Not all downloads are safe on the Internet. Downloads from the Web (or from e-mail)
can contain viruses, spyware, or other potentially harmful contents.
Not all downloads on the Internet are free or complete. Some downloads might be demos or
trials and require activation, personal information, payment, or a subscription.
Some downloadable files elsewhere on the Internet may not be legally provided.
Always be mindful of potential
intellectual property issues.
Before downloading
anything from the Internet your computer should
already have updated virus and spyware protection software.
Any download might make various changes - good or bad - to your computer,
or cause your computer to malfunction.
Be sure to review thoroughly all computer system requirements,
instructions, terms of service, disclaimers, and other information
from download providers before proceeding.
Downloading and installation should only be attempted by experienced
users aware of the potential problems and risks.
You should back up your information before attempting to make any changes
to your computer system.
You are entirely responsible for whatever happens to your computer system,
so always proceed with extreme caution and heightened awareness!