To Minisink Valley Central School District Residents of the following townships: Greenville; Minisink; Mount Hope (outside of the Pine Bush Central School District); Wawayanda (outside of the Goshen & Middletown School Districts)
The Board of Trustees of Middletown Thrall Library voted on November 21, 2002, to decertify the results of a public referendum held on October 8, 2002. That referendum would have expanded the tax district for public library services to include your area. However, the elected officials in the four townships challenged the results of the referendum, and refused to levy and collect the taxes for the proposed library district expansion. Discussions to try and resolve the impasse with town officials failed, leaving costly and lengthy court action as the only option. The library district could not afford the costs of such legal action, nor the impact on the library district's budget from not receiving the tax support for your area.
As a result of this decision, you have not been eligible for borrowing or program privileges at any area public libraries since January 1, 2003.
This step is necessary because Middletown Thrall Library and other area public libraries have received no funding for providing services to your geographic area since July 1, 2002 - and will not in the future due to the decision of the elected officials in the four townships. Currently, over 90% of the Middletown Thrall Library budget comes from tax support from the residents of the existing library district. Due to that support, the library Board of Trustees cannot be expected to provide free services to areas outside of the current chartered service area. Existing NYS Education laws only permit public libraries to provide services to residents of areas that are either providing tax support, or have contracts with a regional library system for service.
You should contact your town officials to determine what provision they have made for your library services in the future.