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What is a database?

A database contains information. Databases let you search through that information ("data") so you can retrieve specific facts or articles quickly. Databases can cover specific subjects or many different topics.

As a member of our library, you enjoy access to "full text article databases," which contain complete articles as well as abstracts (article summaries) from magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, and other publications.

Specialized encyclopedias, illustrated reference works, educational services, online music, genealogy tools, and much more are available to you for free!

Why use databases?

Databases often contain a higher quality of information than what you might encounter when generally searching the Web. Anyone can publish information online, and you might have no way of knowing if that information is accurate, up-to-date, or free of bias or propaganda.

Databases can help you find better information faster, especially since they contain many "peer-reviewed" articles (meaning that information has been examined by professionals or scholars prior to its publication).

Did you know?

Databases can save you money! Often you will be asked to pay to access an article through a newspaper or journal website. Because Thrall subscribes to numerous databases on your behalf, you can tap into all of that information freely at the library or elsewhere (e.g. at home!) using your Thrall library card!

Some databases are available to all New York State residents through the NYS NOVEL program (www.novelnewyork.org).

Databases also offer powerful search options and often empower you to discover related information within a few clicks. When you're serious about doing research, databases can be tremendously helpful!


Access databases right at Thrall on most of our computers. Members of Thrall can access most of our databases and electronic reference works remotely through our website by clicking the Databases link on our home page and logging in with their library card numbers.


Articles in databases are usually as good as ones in print. Many articles are available as PDFs (Adobe Portable Document Format), which display an article as it was originally printed, along with any photos or illustrations.

If you have an e-mail account, you usually can e-mail copies of articles to yourself for FREE. At the library you can print articles at $ .20 a page.

Many articles include citation information, making it very easy for you to write your "Works Cited" or "Bibliography" page!

For more information and research assistance...

If you would like some assistance in using this database or finding any information, please speak with one of our librarians at the Reference Department or contact us:

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