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GovSites: Government Information Online
Directory of U.S. Government (Local / State / Federal) resources. From Middletown Thrall Library.

Other Resources
Cliffs Notes: American Government
Contact Government by Topic
Topic include: Benefits; Children and Education; Consumer Products and Safety; Fraud, Law Enforcement, and Crime; Government Officials; Government Social Media and Mobile Apps; Health; Home, Community and Work; Military and Veterans; Money and Busiess; and Travel and Transportation. From USA.gov.
Find Government Information or Service by Phone
Using a toll free number, "USA.gov's information specialists can help you locate information on federal agencies, programs, benefits, services, and more."
Foreign Consulates in New York
Foreign Embassies of Washington D.C.
Foreign Government Information
Strategies for locating information from foreign governments and other background information on a country. Includes diplomatic, area, geographic and subject approaches to searching the internet. Also includes a limited number of suggested websites. From Penn State University Libraries.
Government Types
A list of the different types of governments. From CIA's The World Factbook.
Government Watchdog Organizations
Government Web Resources
Topics include: Broad Scope, Official U.S. Executive Branch Web Sites, Other Sources of Federal Government Information, US Politics, International Information and International Organizations. From the Library of Congress.
How to
Guides explain how to find materials related to the legislative process and the U.S. Senate. Includes how to find the Congressional Record, copies of bills, subcommitte membersip rosters, laws, acts or statutes, bill numbers, etc.
Lobbying Registration Database
"It can seem like lobbyists run Washington from behind the scenes. But their work isn't completely opaque. They're required to register with the House and the Senate when they lobby for a new client. Former members of Congress, former congressional staffers and former high-level regulators who now work as lobbyists - the so-called 'revolving door' - are required to disclose their 'covered' former positions. You can use this database to find out who's lobbying on whose behalf - and about what issues." From ProPublica.org. See also their guide to this database.
Local Representatives
For Orange County, NY, Middletown, NY and Town of Wallkill, NY, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senators.
Member States of the United Nations
Includes the address, phone number and website when available. Also UNdata statistics such as maps, Summary Statistics, Economic Indicators, Social Indicators, Environment, and Trade Profile. From the United Nations.
New York State Government Agencies
State, city, county (Orange County, NY), and local (e.g. Middletown, NY & Town of Wallkill, NY) government agency websites.
Parliaments Around the World
"The first multinational report to be published on the Law Library's website in 2016 allows us to consider some fundamental questions underlying the practice of comparative law: who makes the laws, and how are the laws made? The report covers eleven jurisdictions with different legal and constitutional traditions and systems of government." Countries included in this report: Australia, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom. From the Library of Congress.
United Nations
United Nations Multimedia
Includes links to United Nations Photo Library, United Nations Audio Library, United Nations Video Library, and more. From the United Nations.
United Nations Treaty Collection
The White House
Official website of the President of the United States of America and the President's Administration. Includes news, speeches, statements, videos, as well as information on current and past U.S. Vice-Presidents and First Ladies.

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