The following books were purchased as part of a grant funded by the New York Disabilities Planning Council in 1996. This online list is merely a sampling of the many books that have become available to us through this grant. The book collection is a combination of materials in the following areas:
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning Disabilities
- Dyslexia
- Down's Syndrom
- Tourette's Syndrome
Books can be borrowed or requested through interlibrary loan. I appreciate any suggestions for books or audiovisual programs that emphasize develpmental disabilities, because that is the focus of our grant, and our purchases.Thank you.
The Children's Librarian
(914) 341-5470
Developmental Disabilities Materials
Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Active Andy: An Elementary School Child's Guide to Understanding ADHD (DDM J Ber)
- Jumpin' Johnny Get Back to Work: A Child's Guide to ADHD/Hyperactivity (DDM J Gor)
- Slam Dunk: A Young Boy's Struggle with Attention Deficit (DDM J Par)
- When Learning Is Tough: Kids Talk About Learning Disabilities (DDM J Rob)
Picture Book Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Feeling Good!: A Self Esteem Activity Book (DDM JP Bou)
- Face Your Feelings: A Book to Help Children Learn About Feelings (DDM JP Fac)
- Otto-Learns About His Medicine: A Story About Medication for Hyperactive Children (DDM JP Gal)
- Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteen (DDM JP Loo)
- Shelly, the Hyperactive Turtle (DDM JP Mos)
Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Why Johnny Can't Concentrate: Coping with Attention Deficit Problems (DDM J 153.52 Mos)
- Sometimes I Drive My Move Crazy But, I Know She's Crazy About Me: A Self-Esteem Book of ADHD Children (DDM J 158 Sha)
- ADHD in the Schools: Assessment and Intervention Strategies (DDM J 371 Dup)
- School Survival Guide for Kids with LD* (*Learning Differences) (DDM J 371.8 Cum)
- When Your Child Has LD (Learning Differences): A Survival Guide for Parents (DDM J 371.9 Fis)
- ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (DDM J 371.9 Qui)
- Understanding LD (Learning Differences): A Curriculum to Promote LD Awareness, Self-Esteem, and Coping Skills in Students Ages 8-13 (DDM J 371.91 McM)
- Attention Deficit Order in Adults (DDM J 616.85 Wei)
- All Kinds of Minds: A Young Student's Book About Learning Abilities and Learning Disorders (DDM J 618.72 Lev)
- Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete, Authoratative Guide for Parents (DDM J 618.85 Gre)
- My Brother's a World Class Pain: A Sibling's Guide to ADHD (DDM J 618.85 Gor)
- Hyperactive Child, Adolescent, and Adult: Attention Deficit Disorder Through the Lifespan (DDM J 618.85 Wen)
- How to Own and Operate an Attention Deficit Kid: A Booklet for Parents and Teachers; Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Do Not Come with Instructions - and They Should! (DDM J 618.85 Max)
- All About Attention Deficit Disorder (DDM J 618.91 Phe)
- About Attention Deficit Disorder (DDM J 618.92 Abo)
- Parent's Guide to Attention Deficit Disorders (DDM J 618.92 Bai)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment (DDM J 618.92 Bar)
- Management of Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (DDM J 618.92 Bau)
- Primary Care Physicians Desk Reference to the Medical and Medication Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (DDM J 618.92 Bau)
- What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?: ADHD?: A Primer for Parents and Teachers (DDM J 618.92 Bau)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with ADHD Children: Child, Family, and School Interventions (DDM J 618.92 Bau)
- Attention Please!: A Comprehensive Guide for Successfully Parenting Children with Attention Deficit Disorders and Hyperactivity (DDM J 618.92 Chi)
- Medications for Attention Disorders (ADHD/ADD) and Related Medical Problems (Tourette's Syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Seizure Disorders): A Comprehensive Handbook (DDM J 618.92 Cop)
- Maybe You Know My Kid: A Parent's Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Helping Your Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (DDM J 618.92 Fow)
- Getting a Grip on ADD: A Kid's Guide to Understanding and Coping with Attention Disorders (DDM J 618.92 Fra)
- Meeting the ADD Challenge: A Practical Guide for Teachers (DDM J 618.92 Gor)
- Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities: Realities, Myths and Controversial Treatments (DDM J 618.92 Ing)
- Your Hyperactive Child: A Parent's Guide to Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder (DDM J 618.92 Ing)
- Parent's Hyperactivity Handbook for Schools: Helping the Fidgety Child (DDM J 618.92 Pal)
- ADD Hyperactivity Handbook for Schools: Effective Strategies for Identifying and Teaching ADD Students in Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDM J 618.92 Par)
- Cuaderno de Trabajo Para Padres, Maestros y Ninos Sobre El Trastorno de Bajo Nivel de Tencion (ADD) o Hiperactividad (DDM J 618.92 Par)
- ADD Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers and Kids (DDM J 618.92 Phe)
- Putting on the Brakes: Young People's Guide to Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (DDM J 618.92 Qui)
- How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children: Practical Techniques, Strategies and Interventions for Helping Children with Attention Problems and Hyperactivity (DDM J 618.92 Rie)
- Dr. Larry Silver's Advice to Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities (DDM J 618.92 Sil)
- Helping Your Hyperactive/Attention Deficit Child (DDM J 618.92 Tay)
- Understanding Learning Disabilities: A Parent Guide and Workbook (DDM H 618.92 Und)
- If Your Child Is Hyperactive, Inattentive, Impulsive, Distractible: Helping the ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Hyperactive Child (DDM J 649.1 Gar)
- The Hyperactive Child Book: A Pediatrician, A Child Psychologist, and a Mother Team Up to Offer the Most Practical Up to Date Guide in Treating, Educating, and Living with Your ADHD Child (DDM J 649.15 Ken)
- ADHD/Hyperactivity: A Consumer's Guide for Parents and Teachers (DDM J 649.153 Gor)
Young Adult Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- I Would If I Could: A Teenager's Guide to ADHD/Hyperactivity (DDM YA 318.92 Gor)
- Survival Guide for Teenagers with LD (Learning Differences) (DDM YA 363.3 Cum)
- Unlocking Potential: College and Other Choices for Learning Disabled People: A Step by Step Guide (DDM YA 371.9 Sch)
Developmental Disabilities Materials II
Non-Fiction Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Playing the Crucial Role in Your Child's Development (Video) (DDM2 J 155.4 Pla)
- Be a Friend: Children Who Live with HIV Speak (DDM2 J 362.19 BeA)
- Hand, Heart, and Mind: The Story of the Education of America's Deaf People (DDM2 J 371.91 Wal)
- Handtalk: An ABC of Finger Spelling and Sign Language (DDM2 J 419 Cha)
- Signing for Kids (DDM2 J 419 Flo)
- Teenagers with ADD: A Parent's Guide (DDM2 J 618.85 Den)
- What Do You Mean I Have Attention Deficit Disorder> (DDM2 J 618.92 Dwy)
- Uncommon Fathers: Reflections on Raising a Child with a Disability (DDM2 J 649.15 Unc)
- Discovering the Magic of Reading: Elizabeth's Story (Video) (DDM2 J 797.1 Dis)
Biography Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind (DDM2 JB Braille)
- Hellen Keller (DDM2 JB Keller)
Picture Book Titles (Call numbers in parentheses)
- Book About Me (Braille ed.) (DDM2 JP Boo)
- Alex, the Kid with AIDS (DDM2 JP Gir)
- The Caterpillar (Braille ed.) (DDM2 JP Wri)
- Something Special (Braille ed.) (DDM2 JP Wri)
This page was last updated on August 1, 1998.