Middletown, New York Codes
The City's Charter. Includes building and construction codes and more. Visit the City of Middletown, NY's website for more information and contacts.

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Business & Finance
Chambers of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, NY
New York State Chambers of Commerce
Directory provided by The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

Doing Business in NY / Small Business / SBA
Better Business Bureau - New York City
Doing Business in New York State
From the NYS Attorney General.
Empire State Development
"The mission of Empire State Development (ESD) is to promote a vigorous and growing state economy, encourage business investment and job creation, and support diverse, prosperous local economies across New York State through the efficient use of loans, grants, tax credits, real estate development, marketing and other forms of assistance."
New York State: Business Resources
Includes: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Business Licenses, Business Permits, Business Taxes, Complaints, Contracting with New York State, Economic Development, Ending a Business, Incorporation, Labor-Management Relations, Lottery Information, Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, Not-For-Profit Organizations, Professional Licensing, Rules and Regulations, Small Business Information, Starting a Business, Tax Incentives, Workforce and Employment Information.
New York State - Corporation and Business Entity Database
- from the NY Dept. of State. "Includes business and not for profit corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and limited liability partnerships, as well as other miscellaneous businesses."
New York State - Department of Financial Services
"To reform the regulation of financial services in New York to keep pace with the rapid and dynamic evolution of these industries, to guard against financial crises and to protect consumers and markets from fraud."
New York State - Department of State's Online Filing System (Formerly OPAL: New York State's Online Permit Assistance and Licensing Website)
"Please note that effective October 3, 2013 the New York State Department of State's Online Filing System has replaced the Online Permit Assistance and Licensing website OPAL for the filing of basic Certificates of Incorporation and Articles of Organization for business corporations and limited liability companies, respectively."
New York State - Division of Corporations (NYSDFS)
Includes information about the Corporation/Business Entity Database, forms, fees, filing services, contact information, and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
New York State Economy at a Glance
From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
New York State Small Business Development Center (NYSSBDC)
The SBDC "provides expert management and technical assistance to start-up and existing businesses across the state."
Small Business Statistics
Includes the annually published New York State Small Business Profile. For earlier State Economic / Small Business Profiles, please see this SBA.gov website.
See also Licensing / Licenses / Permits

State Comptroller
Office of the State Comptroller

Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Unclaimed Funds in New York State
Unclaimed Funds
Includes New York State Teachers' Retirement System, State Comptroller, Recovering Abandoned Property And Unclaimed Assets in NYS.

For local business links see the Commerce section of our Local Information guide

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New York State Data Center
"Repository of economic and demographic data."
New York State QuickFacts
Statistical topics include: Age and Sex, Businesses, Economy, Education, Families & Living Arrangements, Geography, Health, Housing, Income & Poverty, Population, Population Characteristics, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Transportation. From the U.S. Census.

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Consumer Information & Protection
Attorney General's Office
"As New York State's Chief Legal Officer, the Attorney General defends and protects the people of New York."
Better Business Bureau - New York / New York City
"Dedicated to fostering fair and honest relationships between businesses and consumers, instilling consumer confidence and contributing to an ethical business environment. "
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
"The Consumer Price Index (CPI) , produced monthly by the US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics through an extensive, nationwide survey of businesses, is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services."
Consumer Protection Board
"Conducts consumer investigations, research and analysis, develops consumer education programs and materials, responds to individual complaints by working to settle disputes through voluntary agreements and it represents the interests of consumers before the Public Service Commission (PSC) and other State and Federal agencies."
"Do Not Call" Program
"Do Not Call" registration, laws and rules, information for consumers and telemarketers. Includes New York State and Federal information.
Public Service Commission (PSC)
"The primary mission of the New York State Department of Public Service is to ensure affordable, safe, secure, and reliable access to electric, gas, steam, telecommunications, and water services for New York State's residential and business consumers, while protecting the natural environment. The Department also seeks to stimulate effective competitive markets that benefit New York consumers through strategic investments, as well as product and service innovations."

For more information see our Consumer Information guide.

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ADA Home Page: Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
Includes policies and related enforcement information, laws, specialized consumer topics (Guide to Disability Rights Laws, ADA Questions and Answers, ADA Designated Investigative Agencies, ADA Mediation Program), and more. Provided by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
Disability and Health in New York State
Sections include: Information on Disability Benefits, On the Job Injuries, Disability Data and Statistics, Fit for Life, A Parent's Guide for Children with Special Needs, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, Care at Home: A Handbook for Parents. Provided by the New York State Department of Health.
The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
"The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is a Federally-funded New York State Agency working under the direction of the Governor's Office. The DDPC is responsible for developing new ways to improve the delivery of services and supports to New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families. The Council focuses on community involvement, employment, recreation and housing issues faced by New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families."
New York State Justice Center (formerly The Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities - CQCAPD)
"The Justice Center is committed to supporting and protecting the health, safety, and dignity of all people with special needs and disabilities through advocacy of their civil rights, prevention of mistreatment, and investigation of all allegations of abuse and neglect so that appropriate actions are taken." CQCAPD documents can still be found at this link.
New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
"New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities and its associated voluntary agencies offer many services to consumers and their families."
New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH)
Information on mental health in New York State as well as cognitive and psychiatric disabilities and related services, programs, and organizations. "The Office of Mental Health (OMH) operates psychiatric centers across the State, and also regulates, certifies and oversees more than 2,500 programs, which are operated by local governments and nonprofit agencies. These programs include various inpatient and outpatient programs, emergency, community support, residential and family care programs."
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
"The New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) is responsible for coordinating services for more than 130,000 New Yorkers with developmental disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and other neurological impairments."
Workers with Disabilities Program
"The Governor's Programs to Hire Persons/Veterans with Disabilities consist of two specialized programs. These programs are coordinated efforts to place individuals with disabilities in entry-level State jobs. No initial written or oral examinations are required for appointment. You must however, submit a formal application and a medical evaluation may be necessary for program certification." From New York State Department of Civil Service.
See also the Disabilities category in our Health Guide as well as the Disabilities category in our Ready Reference guide.

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Board of Regents (NY)
New York State Education Department: Board of Regents
New York State Regents Exams
Past Regents Exams, including English Language Arts, Languages Other Than English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

See also the Test Preparation section of our Ready Reference guide.
BOCES - Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Boards of Cooperative Educational Services. From the New York State Education Department.
Colleges & Universities
City University of New York (CUNY)
State University of New York (SUNY)
(For more colleges, please see our Colleges guide.)

TASC / High School Equivalency Tests / NDEP
New York State High School Equivalency (HSE) Office - Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) (formerly New York State GED Testing Office)
"New York State has selected a new high school equivalency test called the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) to replace the General Educational Development (GED) as the primary pathway to a New York State High School Equivalency Diploma effective January 2, 2014. The TASC is a secure, reliable and valid instrument that is used to verify that examinees have knowledge in core content areas equivalent to that of graduating high school seniors. There are five tests in the TASC test Battery: Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics. The tests take approximately nine hours to complete and include a direct writing assessment. To ensure that the content and skills measured by the tests remain closely matched to contemporary high school curriculum, the tests undergo regular review." See also the Test Preparation section of our Ready Reference guide.
The National External Diploma Program (NDEP)
"The Third Pathway to a NYS High School Equivalency Diploma." From the New York State Education Department.
New York State Education Department
Directory of Public and Private Schools in NYS
Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education, New York State Education Department
New York State Education Department Home Page
Information for teachers, students, parents and guardians, and residents of NYS. Includes teaching standards.
New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum (formerly "New York State Learning Standards, Assessment and Resources in Core Subject Areas")
Topics include: Arts, Career Development & Occupational Studies, English Language Arts, Health, Physical Education, Family & Consumer Sciences, Languages Other Than English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Social Studies, and New York State Alternate Assessment Frameworks.
Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES), New York State Education Department
Office of Cultural Education, New York State Education Department
Office of Higher Education, New York State Education Department
Office of Special Education, New York State Education Department
Office of the Professions, New York State Education Department
Office of Teaching Initiatives, New York State Education Department
Teacher certification and more information.
New York City Department of Education
New York City Department of Education
Schools, offices, agencies, programs, news, and more.
Schools - Local (Middletown, NY & surrounding areas)
Click here for schools listed in our Local Information guide
Schools - Statewide (NY)
Directory of School District Websites
From the New York State Education Department.
New York State Center for School Safety (NYSCSS)
"In cooperation and collaboration with the New York State Education Department/Office of Student Support Services, Measurement Incorporated operates the New York State Center for School Safety. The Center offers a statewide professional development and technical assistance center providing direct support to schools and districts in creating and maintaining safe and healthy learning environments for all New York State students."
Schools - Report Cards - Performance of NYS Public Schools:

School Report Cards
Students - Grants, Loans & Financial Aid, Services
Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC)
"The Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) is New York State's higher education student financial aid agency. HESC Administers: New York's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP); 20 State scholarship and loan forgiveness programs; College Access Challenge Grant (CACG) Program; New York's 529 College Savings Program, with the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC); Financial aid outreach programs for students and families."
Scholarships for Academic Excellence
From the State Education Department.
Student Support Services (SSS)
Regional school improvement and community services.

Teachers & Teacher Certification (NY)
New York State Teachers Retirement System
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
"We are dedicated to improving not only our working conditions, but also our professions. We're united in a common commitment to improve the quality of education and healthcare for the people of New York."
Office of Teaching Initiatives
From the New York State Education Department
Office of the Professions

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New York City Board of Elections
New York State Board of Elections
New York State Election Law
Voting in New York State
Voter registration information.

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Emergencies, Natural Disasters,
and Severe Weather Advisories
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
National website
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): New York State
"Region II: Serving New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands."
New York Alert (NYAlert.gov)
"Welcome to the New York State All-Hazards Alert and Notification web-based portal. It is part of New York State's ongoing commitment to provide New Yorkers with information so that they will understand the risks and threats that they may face and know how to respond accordingly. This website contains critical emergency-related information including instructions and recommended protective actions developed in real-time by emergency service personnel. Concurrent with the posting to this website, that same information will be disseminated through various communications systems (e.g. email, cell phones, media outlets) to those who sign up."
New York State Department of Health
News, advisories, and information.
New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (DPC)
"The responsibilities of the Disaster Preparedness Commission (DPC) include: the preparation of State disaster plans; the direction of State disaster operations and coordinating those with local government operations; and the coordination of federal, State and private recovery efforts."
New York State Emergency Management Office
"For more than 50 years, the New York State Office of Emergency Management and its predecessor agencies have been responsible for coordinating the activities of all State agencies to protect New York's communities, the State's economic well-being, and the environment from natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. NYS OEM routinely assists local governments, voluntary organizations, and private industry through a variety of emergency management programs including hazard identification, loss prevention, planning, training, operational response to emergencies, technical support, and disaster recovery assistance."
New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
"Established in 1996, NYC Emergency Management is a coordinating agency for the City of New York. The agency plans and prepares for emergencies, educates the public about preparedness, coordinates emergency response and recovery, and collects and disseminates emergency information."
New York State National Weather Service
Sections include: Hourly (State Weather Roundup), State Forecast, Zone Forecast, Short Term (NOWCASTS), Forecast Discussion, Weather Summary, Public Information, Climate Data, Hydrological Data, Watches, Special Weather Statements, Warnings and Advisories, Fire Weather, Current Observations.
Orange County, New York Government: Emergency Information
Includes a directory of telephone numbers and related information.
Weather.gov: Current Watches, Warnings and Advisories for New York
Issued by the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS)
See also the Fire Departments, Homeland Security and Transportation sections (for travel advisories) as well as our Floods guide.

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and Outdoor Activities
Environmental Protection and Conservation
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Region II
"Region II: Serving New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and 7 Tribal Nations."
New York Nature Explorer: A Gateway to New York's Biodiversity
"Nature Explorer currently contains information on birds, reptiles, amphibians, rare animals, rare plants, and significant natural communities." From the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).
New York State Department of Enviromental Conservation (DEC)
New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation

Outdoor Activities, Recreation, and Sports
Outdoor Recreation
"On this website you will find information about: New York's diverse public lands, including locations, facilities, allowed uses, and special rules; Licenses, permits and rules governing outdoor pursuits in New York; DEC campgrounds, ski center, trails and other special facilities; How-to and safety tips, along with outdoor manners and courtesy." Includes information on fishing and hunting licenses.
From ILoveNY.com (please scroll down each of their page for information):
Outdoor Adventures
Places to Go

See also the Agriculture and Travel and Tourism sections as well as our Environment blog.

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General Information
Amusements & Family Fun
Overview of activities. From ILoveNY.com / New York Department of Economic Development.

Carnegie Hall
Lincoln Center
Madison Square Garden
Metropolitan Opera
Concert information
Radio City Music Hall
Times Union Center - in Albany, NY
Formerly the Pepsi Arena.
West Point (USMA - U.S. Military Academy)
Events information and performances at Eisenhower Hall.

Educational Television/Public Broadcasting
From the New York State Education Department Office of Educational Television & Public Broadcasting.
Educational Television/Public Broadcasting
Public television, public radio stations, news
Television Network Pages
Television network resources from our Entertainment web guide

Show descriptions and schedules, ticket information
Broadway, Theatre, and links to other events
from our Entertainment web guide

See also the arts and culture section

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Fire Departments
New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
New York State Fire Departments
New York State Office of Fire Control and Prevention
Orange County, New York Fire Departments
From the Orange County Government, Division of Fire Services.

See also the Emergencies and Natural Disasters section for more information.

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Government Information
in New York State

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By County
New York State Counties
Direct links to county government web sites
New York State Association of Counties
"The only statewide municipal association representing the interests of close to 5,000 county officials, including legislators, supervisors, county executives, administrators, commissioners and other county employees. Every county in the state is a member of NYSAC."

Local Government
County Government Web Sites
From NY.gov.
Local Government Sites
Government resources local to the Middletown, Walkill, and neighboring areas.
Local Representatives
Representatives local to the Middletown, NY and neighboring areas.

New York City
New York City Green Book Online
"For nearly a century, the Green Book has kept New Yorkers informed about the agencies, offices, boards, and commissions that keep our dynamic City running." PLEASE NOTE: "New York City Green Book Online is currently under reconstruction." Until it returns, please see this link: New York City Agency & Office Officials.
Mayoral and City Agencies
Alphabetical list of NYC government agencies
New York City government information center
New York City Council
"The legislative branch of City government."

New York State Government
New York State Government Home Page
Official New York State government website.
New York State Governor's Home Page
New York State Assembly
New York State Senate

Other New York State Government Agencies / Websites
Attorney General's Office of New York State
Department of State
Directory of Representatives
From the U.S. House of Representatives.
New York State Government Telephone Directory
for New York State government agencies
New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics
"The Joint Commission on Public Ethics ("JCOPE") has replaced the former Commission on Public Integrity pursuant to the Public Integrity Reform Act (L. 2011, ch. 399). We are currently in the process of creating a new website to provide you with additional information."
New York State Office of General Services
"e provide essential services to our state and local partners, as well as the general public. From operating buildings, to construction management, establishing procurement contracts, and conducting tours of the Capitol, OGS is truly a diverse organization."
New York State Office of the Inspector General
"The Inspector General's Office is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that State government, its employees and those who work with the state meet the highest standards of honesty, accountability, and efficiency."
Sunlight New York (Project Sunlight)
"Welcome to Project Sunlight, an online database established in the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011 that provides New Yorkers with unprecedented transparency regarding the appearances made by individuals and entities before the New York State government. You may search the database by keyword to see which individuals and entities, and their representatives, are appearing before state entities and employees."

See also
Open NY
"Governor Cuomo's award-winning initiative of policies, programs and tools that provide public access to digital data for collaboration and analysis."

For more New York Government resources please review other topics in this guide as well as our GovSites guide

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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
New York State & New York City Government Resources
News, efforts, advisories to the public, and more.

Affordable Care Act / Health Insurance in New York State
New York State of Health (The New York Health Benefit Exchange)
"The Official Health Plan Marketplace for New York State." This website offers information for individuals, families, small businesses, and stakeholders.

From NYSoH "An Exchange is an organized marketplace designed to help people shop for and enroll in health insurance coverage. Individuals, families and small businesses will be able to use the Exchange to help them compare commercial insurance options, calculate costs and select coverage online, in person, over the phone or by mail. The Exchange will also help people to check their eligibility for health care programs like Medicaid and sign up for these programs if they are eligible. The Exchange will also be able to tell what type of financial assistance is available to applicants to help them afford health insurance purchased through the Exchange. Insurance coverage can be purchased through the Health Benefit Exchange beginning in October 2013 and will be effective January 1, 2014. Under the federal Affordable Care Act, an Exchange will be operating in every state starting in 2014." From the New York State Department of Health.

Department of Health
Department of Health
The New York State Department of Health website.
See also their Birth, Death, Marriage, & Divorce Records page for Vital Records.
Rules, Regulations, and Laws
New York State health rules, regulations, and laws.
Data and Reports. Topics include: AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer's Disease, Ambulatory Surgery (SPARCS Outpatient) Statistics, Arthritis, Asthma, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Cancer, Cancer Registry, New York State, Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease and Stroke), Child Health Plus, Childhood Lead Poisoning Surveillance, Children with Special Health Care Needs, Chronic Disease, Chronic Disease Prevention: Information for Action Reports, Communicable Disease Statistics, Community Health Assessment Clearinghouse, Community Health Indicator Reports (CHIRS), Congenital Malformations Registry, County Health Assessment Indicators (CHAI), County Health Indicators by Race/Ethnicity (CHIRE), County/ZIP Code Perinatal Data Profile, Cystic Fibrosis, Dental Health, Diabetes, Disability, Drowning Statistics for Incidents at New York State Public Bathing Facilities, Early Invervention Program, Electronic Clinical Laboratory Reporting, Environmental Public Health Tracking, Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE), Flu (Influenza) Activity, Surveillance and Reports, Foodborne Disease Outbreaks in New York State, Heart Disease, Hepatitis Surveillance and Reporting, HIV/AIDS, Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) Rates in New York State Hospitals, Hospital Maternity-Related Procedures and Practices Statistics, Hospital Discharge (SPARCS Inpatient) Statistics, Influenza (Flu) Activity, Surveillance and Reports, Injury Statistics, Lead Poisoning, Leading Causes of Death, Managed Care, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Dashboard, Maternity-Related Procedures and Practices Statistics, Medicaid, Minority Health, Nutrition, Obesity, Occupational Injuries, Open Data, Opioid-Related Data, Oral Health, Pesticide Reporting, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Data and Sources, Rabies, Safe Patient Handling, School-Based Health Centers, Screening Amenable Cancers in New York State, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Statewide Planning & Research Cooperative System (SPARCS - Hospital Discharge Data), Stroke, Statistics Teaching Tools, Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injuries, Tobacco - Reports, Brochures, and Fact Sheets, Tuberculosis, Vision and Eye Health, Vital Statistics, and West Nile Virus.

Other Topics
New York State Attorney General: Health Care Bureau
"The Health Care Bureau safeguards the rights of health care consumers statewide through investigation of and enforcement actions against insurers, providers, drug companies and other individuals and entities that engage in fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or illegal practices in the health care market." Includes a toll-free Help Line for consumers and tips for healthcare consumers.
Department of Labor: Public Employee Safety & Health
Local Departments of Social Services
By county. From New York State Department of Health.
Medicaid Program Information
From the New York State Department of Health.
NAMI New York State - National Alliance on Mental Illness
"NAMI-NYS is the state organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation's largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families." Includes helpline, programs, events, and more.
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
New York Professional Misconduct and Physician Discipline
New York Professional Misconduct and Physician Discipline.
New York State Nursing Homes Profiles
"Use this site for information about nursing homes in New York State and the quality of care they provide. The quality measures data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These quality measures are among the most reliable, but measuring quality is difficult because of the variation among nursing homes in the complexity of residents they care for. Use this information to ask questions of nursing home representatives and health care professionals, as well as family members and friends who may have direct experience with a particular nursing home." From the NYS Dept. of Health.
New York State Office of Mental Health
"The Office of Mental Health (OMH) operates psychiatric centers across the State, and also regulates, certifies and oversees more than 4,500 programs, which are operated by local governments and nonprofit agencies. These programs include various inpatient and outpatient programs, emergency, community support, residential and family care programs."
New York State Physician Profile
"Profiles for all licensed doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy who are registered to practice medicine in New York State."
Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
"New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities and its associated voluntary agencies offer many services to consumers and their families."
Patients' Rights in New York State
Patients' rights, proxy health care, funeral costs, euthanasia, bioethics, Do-Not-Resuscitate, more.

See also:
For more health resources, please visit our Health guide.

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Local History (for Middletown, NY and neighboring areas)
Middletown Thrall Library Local History Department
Collection highlights, digitized local history documents, web guides to other local history and genealogical web sites

State History Resources
New York Heritage
"NewYorkHeritage.org is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and others who are interested in the Empire State's history."
New York State Archives
"The New York State Archives was established in 1971 and opened its doors to the public in 1978. It is a program of the State Education Department, with its main facility located in the Cultural Education Center on Madison Avenue in Albany. There it cares for and provides access to more than 200 million documents that tell the story of New York from the seventeenth century to the present. From its main facility, it also administers statewide programs that reach out to state agencies, local governments and community organizations. Archives staff are located in five regional offices around the State to address the archives and records management concerns of every area of the State."
New York State Archives: Using Documents in the Classroom
Sections include: What is an Archive? (in English or in Spanish); Using Primary Documents in the Classroom (in English or in Spanish); Finding Historical Records in a County Clerk's Office; Finding Historical Records in a History Organization; Finding Historical Records in a Town Clerk's Office; and Teaching with: Audio, Broadsides, Census Records, Maps, Objects, Photographs, Political Cartoons, Video, Written Documents.
New York State Museum Online Exhibitions
Topics include: Contemporary Native American Art; The Shakers; Empire State Plaza at 50; The Family Room at One Liberty Plaza - World Trade Center Site; The World Trade Center: Rescue, Recovery, Response; An Irrepressible Conflict: the Empire State in the Civil War; CANstruction, "Can You Imagine"; Seneca Ray Stoddard: Capturing the Adircondacks; War of 1812; The 1911 Capitol Fire; and Berenice Abbott's Changing New York: A Triumph of Public Art.
NYGenWeb: New York Genealogy and History
Historical and Genealogical Resources from our web guide
See also: Local History: New York State

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Homeland Security
New York State Office of Homeland Security
"The New York State Office of Homeland Security directs and coordinates a comprehensive counter-terrorism and 'all-hazards' prevention, preparedness, and response strategy to protect the people of New York State."
United States Department of Homeland Security
National website with news and information.
See also the Emergencies & Natural Disasters section.

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Housing and Real Estate
Consumer Fraud and Housing Issues
Contact information for issues between tenants and landlords such as rent overcharges and security deposits. Also includes an online "Real Estate Finance Bureau Complaint Form" for Co-ops, Condos, and Homeowners Associations. From the New York State Attorney General's Office.
Land Management: Sales of Surplus State Real Property
"The OGS Bureau of Land Management provides for the offering for sale, either at public auction or by sealed bid, real property that has been determined to be no longer useful or necessary for state purposes. This includes vacant land, residences, and office or commercial buildings." From the Office of General Services (OGS).
New York State Association of Realtors (NYSAR)
"The Albany, NY-based New York State Association of REALTORS is a not-for-profit trade organization representing more than 55,000 of New York State's real estate professionals. The association provides a variety of benefits including legislative and legal representation, educational programs, publications such as the New York State REALTOR and a code of professional standards. The term REALTOR is a registered trademark, which identifies real estate professionals who subscribe to a strict code of ethics as a member of the National Association of REALTORS. These REALTORS are also members of the New York Association of REALTORS as well as their local board or association of REALTORS. The New York State Association of REALTORS was founded in 1905 as the Real Estate Association of New York State, and for a time was better known as the New York State Association of Real Estate Boards."
New York State Department of State, Division of Licensing Services (DLS)
DLS "oversees the licensure, registration, and regulation of 35 occupations throughout the state. DLS licenses over 800,000 individuals and businesses. Through its licensing and business filing capacities the division promotes business growth while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all New Yorkers. The Division is now responsible for the authentication of public documents for use in other countries." Topics include: Nail Salons, Political Consultants, Online Filing for Business Corporations / LLC / Occupational Licenses, Corporation and Business Entity Database Searches, Licensees and Registrant Searches, License Renewals, and Fees and Terms.
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR)
""New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) preserves housing affordability and works with many private, public and nonprofit sector partners to create inclusive, safe, 'green,' and resilient places to live in New York State. HCR is charged with carrying out the Governor's $1 billion HOUSE NY plan and by leveraging New York's federal and state community development resources, creating affordable housing opportunities statewide. HCR programs provide financing to create and preserve multifamily housing; administer programs to improve housing conditions, ensure accessibility, and save energy; provide bonding authority and other resources to facilitate local public improvements and job creation; and help thousands of low- and moderate-income New Yorkers purchase a home.""
New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA)
""HFA's mission is to create and preserve high quality affordable multifamily rental housing that serves communities across the State of New York. HFA offers financing to for-profit and not-for-profit developers to build affordable housing and preserve existing affordable housing, including Mitchell Lama developments."
New York State Housing Information Resources
Sections include: Affordable Housing, Banking and Financial Services, Building a Home, Buying or Selling Property, Home Safety, Homelessness, Housing for Persons with Disabilities, Housing for the Elderly, Renting, Site Development, Volunteering / Community Service (HOUSING).
"NYHousingSearch.gov is a FREE public service provided by New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). NYHousingSearch.gov allows people to locate housing that meets their individual and family needs at a rent they can afford. The fast, easy-to-use, FREE search lets people look for rental housing using a wide variety of criteria and special mapping features. Housing listings display detailed information about each unit. The service also provides links to housing resources and helpful tools for renters such as an affordability calculator, rental checklist, and information about renter rights and responsibilities. Property owners and managers, including housing authorities and private landlords, can use this service to manage their property listings FREE of charge. Listings can include pictures, maps, and information about nearby amenities. Property owners and housing authorities can register and manage listings online or via phone and fax."
Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS)
"The Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS), a division within the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, oversees local assessment administration. The division works directly with county and municipal officials to improve the fairness of property assessments."
Office of Rent Administration
"The Office of Rent Administration is a leading preserver of affordable housing and is responsible for administering rent regulations covering privately owned buildings in many municipalities in New York State. These regulations limit rent increases, require lease renewals, provide for the maintenance of services/repairs, allow for rent increases for apartment and building improvements and prevent harassment and unwarranted evictions."
State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)
"The State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA) provides mortgage programs to assist first-time homebuyers with the purchase of a home in New York State. Our five mortgage programs feature competitive interest rates, low down payment requirements, flexible underwriting guidelines, no prepayment penalties and down payment assistance. Each of these features is designed to make your home purchase more affordable. All SONYMA loans are financed through the sale of tax exempt bonds."
Tenant's Rights Guide
A guide for tenants in NY. Published by the New York State Attorney General's Office. This document is in the PDF format: the Adobe Reader is required to view it.
Tenant Rights, Laws and Protections: New York
Information from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

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Department of Financial Services - Insurance
Sections include: Insurance Companies ("information, applications, filings, forms and other resources for Insurance companies and subsidiaries") and Agents and Brokers ("applications, filings, forms and other resources for Insurance Agents and Insurance Brokers. Topics include: Captive Insurance, Certificates of Insurance Approval, Complaint Response System, Disaster Information, Disciplinary Actions, DMV Insurance Codes and Company Contacts, Fraud Reporting & Information, Insurance Circular Letters, Insurer FAQs, License Request, Medical Indemnity Fund (MIF), Medical Malpractice Insurance, No-Fault Information, Title Insurance Agent Licensing Information, and Wage Bond Information for Nail Salons. Includes insurance information for consumers. You can also search for insurance companies.
See also:

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New York State Employment Services & Information
Topics include: Find a Job, Find a New York State Government Job, Get Unemployment Assistance.
New York State Department of Civil Service
New York State Department of Labor
New York State Labor Statistics
Wages, employment, unemployment, and more.
New York State Job Exchange (NYSJE)
"New York State Department of Labor and Workforce New York provide the tools to find your next job or another job. Whether it is the New York's Job Exchange, job posting sites or the one-stop system; we provide the assistance for your first and future steps."
Employment Laws and Labor Standards
Includes: Wage and Hour Law, Minimum Wage, Working Papers, Child Labor, Licenses, Permits, and Certifications and Registrations
Unemployment Assistance
Includes: How To File, File a Claim, Claim Weekly Benefits, Check Payment History, Reset PIN, Direct Deposit, Direct Payment Card, Hearing Information.

New York State Employee Resource Information Center
From the New York State Governor's Office of Employee Relations.
New York State Worker Compensation Board
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

For more information, such as job listings and career resources see our InterJob Search web guide

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Law in New York State
New York State Bill Search
"You can search for current New York State bills by bill number or by keyword."
New York State Division of Human Rights
New York State Constitution
New York State Court of Appeals
Decisions, news, and other information.
New York State Legislature
New York State Laws
From the New York State Legislature website.
New York State Unified Court System
WebCivil Supreme
"WebCivil provides online access to information about cases in Civil Supreme Court in all 62 counties of New York State. You may search for cases by Index Number or the name of the Plaintiff or Defendant, look up cases by Attorney/Firm name, and view Calendars for each court. With our eTrack case tracking service you can receive email updates and appearance reminders for Civil Supreme Court cases. WebCivil is provided as a FREE public service by the New York State Unified Court System."
For more information please see the New York section in our Law guide

See also New York Government section in this guide

Law Enforcement
Local (Middletown, NY and neighboring areas)
Local law enforcement web sites
From our Local Information guide

New York State Law Enforcement
New York State Department of Correctional Services
Includes inmates lookup/search.
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
New York State Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (OPCA)
New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
"Created as an independent statutory state agency to provide direction to the Governor and the Legislature on statewide domestic violence policy and legislation; to act as an advocate for domestic violence services and victims; to promote and facilitate interagency cooperation among state agencies and interdepartmental cooperation between different levels of government in the state in the delivery and/or funding of services; to promote effective cross-systems' responses to domestic violence through centralized training, technical assistance and policy development and implementation; and to conduct statewide community outreach and public education."
New York State Police
New York State Sex Offenders Registry

For more information please see our Law guide

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Library Items

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Find Your Public Library
Locate public libraries and library systems within NYS. Search engine from the New York State Library.
Library Funding, Laws and Regulations
Statistics, laws, and other information from the New York State Library
Library Trustees Association of New York State (formerly New York State Association of Library Boards)
"The Library Trustees Association of New York State (LTA) was chartered by the Board of Regents over 35 years ago, and is governed by a board of up to 23 members, each of whom is a library trustee representing a library system. In New York State there are 7,000 library and library system trustees who are responsible for governing 755 local and public libraries and 23 library systems with 1,100 facilities."
New York's Libraries Information Network (NYLINE)
Subscribe to this e-mail list for information on "library developments in New York State, news from the New York Library Association, news from the New York State Library; and networking with your colleagues."
New York Library Association
"The New York Library Association (NYLA) was founded in 1890 to lead in the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning, quality of life, and equal opportunity for all New Yorkers."
New York Public Library
"The New York Public Library has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years. Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation's largest public library system, featuring a unique combination of 88 neighborhood branches and four scholarly research centers, bringing together an extraordinary richness of resources and opportunities available to all."
New York State Library
"The New York State Library is part of the Office of Cultural Education, within the New York State Education Department. The Library serves three major constituencies: 1. The Research Library, which was established in 1818, collects, preserves and makes available materials that support State government work. The Library's collections, now numbering over 20 million items, may also be used by other researchers on-site, online and via interlibrary loan. 2. The Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) lends braille and recorded books and magazines, and related equipment to residents of the 55 upstate counties of New York State who are unable to read printed materials because of a visual or physical disability. 3. The Division of Library Development works in partnership with 73 library systems to bring library services to the millions of people who use New York's academic, public, school and special libraries. Library Development also administers State and Federal grant programs that provide aid for library services."
New York State Library: Division of Library Development
"The Division of Library Development is a strong voice for library services at the local, State and Federal levels. Librarians, trustees, public officials and community leaders depend on Library Development to help find new ways of making library services and resources available to people of all ages. In addition to providing statewide leadership and advisory services, the Library Development staff administers over $100 million in State and Federal aid for library services and programs. Library Development makes recommendations on statewide policy and planning to the State Librarian. The Division of Library Development also coordinates: chartering (incorporation) and registration (approval) of public libraries, collection and dissemination of information and data about public libraries and the 73 library systems, statewide family literacy, technology and other library initiatives, and certification (licensing) of public librarians for employment in New York State."
New York State Reading Association
"An affiliate of the International Reading Association comprised of 43 local reading councils having a total membership of over 6,500 educators from across New York State. The organization includes classroom teachers, reading specialists, parents, college educators, and researchers."
Public Library Law in New York State
Includes Library Laws and Regulations in New York State. From the New York Library Association (NYLA).
School Library Systems Association of New York State
"The mission of the School Library Systems Association (SLSA) is to provide support to New York State School Library System Directors by promoting innovative school library media programs and professional growth through mentoring, networking opportunities, advocacy, professional development and consortium pricing. SLSA elevates the impact of school libraries on student achievement by identifying the qualities of excellent library programs and fostering best practices among school librarians -- the teaching of information and critical thinking skills, integrated use of technology for learning, enhanced instructional design, and collection development aligned with school priorities."

For more information on libraries in and beyond New York State please see our Library Resources web guide

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New York State Lottery
Current and past results

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Licensing / Licenses / Permits
New York State - Department of State, Division of Licensing Services
"The New York State Department of State's Division of Licensing Services plays an important role for consumers, occupational licensees, applicants and the business community in New York State. The Division is responsible for the licensure, registration and/or regulation of the following: real estate brokers and salespersons; barber shops and practitioners; appearance enhancement businesses and practitioners (cosmetology, esthetics, natural hair styling, nail specialty, waxing); private investigators; watch guard or patrol agencies; security guards; security and fire alarm installers; hearing aid dispensers; apartment information vendors; apartment sharing agents; real estate appraisers; notaries public; bedding manufacturers and used bedding sellers; armored car carriers and guards; coin processors; home inspectors; telemarketers; athlete agents and central dispatch facilities."
New York State - Department of State's Online Filing System (Formerly OPAL: New York State's Online Permit Assistance and Licensing Website)
"Please note that effective October 3, 2013 the New York State Department of State's Online Filing System has replaced the Online Permit Assistance and Licensing website OPAL for the filing of basic Certificates of Incorporation and Articles of Organization for business corporations and limited liability companies, respectively."
New York State Government: Licenses and Credentials
Licensing information. Includes: Get a New York State Hunting License, Get Your First Driver License, Get a New York State Fishing License, and more (please scroll down their page to see the rest of their licensing topics).
New York State Liquor Authority
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Verification Searches
From the New York State Office of Professions. Search by name, license number (within a profession), permits, pharmacy establishments.

See also: Doing Business in NY.

Looking for driver's licenses instead?

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News & Newspapers
New York Newspaper Databases
Albany Times Union, Buffalo News, The New York Times, New York Post, New York Observer, Syracuse Herald American, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Syracuse Post-Standard. Available to members of Thrall.
The New York Times
Free registration is required to access articles
The Times-Herald Record
Local newspaper for Middletown, NY and neighboring areas

For more information see our News and Weather and Current Interests & Events guides.

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Public Information & Records
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). From New York State, Dept. of State, Committee on Open Government.
New York Public Record.com
"Search New York public records statewide for vital information such as death, birth and marriage certificates with official government websites. Find property information, conduct a business search, verify professional licenses and view other public records available online." Mostly free information with links to NYS government websites and related information. You can also browse by county (e.g. Orange County, NY).
New York State Department of Health: Freedom of Information and Access to Department of Health Records
Sections include: Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Subject Matter List, How to Make a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) Request, Why You Might Be Denied Access, How to Appeal When You've Been Denied Access, FOIL Fee Schedules, Personal Privacy Protection.
Open Data Portal
Includes links to Project Sunlight, Open Budget, Health Data NY, Jobs Express, Build Smart NY, The New NY Bridge, Regional Economic Development Councils, Citizen Connects, and much more. This transparency portal allows the public to access datasets from various agencies and authorities through New York State including liquor licenses, child care regulated programs, recommended fishing rivers, local mental health programs, attorney registrations, licensed nursery growers and greenhouses, real property tax rates by municipality, and many, many more.
A database of public contracts, payrolls, pensions, and expenditures designed so that taxpayers "can share, analyze and compare data from counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts and public authorities throughout New York." Sponsored by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.

See also:
For more information see our News and Weather and Current Interests & Events guides.

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Adult Care Facilities
Directory from the New York State Department of Health
Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance (HIICAP)
"HIICAP, Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program, is the New York State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)."
"A jointly-funded, Federal-State health insurance program for certain low-income and needy people, including children; the aged, blind, and/or disabled; and people eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments."
Medicare in New York State
"Learn about: What is Medicare? Who is Eligible for Medicare? What are Your Medicare Choices? How to Prevent Fraud and Abuse." From the New York State Department of Health.
Official federal government Medicare information center
Medigap Insurance (Medicare Supplement)
Scroll down their page for updates concerning Medigap.
New York City Department for the Aging
"To work for the empowerment, independence, dignity and quality of life of New York City's diverse older adults and for the support of their families through advocacy, education and the coordination and delivery of services."
New York State Office for the Aging
"To help older New Yorkers to be as independent as possible for as long as possible through advocacy, development and delivery of cost-effective policies, programs and services which support and empower the elderly and their families, in partnership with the network of public and private organizations which serve them. "
Orange County, New York Office for the Aging
"Orange County Office for the Aging is committed to meeting the special service needs of Orange County's senior population, their families and friends who care for them. Orange County Office for the Aging offers services, either directly or through sub-contracts, designed to maintain the quality of life of those aged 60 and over."
Senior Citizen Resource Guide
PDF document (view with Adobe Reader). From the New York State Office for the Aging.
Senior Housing Guide
Affordable housing directory, home safety, facts and figures, housing definitions, critical questions
Social Security: New York Region Page
New York information from the Social Security Administration (SSA.gov)

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Social Services
Local DSS Departments
Local Departments of Social Services
DSS office locations and telephone/contact information. Arrange by county. From the New York State Department of Health.
Orange County Department of Social Services
Orange County, New York.
New York City Human Resources Administration: Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS)
"The New York City Human Resources Administration/ Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS) provides temporary help to individuals and families with social service and economic needs to assist them in reaching self-sufficiency."
See also:

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Baseball Hall of Fame
New York Mets Official Web Site
New York Yankees Official Web Site

New York Knicks - NBA
New York Liberty - WNBA

Buffalo Bills
New York Giants
New York Jets

New York Islanders
New York Rangers

For more on college and professional sports please see our Sports web guide

State Emblems
New York State Flag
New York State Information
State bird, flag, motto, song, etc., from the New York State Library
Symbols of New York State
From the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

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New York State Statistical Yearbook
"The Rockefeller Institute of Government, in cooperation with the Office of the Governor and the New York State Division of the Budget, publishes the New York State Statistical Yearbook — a database for researchers in governmental functions such as education, transportation, and finances."

See also:

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For Students
Factmonster: New York State
History, trivia, statistics, and more.
Local History Information
Concerning Middletown, NY, Orange County, and surrounding areas. Images, text, and books.
New York State: Fun and Facts Kid's Room
NYS symbols, history, and culture. From New York State's State Department.
New York State Flag and the Great Seal of the State of New York
Facts from the New York State Library.
New York State Government Home Page
New York State Information and Emblems
Information on the official state animal, beverage, bird, bush, fish, flag, seal, flower, fossil, fruit, gem, insect, motto, muffin, reptile, shell, tree, slogan, song. From the New York State Library.

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New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Home Page
Division of Tax Appeals and Tax Appeals Tribunal
New York State Registered Tax Return Preparers and Facilitators
From New York State.
STAR - School Tax Relief
Straight Talk from the Taxpayer
"This web feature is the public arm of Governor Paterson's Office of Taxpayer Accountability. It allows you - the taxpayer - to submit your own ideas, discuss and comment on other taxpayers' ideas, and vote the best ideas to the top of the list. We are looking for ideas that will save taxpayer dollars, provide property tax relief, and promote government efficiency, performance, accountability and transparency."
Tax Forms

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New York State Office of Technology
New York State Universal Broadband
"This website provides information on the state's efforts to ensure every New Yorker has access to affordable, high-speed broadband services in urban and rural communities from border to border."
New York State Office of Science, Technology & Academic Research

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Departments of Motor Vehicle
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Office in Middletown, New York
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) - New York State
Driver licenses, vehicle registration, and more
Department of Transportation - New York State
Directory of New York State Public Transit Operators
Alphabetical listing.
E-Z Passes
"E-ZPass is an electronic toll collection system, which takes cash, coins and toll tickets out of the toll collection process. Instead, drivers establish an account, prepay tolls and attach a small electronic device to their vehicles." Information for commuters and drivers in New York State.
Formerly Travel Information Gateway. A comprehensive site giving information about all forms of transportation in New York.
Long Island Bus / Nassau County
"Effective January 1, 2012, under a contract with Nassau County, Veolia Transportation has become the operator of Long Island Bus routes and Able-Ride services formerly run by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority continues to work with Nassau County during this transition to ensure a smooth service transfer."
Long Island Rail Road
Metro-North Railroad
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Free commuter services sponsored by the New York State and Connecticut Departments of Transportation.
New York City Transit
New York State Bridge Authority
New York State Thruway Authority
Stewart International Airport
Traffic Safety Committee
See also:

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Travel & Tourism
Local (Hudson Valley, Orange County, neighboring areas)
"511 New York is the free, official one-stop, all-encompassing telephone and Web service offering information on transportation services and conditions throughout New York State. This information is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
Historic Hudson Valley
Travel guide to historic landmarks
Hudson Valley
"Things to do, places to stay," and more.
Rockland County
See also:

New York City
New York City
Travel guide from the New York Times.
NYC: The Official Guide
Travel / visitors guide to New York City. From NYC & Company, "New York City's official marketing, tourism and partnership organization."

"I Love New York"
Official New York State tourism web site.

See also:
Must See New York
Featuring hotels, tourist attractions, maps, restaurants, theaters, tours, parks, parades, festivals, architecture, and more.
New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association (NYSHTA)
"In the Travelers section, visitors can search over 1,000 hotels and accommodations around our great state. Travelers can also request a Travel Map and will be directed to other Web sites, which serve as great resources to assist those in their travels throughout New York."
New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
New York State Travel & Vacation Association (NYSTVA)
"NYSTVA is organized for the purposes of bringing together New York State tourism industry interests to: advocate government policies and programs which will strengthen the industry; to raise the level of professionalism within the industry; to encourage the development of cooperative relationships and partnerships among its members; and to raise consumer awareness and appreciation of travel and vacation opportunities in New York State."

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Vital Records & Statistics
New York State Department of Health - Vital Records
Records / certificates for birth, death, marriage, divorce, and more.
Vital Statistics of New York State
"The New York State Bureau of Vital Records maintains a registry of all births, marriages, divorces/dissolutions of marriage, deaths, induced termination of pregnancy/abortions, and fetal deaths that have occurred in New York State outside of New York City."
New York City Department of Health - Vital Records
New York City - Vital Statistics
New York State Library - Vital Records
Vital Records / Family Records
From the New York State Archives.

See also:

New York Times Obituaries
Notable obituaries 1996 to current
Middletown Thrall Library Obituary Database
Entries from the Times Herald-Record covering currently the years 1986 - 1988 (date range expands as database is updated)
Times Herald-Record Obituaries
Browse or search for recent obituaries and death notices.

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