Developmental Disabilities Materials
Available in the Children's Department
at Middletown Thrall Library
and Other Libraries in our System

The following books were purchased as part of a grant funded by the New York Disabilities Planning Council in 1996. This online list is merely a sampling of the many books that have become available to us through this grant. The book collection is a combination of materials in the following areas:
Books can be borrowed or requested through interlibrary loan. I appreciate any suggestions for books or audiovisual programs that emphasize develpmental disabilities, because that is the focus of our grant, and our purchases.

Thank you.

The Children's Librarian
(914) 341-5470

Developmental Disabilities Materials

Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Picture Book Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Young Adult Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Developmental Disabilities Materials II

Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Biography Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

Picture Book Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)

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This page was last updated on August 1, 1998.