Black History Month - Exploring African-American History through Books, Websites, and More
Frederick Douglass Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Mae C. Jemison Bessie Coleman President Barack Obama Sojurner Truth

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Black History Month Special Coverage Guide
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Books by or about African Americans
Select Titles in the Library Catalog

Explore biographies, historic accounts, and more in the library system catalog by clicking/tapping on titles below.

Newest titles appear first. For more possibilities, you can also browse African American Authors or Books by Topic.

All Blood Runs Red - Phil Keith Race Against Time - Jerry Mitchell Wilmington's Lie - David Zucchino Black Radical: The Life and Times of William Monroe Trotter - Kerri K. Greenidge A Black Women's History of the United States - Daina Ramey Berry Brothers in Valor: Battlefield Stories of the 89 African Americans Awarded the Medal of Honor - Robert F. Jefferson Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights - Gretchen Sullivan Sorin Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick: Stories from the Harlem Renaissance - Zora Neale Hurston Mighty Justice: My Life in Civil Rights - Dovey Johnson Roundtree Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow - Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The Last Negroes at Harvard: The Class of 1963 and the 18 Young Men Who Changed Harvard Forever - Kent Garrett The Selected Letters of Ralph Ellison - Ralph Ellison Think Black: A Memoir of Sacrifice, Success, and Self-Loathing in Corporate America - Clyde W. Ford Olympic Pride, American Prejudice: The Untold Story of 18 African Americans Who Defied Jim Crow and Adolf Hitler to Compete un the 1936 Berlin Olympics - Deborah Riley Draper Lighting the Fires of Freedom: African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement - Janet Bell Set the World on Fire: Black Nationalist Women and the Global Struggle for Freedom - Keisha N. Blain Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom - David W. Blight For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics - Donna Brazile Black Ink: Literary Legends on the Peril, Power, and Pleasure of Reading and Writing - Stephanie Stokes Oliver Smoketown: The Untold Story of the Other Great Black Renaissance - Mark Whitaker Black Fortunes: The Story of the First Six African Americans Who Escaped Slavery and Became Millionaires -  Shomari Wills Dream a World Anew: The African American Experience and the Shaping of America - Kinshasha Conwill Thunder at the Gates: The Black Civil War Regiments that Redeemed America - Douglas Egerton The Lost Eleven - Denise George and Robert Child Homegoing - Yaa Gyasi My Life, My Love, My Legacy - Coretta Scott King Traveling Soul - Todd Mayfield Pushout - Monique Morris Blood at the Root - Patrick Phillips Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship of Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X - Randy Roberts Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching: A Young Black Man's Education - Mychal Denzel Smith Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race - Jesmyn Ward (editor) The Underground Railroad - Colson Whitehead Writing to Save a Life - John Edgar Wideman Begin with the Past - Mabel Wilson Another Brooklyn - Jacqueline Woodson Alex Haley and the Books that Changed a Nation And Still I Rise: Black America Since MLK Billie Holiday: The Musician and the Myth The Black Calhouns: From Civil War to Civil Rights with One African American Family The Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America A Calculus of Color: The Integration of Baseball's American League Critical Insights: Harlem Renaissance Eye on the Struggle: Ethel Payne, the First Lady of the Black Press Firefight: The Century-long Battle to Integrate New York's Bravest Forgotten: The Untold Story of D-Day's Black Heroes, at Home and at War Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad Michelle Obama: A Life Prince of Darkness: The Untold Story of Jeremiah G. Hamilton, Wall Street's First Black Millionaire Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination that Changed America We Could Not Fail: The First African Americans in the Space Program 1954: The Year Willie Mays and the First Generation of Black Superstars Changed Major League Baseball Forever - - Bill Madden Black Prophetic Fire - Cornel West Black Soldiers of New York State - Anthony Gero Black Stats: African Americans by the Numbers in the Twenty-First Century - Monique W. Morris Brown Girl Dreaming - Jacqueline Woodson Courage Has No Color: The True Story of the Triple Nickles, America's First Black Paratroopers - Tanya Lee Stone Death of a King - Tavis Smiley The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism - Edward E. Baptist The King Years: Historic Moments in the Civil Rights Movement - Taylor Branch Jackie and Campy: The Untold Story of Their Rocky Relationship and the Breaking of Baseball's Color Line - William C. Kashatus North Star Country - Milton Sernett The One: The Life and Music of James Brown - R. J. Smith The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Emancipation - David Brion Davis The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks - Jeanne Theoharis Twenty-two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman - Austin Steward Waking from the Dream - David Chappell Down to the Crossroads - Aram Goudsouzian Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle that Changed a Nation - Jonathan Rieder Ready for a Brand New Beat: How Dancing in the Street Became the Anthem for a Changing America - Mark Kurlansky American Uprising: The Untold Story Of America's Largest Slave Revolt - Daniel Rasmussen Behind the Dream: The Making of the Speech that Transformed a Nation - Clarence B. Jones, Stuart Connelly Burial for a King: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Funeral and the Week that Transformed Atlanta and Rocked the Nation - Rebecca Burns Clamorgans: One Family's History of Race in America - Julie Winch Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present: From the Age of Segregation to the Twenty-first Century - Paul Finkelman Extraordinary, Ordinary People - Condaleezza Rice Fraternity - Diane Brady Harlem Is Nowhere: A Journey to the Mecca of Black America - Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts Harlem the Four Hundred Year History from Dutch Village to Capital of Black America - Jonathan Gill Inherently Unequal: The Betrayal of Equal Rights by the Supreme Court, 1865-1903 - Lawrence Goldstone Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History, 1513-2008 - Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Marshalling Justice: The Early Civil Rights Letters of Thurgood Marshall - Michael G. Long The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family - Peter Firstbrook Reimagining Equality - Anita Hill Sister Citizen - Melissa V. Harris-Perry To Free a Family: the Journey of Mary Walker - Sydney Nathans The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration - Isabel Wilkerson The African American Family Album - Dorothy Hoobler African American Military Heroes - James Haskins African American Teachers - Clinton Cox African American Women Writers - Brenda Scott Wilkinson Alex Haley, Author - David Shirley The American Journey of Barack Obama - Life Books American Roots Music - Robert George-Warren Santelli Angles of Ascent: A Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poetry The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X Black, Blue, and Gray: African Americans in the Civil War - James Haskins Black Artists in Photography - George Sullivan Black Pioneers: An Untold Story - William Loren Katz Coretta Scott - Ntozake Shange Escape From Slavery: the Boyhood of Frederick Douglass in His Own Words - Frederick Douglass Extraordinary People of the Harlem Renaissance - P. Stephen Hardy Freedom Flyers: the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II - J. Todd. Moye The Greatest: Muhammad Ali - Walter Dean Myers Hand in Hand Ten Black Men Who Changed America - Andrea Davis Pinkney, J. Brian Pinkney Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad - David A. Adler I, Too, Sing America: Three Centuries of African-American Poetry Jackie Robinson: American Hero - Sharon Robinson Jesse Jackson: Civil Rights Leader and Politican - Robert E. Jakoubek Joe Louis: Hard Times Man - Randy Roberts Jubilee: the Emergence of African American Culture - Howard Dodson The Life of Langston Hughes - Arnold Rampersad The Last Hero: A Life of Henry Aaron - Howard Bryant Lest We Forget: the Passage From Africa to Slavery and Emancipation - Velma Maia Thomas Like Men of War: Black Troops in the Civil War, 1862-1865 - Noah Andre Trudeau I Have a Dream - Martin Luther King, Jr. Maya Angelou: Author - Miles Shapiro For the Love of the Game: My Story - Michael Jordan Masterpieces of African-American Literature The Norton Anthology of African American Literature Notes of a Native Son - James Baldwin The 100 Best African American Poems - Nikki Giovanni Oprah: A Biography - Kitty Kelley The Oxford Anthology of African-American Poetry The Oxford Companion to African American Literature Pops: A life of Louis Armstrong - Terry Teachout Posing Beauty: African American Images from the 1890s to the Present - Deborah Willis Powerful Words: Excerpts From Famous Speeches and Writings by African Americans - Wade Hudson The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks - Jeanne Theoharis Simple Justice: the History of Brown V. Board of Education - Richard Kluger Sojourner Truth - Connie Roop Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell - Karen DeYoung The Souls of Black Folk - W. E. B. Du Bois Tell All the Children Our Story: Memories and Mementos of Being Young and Black in America - Tonya Bolden Till Victory Is Won: Black Soldiers in the Civil War - Zak Mettger Up From Slavery - Booker T. Washington

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African American Authors   or   Books by Topic.

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African American Authors
Reading Lists & Popular Authors in the Library Catalog

Book Lists & Reading Recommendations

African American Book Lists
Multiple lists of authors, books, and reading recommendations from Goodreads readers. See also their African American Authors list.
Black History: Featured Poets and Poems
"To celebrate Black History Month in February -- and the rich tradition of African American poetry all year long-read essays on literary milestones, important books on the subject, poems about the African American experience by both poets from the past and contemporary poets who continue to pioneer new ground, and more." From the Academy of American Poets.
The Coretta Scott King Book Awards
"The Coretta Scott King Book Awards are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and honors his wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace and world brotherhood."

See also:
Urban Fiction

Popular African American Authors
in the Library Catalog

For even more possibilities, please explore these sections

Books by Title   or   Books by Topic.

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Books by Topic
Select Topics in the Library Catalog

For even more possibilities, please explore these sections

African American Authors   or   Books by Title.

For further assistance in locating these or other topics, please call our Reference Department at (845) 341-5461
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DVDs in the Library Catalog
Woodlawn Get on Up: The James Brown Story Red Tails The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Freedom Summer The Butler Pride and Perseverance: The Story of the Negro Leagues Underground Railroad African American Lives African American Lives 2 Against The Odds the Artists of the Harlem Renaissance Betty & Coretta Citizen King Voices of Civil Rights The Civil War For Love of Liberty the Story of America's Black Patriots 42: The Jackie Robinson Story Glory The March: The Story of the Greatest March in American History More Than a Month Red Tails Roots Roots The Next Generation

For further assistance in locating these or other videos, please call our Reference Department at (845) 341-5461
or use our free Ask a Librarian service to ask us a question.

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& Online Reference Works

* These reference sources and services are available at Middletown Thrall Library.

African-American Culture & History

General Research

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Information on the Web

Select a section:

General Resources & Overviews of African American History

African American Almanac
Part of the Thrall's Virtual Reference Library. Available to members of Middletown Thrall Library.
African American History Month
An extensive guide including educational resources in the following categories: "Teaching Black History Month," "Biographies," "Glossary," "Photographs," "Timelines," "Primary Documents," "Quotes," "Civil Rights Movement E-Course." Additional sections further down the main menu include: "Culture and Conflicts," "Local Events and History," and "Profiles and Personalities." From ThoughtCo.com.
African American History Month.gov
Texts, videos, historical information and more provided by The Library of Congress, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
African-American Mosaic
"A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History & Culture"
African-American Odyssey
From the Library of Congress. Includes images and text. Topics include "African-American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship," "The Frederick Douglass Papers at the Library of Congress," "Jackie Robinson and Other Baseball Highlights, 1860s-1960s," "Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938," and "Slaves and the Courts, 1740-1860."
AFRO-American Newspaper Archive
"The AFRO-American Newspapers, one of the nation's oldest news organizations dedicated to covering the African American community, has created a comprehensive collection of over a million articles that captures the African American experience in business, civil rights, education, health, law, and sports beginning in the late 19th century. Google partnered with the AFRO and helped to digitize the newspaper's historic archives and make them searchable on-line and available to anyone, anywhere in the world."
Biography.com: Celebrate Black History Month
Biographies of African-Americans, a timeline, activities, videos, and more.
Black Culture Connection
From PBS. Described as a "resource and guide to films, stories and voices across public television centered around Black history & culture."
Black History: Online Resources
Includes: The American Image: Portrait of Black Chicago, Black Family Research: Using Records of the Post Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, The Freedmen's Bureau Preservation Project, and more. From the The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Black Oral History
"interviews conducted by Quintard Taylor and his associates, Charles Ramsay and John Dawkins. They interviewed African American pioneers and their descendents throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, from 1972-1974." The Real Audio Player (or compatible media player) required to hear the interviews. From Washington State University.
A collection and directory of sources for six centuries of African American History. Includes an online encyclopedia of people, places, churches, associations and events. From a professor of American History at University of Washington. This a wonderful place to start research or to spend some time browsing.
Culture and Change: Black History in America
From Scholastic. Activities and educational resources for young people, parents, and teachers.
EDSITEment: African American History and Culture in the United States
From the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Encyclopedia Britannica Guide to Black History
Archived website (via Archive.org). View a timeline, explore eras in Black History, access hundreds of full text articles arranged by subject, audio/video clips, and a bibliography. Additional links and a study guide are available at the bottom of their page.
Government Documents: Tuskegee Airmen
Resource guide from University of South Alabama.
History Channel: Black History Month
Articles, pictures, speeches, and more.
In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience
From New York Public Library. Described as followed by NYPL: "In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience presents more than 16,500 pages of texts, 8,300 illustrations, and more than 60 maps. The Web site is organized around thirteen defining migrations that have formed and transformed African America and the nation. Each migration is presented through five units: 1. A narrative; 2. About 100 illustrations, each with caption, and bibliographical, indexing, and ordering information; 3. From twenty to forty research resources consisting of essays, books, book chapters, articles, and manuscripts; 4. Maps; 5. Lesson plans for teachers."
Infoplease Presents: Black History Month
Access information in the following categories: History and Timelines, Contemporary Issues, Special Features (Quotations, Inventors, Harlem Renaissance and more), Holidays, Education, Awards and Firsts, Quizzes & Crosswords
National Museum of African American History and Culture
"The National Museum of African American History and Culture is the only national museum devoted exclusively to the documentation of African American life, history, and culture." From the Smithsonian Institution.
Poems to Celebrate Black History Month
"Poems that explore the African-American experience." From The Poetry Foundation.
Smithsonian: African-American History
Blog posts, historic accounts, and other information shared by the Smithsonian.
U.S. Census: Black History Month
2018 census statistics for African-Americans (voting, income, population, and more). From Census.gov.
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Civil Rights Movement & Leaders

Beyond Dr. King: More Stories of African-American Achievement
Archived website (via Archive.org). "Profiles of less-prominent African American heroes." From the U.S. Department of State: "Help us write this book. We'll post the first chapters here at regular intervals and we ask readers to suggest future chapters we will include in the Living Book."
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
"Focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Our intention is to support a wide range of students (see examples for using in teaching and learning), as well independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S. – and the fights against it. By centering on the experiences and perspectives of African Americans, we hope this collection imbues the study of Black history with a deeper understanding of the humanity of people who have pursued the quest for freedom, and the significance of movements like Black Lives Matter. " From ProQuest.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom - Timelines
Key historic times leading up to the Civil Rights Act. From the Library of Congress and in support of their 2015 exhibit.
Free at Last: The U.S. Civil Rights Movement
Archived website (via Archive.org). "This book recounts how African-American slaves and their descendants struggled to win - both in law and in practice - the civil rights enjoyed by other Americans. It is a story of dignified persistence and struggle, a story that produced great heroes and heroines, and one that ultimately succeeded by forcing Americans to confront squarely the shameful gap between their universal principles of equality and justice and the inequality, injustice, and oppression faced by millions of their fellow citizens." Adobe PDF format. From the U.S. Department of State.
Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement
Overview from Factmonster.com
King Institute Encyclopedia
"Search here for information on over 1000 civil rights movement figures, events and organizations; a chronology of the movement, and full-text documents published online." From The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University
Read and hear various writings and speeches. Audio feeds require Quicktime or the Real audio player (or compatible media player).
Notable Civil Rights Leaders
Brief biographies. From Factmonster.com.
Rosa Parks: How I Fought for Civil Rights
A brief biography from Scholastic.com.
We Shall Overcome
Historical places of the Civil Rights Movement. Click the "List of Sites" to learn more about different historic locations. From the National Parks Service (NPS.gov)
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OpenCourseWare (OCW)

Free Online Lessons + Learning Materials from Univerities

African American History: From Emancipation to the Present
"The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience in the United States from 1863 to the present. Prominent themes include the end of the Civil War and the beginning of Reconstruction; African Americans' urbanization experiences; the development of the modern civil rights movement and its aftermath; and the thought and leadership of Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X." From Yale University.
African-American History: Modern Freedom Struggle
"This course introduces the viewer to African-American history, with particular emphasis on the political thought and protest movements of the period after 1930, focusing on selected individuals who have shaped and been shaped by modern African-American struggles for freedom and justice." From Stanford University.
African American Studies
"This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to important historical, cultural, literary, and political issues concerning African Americans. Through critical readings of literary, artistic, and filmic texts, this course provides an overview of African American experiences from the 17th through mid-20th centuries. Emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding of the historical and cultural experiences of African Americans from the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave Trade through the Civil Rights Movement. To focus our journey, the course begins with a discussion of the discourse of African American Studies as an academic discipline. Students will proceed to examine the process of forced emigration from Africa, chattel slavery in the British Colonies, the formation of African American identity in the 18th and 19th centuries, and struggles for social transformation and resistance by African Americans in the United States." From University of California, Irvine.
Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies
"Interdisciplinary survey of people of African descent that draws on the overlapping approaches of history, literature, anthropology, legal studies, media studies, performance, linguistics, and creative writing. This course connects the experiences of African-Americans and of other American minorities, focusing on social, political, and cultural histories, and on linguistic patterns." From Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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Photographs & Documents

African-American Soldiers in the Civil War
"The American Civil War was one of the first conflicts captured by photographers. In celebration of Black History Month, TIME looks at images of African-American soldiers and their families who played myriad roles in the country's bloodiest conflict."
Africana & Black History
"Several thousand items ranging from historical documents and rare visual materials to contemporary photo-journalism, relating to the entirety of African American history from the 16th century to the present." From New York Public Library (NYPL).
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
"Focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Our intention is to support a wide range of students (see examples for using in teaching and learning), as well independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S. – and the fights against it. By centering on the experiences and perspectives of African Americans, we hope this collection imbues the study of Black history with a deeper understanding of the humanity of people who have pursued the quest for freedom, and the significance of movements like Black Lives Matter. " From ProQuest.
Black History and Culture
"Explore African-American history and culture. Discover thousands of artworks, artifacts and stories from cultural organizations across the United States." From Google.
The Emancipation Proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln, 1863
Online edition and text of this historic document. Provided by the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA).
From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1822-1909
"396 pamphlets from the Rare Book and Special Collections Division, published from 1822 through 1909, by African-American authors and others who wrote about slavery, African colonization, Emancipation, Reconstruction, and related topics." From the Library of Congress' American Memory Exhibit.
Historic Images of African-American Life During the Depression
"Photographs from the Farm Security Administration which collected and kept a record of American life between 1935-1944." From TIME.
Images of 20th Century African American Activists: A Select List
From the Library of Congress.
Library of Congress Collections: African Americans in History
Online exhibits, documents, photographs, and more.
Gladstone Collection of African American Photographs
"The William A. Gladstone Collection of African American Photographs provides almost 350 images showing African Americans and related military and social history. The Civil War era is the primary time period covered, with scattered examples through 1945."
Rosa Parks Papers
"The papers of Rosa Parks (1913-2005) span the years 1866-2006, with the bulk of the material dating from 1955 to 2000. The collection contains approximately 7,500 items in the Manuscript Division, as well as 2,500 photographs in the Prints and Photographs Division. The collection documents many aspects of Parks's private life and public activism on behalf of civil rights for African Americans." From the Library of Congress.
Umbra: Search African American History
"Umbra: Search African American History is a free digital platform that brings together content documenting African American history and culture in order to enable the creation of new works-research projects, scholarship, curricula, art of all kinds-that illuminate parts of our history that have not been enough broadly accessible. Umbra is developed by the Givens Collection of African American Literature at the University of Minnesota Libraries in partnership with Penumbra Theatre Company."
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For Teachers

Black History Month Lessons & Resources
"To help you integrate Black History Month into your classroom, we offer a selection of lesson plans that cover a variety subjects and that can be adapted to fit multiple grade levels." From the National Education Association (NEA).
Black History Month Teaching Resources, Grades 7-12
"Celebrate Black History Month in your classroom this February with 17 lesson plans and resources that cover topics ranging from important civil rights anniversaries to discussions about race in current events. These resources provide authentic student-driven learning experiences that will help all kids understand and honor Black History Month." From PBS NewsHour.
Black History Teaching Resources
From Smithsonian Education.
Civil Rights
"Explore the fight for voting rights as well as the racial history of the United States in sports and schools. Study maps, baseball cards and political cartoons as well as pamphlets, legal documents, poetry, music, and the personal correspondence and oral histories of the famous and the ordinary." From the Library of Congress. See also their From Slavery to Civil Rights website.
Educator Resources
Scroll down their page for the Learning Links section, which includes these downloadable PDF documents for teachers: "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around: Albany, GA," "For Jobs and Freedom: March on Washington,DC," "How Long? Not Long: Selma, AL," "I AM A MAN: Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike" "I Too Am America: Combatting Jim Crow," "Is This America?: Mississippi Freedom Summer Project," "Say It Loud: Black Pride," "Separate Is Not Equal: Brown v. Board," "Slavery and the Culture of Resistance," "Standing Up by Sitting Down and Strategies for Change," "The Children Shall Lead Them: Birmingham, AL," "The Year They Walked: Montgomery Bus Boycott," "A Triumph for Democracy: 1965 Voting Rights Act," "We Are Prepared to Died: Freedom Riders," "We Who Believe In Freedom," and "What Do We Want?: Black Power." From the National Civil Rights Museum.
Teaching and Learning About Martin Luther King Jr. With The New York Times
From The New York Times Learning Network.
Celebrating Black History With The New York Times
See also: OpenCourseWare (OCW)
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For Young Researchers

African-American History Timeline
Key facts and dates. From Factmonster.com.
Black Scientists & Inventors
Names, dates, and inventions. From Factmonster.com
Famous Firsts by African Americans
Names, dates, and achievements. From Factmonster.com.
Notable African-Americans
Brief biographies of scholars, atheletes, entertainers, and more. From Factmonster.com
Reading Rockets: Black History Month
- Topics include: Writers, Illustrators, Storytellers, Children's Books, Activities, People and Eevents, Guides to Black History, Television Programs.
Scholastic: Black History in America
Information, videos, and activities for students, parents, and teachers.
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