Local History

News & Acquisitions

Additions to the Local History Collection

November 2011

New Englanders in the 1600s by Martin E. Hollick. (N 016.929 HOL)
Lost Towns of the Hudson Valley by Wesley Gottlock. (N974.73 GOT)
Laura Woodward: The Artist Behind the Innovator Who Developed Palm Beach by Deborah C. Pollack.(N759.13 WOO)
Dutch New York: The Roots of Hudson Valley Culture edited by Roger Panetta. (N974.702 DUT)
Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families by William T. Davis (N929.109 DAV)
Hudson River Valley Farms by Joanne Michaels. (N630.9747 MIC)
Images of America: Around Crawford by Fritz G. Meier. (N974.731 MEI)
America's First River: The History and Culture of the Hudson River Valley. (N 974.73 AME)
Warwick Historical Papers by Terry Hann. (N974.731 WAR v.3 & v.4)
Orange County Jury Lists, v.1, 1798-1825 compiled by Kenneth A. Dunning. (N 929.37 ORA)
Sullivan County: A Bicentennial History in Images by John Conway (N974.735 CON)
The Tappan Zee Bridge and The Forging of the Rockland Suburb by Roger Panetta (N974.728 PAN)
Town of Deerpark by Norma Schadt. (N FIC Schadt)
Lasting Legacies of the Lower Minisink by Nancy M. Shukaitis. (N974.9 SHU)
So Many Brave Men: A History of the Battle at Minisink Ford by Mark Hendrickson.(N973.335 HEN)
Remembering the Sullivan County Catskills by John Conway. (N974.735 CON)
Images of America: Village of Montgomery by Robert L. Williams et als. (N974.731 WIL)
Jane Colden: America's First Woman Botanist by Paula Ivaska Robbins. (N B Colden)
Diners of New York by Michael Engle and Mario Monti. (N 647.95747 ENG)
A History of Hoffman Lodge No. 412 F & AM by Alfred H. Denninger (N 974.73 DEN)
Memoirs & Reminiscences Together with Sketches of the Early History of Sussex County, NJ by Rev. Casper Schaeffer. (N974.976 SCH)
History of Delaware County, NY. (N 974.7 HIS)
History of Greene County, NY. (N 974.737 HIS)
Westchester Patriarchs: A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester County New York Families Prior to 1755 by Norman Davis. (N929.3747 DAV)
Images of America: Middletown & Unionville Railroad by Douglas Barberio. (N 385.3 BAR)
Lost Arrowheads and Broken Pottery by Edward J. Lenik. (N 970 LEN)
The Complete Book of Emigrants (4v) by Peter Wilson Coldham (N929.373 COL)
Landscape Gardens on the Hudson: A History by Robert M. Toole. (N 712.097 TOO)
More Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775 by Peter Wilson Coldham. (N 929.373 COL)
Women of the Catskills by Richard Heppner. (N 974.738 HEP)
George Washington's Westchester Gamble by Richard Borkow. (N 974.703 BOR)
Slavery, Antislavery and the Underground Railroad: A Dutchess County Guide. (N 973.71 SLA)
Rural Life in the Hudson River Valley 1880-1920 by Stanley H. Benham. (N 974.733 BEN)
Waldorf-in-the-Catskills: The Grossinger Legend by Harold J. Taub. (N 917.47 TAU)
The Last Muster: Images of the Revolutionary War Generation by Maureen Taylor. (N 973.3 TAY)
A Guide to Massachusetts Cemeteries by David Allen Lambert. (N 929.5 LAM)
New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (3v). by Clarence Almon Torrey. (N 929.374 TOR)
Center Cabs & Kitchens: Double Cab Locomotives of the NY, O & W Railway by Malcolm H. Houck. (N 385.314 HOU)
Bicentennial Book of the First Presbyterian Church of Hamptonburgh, Campbell Hall, NY. (N 285.131 BIC)
Town of Hamptonburgh Bicentennial Quilt Booklet. (N 974.7951 TOW)
Remembering the NY O & W Railway: Oswego to Sidney & Branches by John Taibi. (N 385.54 TAI)
Uptown-Downtown Horsecars-Trolley Cars: Urban Transportation in Kingston, NY, 1866-1930 by Glendon L. Moffett (N 388.46 MOF)
Where Did the Tracks Go in the Catskills?: Mountain Railroads of NYS (vol. 4) by Michael Kudish (N 634.9 KUD)
A Catskill Catalog by Bill Birns. (N 974.735 BIR)
A Collection of Upwards of 30,000 Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French & Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 by Daniel Rupp. (N 929.3 RUP)

October 2009

A Birding Guide to Sullivan County,NY by John H. Haas ( N 598.07 HAA)
A History of Delaware County, New York by Tim Duerden (N 974.7 DUE)
Adirondack: Of Indians and Mountains, 1535-1838 by Stephen B. Sulavik (N 974.75 SUL)
Another Day, Another Dollar: the Civilian Conservation Corps in the Catskills (N 333.76 GAL)
Bashakill Wetlands: A Field Guide (N 599.09 BAS)
Catskill Mountain Bluestone by Alf Evers and others (N 557.47 EVE)
Circleville Volunteer Fire Company 1947-1997: Proudly Serving Our Community for Fifty Years (N 974.73 CIR)
Circleville Volunteer Fire Company: One Quarter Century of Community Service, 1947-1972 (N 974.73 CIR)
DAR Patriot Index 3v. (N 929.373 DAR)
Days Gone By: A History in Pictures, Town of Warwick, NY 1827-1945 Compiled by Sue Gardner & others (N 974.731 DAY)
Denning's Point: A Hudson River History by Jim Heron (N 974.73 HER)
Favorite Recipes of the Women of First Presbyterian Church, Middletown, NY (N 641.5 FAV)
Fond Memories: Northern Sullivan County, NY, Its History and Lore by Shirley T. Fulton (N 974.735 FUL)
Food, Drink & Celebrations of the Hudson Valley Dutch by Peter G. Rose (N 394.1 ROS)
Gems on the Hudson: The Grand Views by Terry Talley (N 917.472 TAL)
Genealogical & Biographical Directory to Persons in New Netherland from 1613 to 1674. 4v. & supp. (N929.2 RIK)
Growing Up Haunted: A Ghostly Memoir by Alexandra Holzer (N 133.8092 HOL)
Hail Matamoras: Matamoras, Pennsylvania 1905-2005 (N 974.8 MAT)
Hell on the East River: British Prison Ships in the American Revolution by Larry Lowenthal (N 974.72 LOW)
Historic Photos of West Point by Eugene J. Palka (N355.007)
Hudson Valley Haunts: Historic Driving Tours by Linda Zimmermann (N 133.1 ZIM)
Hudson Valley Ruins by Thomas E. Rinaldi (N 974.734 RIN )
Hudson Valley Voyage Through the Seasons, Through the Years by Reed Sparling (N 974.73 SPA)
Images of America: Around Orange Lake by Patricia A. Favata (N 974.731 FAV)
Images of America: Goshen by Edward P. Connor (N 974.7950 CON )
Images of America: Hudson River Bridges by Kathryn W. Burke (N 974.73 BUR)
Images of America: Mamakating by Monika A. Roosa (N 974.735 ROO)
Images of America: Middletown Revisited by Marvin H. Cohen (N 974.731 COH)
Images of America: Mount Hope & Otisville by Nancie Craig (N 974.7317 CRA)
Loomis: The Man, The Sanitarium, and the Search for the Cure by John Conway (N 974.7 CON)
New York's Historic Armories by Nancy L. Todd (N 355.75 TOD)
One Hundred Years on Resort Ridge by John M. Ham (N 974.737 HAM)
Orange County Bounty: A Collaborative Effort by Orange County Chefs, Artists and Farmers...(N 641.5 ORA)
Our Town: Historic Port Jervis by Daniel J. Dwyer and Peter Osborne (N 974.731 DWY)
Pine Bush Phenomenon by Vincent Polise (N 001.942 POL)
Rails Along the East Branch: the Delaware & Northern Railroad by John M. Ham (N 385.2 HAM)
Rhinecliff: A Hudson River History by Cynthia O. Philip (N 974.733 PHI)
Riverine: An Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers (N 810.8 RIV)
Runway in Sight by June Simpson (N 629.13 SIM)
Saving Sterling Forest: The Epic Struggle to Preserve New York's Highlands by Ann Botshon (N333.7516 BOT)
Seeking Ghosts in the Warwick Valley: 60 Personal Accounts by Donna Reis (N 133.1 REI) The Dutchess County Fair by Molly Ahearn (N 630.74 AHE)
The Heart of the Catskills by Bob Steuding (N 917.47 STE)
The Proud and the Brave: A 150 Year History of the Middletown Fire Department (N 974.7312 COH)
The Railroad Switching Terminal at Maybrook, NY: Gateway to the East by Mark Newman (N 385 NEW)
Then & Now: Port Jervis by Matthew M. Osterberg & Betsy Krakowiak (N 974.731 OST)
Town of Greenville: The Land and its People by Harold Ray Decker (N 974.731 DEC)
Travels of Peter Kalm: Finnish-Swedish Naturalist, Through Colonial North America, 1748-1751 (N917 ROB)
Tuxedo Park: the Historic Houses by the Tuxedo Historical Society (N 974.7311 TUX)
Yama Farms: A Most Unusual Catskill Resort by Harold Harris (N 974.7 HAR)

January 2006

A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors by Franklin Carter Smith and Emily Anne Croom (N 929.1089 SMI)
An Enchanted Land: the Shawangunk Mountains by John E. Winkler (N 974.7 WIN)
Ancestors of Orange County, New York by D. G. Van Curen (N 929.374 VAN)
As Minisink Turns...50, June 30,1955...June 30, 2005; The History of Minisink Valley Central School (N 371 AS)
Catskill Mountain House Trail Guide by Robert A. Gildersleeve (N 917.47 GIL)
Caudebec in France and England by Elwyn L. Simons (N929 SIM)
Cornwall to Burnside (N 385.314 BAR)
Death Passage on the Hudson: The Wreck of the Henry Clay by Kris A. Hansen (N 386.4 HAN)
Defending the Hudson in the American Revolution by Lincoln Diamant (N 973.33 DIA)
Genealogical Data From Colonial New York Newspapers, compiled by Kenneth Scott (N 929.3747 GEN)
Grand Old Stations & Steam Locomotives of the Ulster & Delaware by John M. Ham and Robert K. Bucenec (N 385.2 HAM)
Gravestone Inscriptions of Ulster County, v. 1-4, compiled in 1924 by Lila James Roney (N 929.5 RON)
Guide to the Delaware & Hudson Canal by David G. Barber (N 974.73 BAR)
Historic Hudson: An Architectural Portrait by Byrne Fone (N 974.739 FON)
I Grew Up On A Farm by Alan K. Lewis (N JP LEW)
Images of America: Milford to the Minisink Valley by Mickley, Susan Titus (N 974.8 MIC)
Images of America: Newburgh, The Heart of the City by Patricia Favata(N 974.7311 FAV)
Images of America: Sussex County by Wayne T. McCabe (N 974.976 MCC)
Images of America: The Delaware & Hudson Canal & the Gravity Railroad by Matthew M. Osterberg (N 386 OST)
Images of America: Vernon Township by Ronald Dupont (N974.976 DUP)
Kaaterskill Clove: Where Nature Met Art by Raymond Beecher (N 974.737 BEE)
Old Stone Walls: Catskill Land and Lore by Norman J. Van Valkenburgh (N 396.2 VAN)
One and Two Room Schoolhouses of the Tri-Valley School District by Agnes R. Kortright (N 371.6 KOR)
Shawangunk Place-Names by Marc B. Fried (N 974.734 FRI)
The Catskill Park: Inside the Blue Line by Norman J. Van Valkenburgh and Christopher W. Olney (N 974.738 VAN)
The Hieronimus Weller Family in America by R. H. Weller (N 929.2 WEL)
The New York, Ontario & Western Railway's Middletown Branch: Part One
The Record of Two Centuries, 1804-2004: A Compilation of Two Books; Warwick Reformed Church, Warwick, NY (N 285 REC)
The Records of the Sparrowbush Pine Hill Cemetery, Sparrowbush, New York, 1856-2003 (N 929.374 REC)
The World With A Fence Around It: Tuxedo Park- The Early Days by George M. Rushmore ( N 974.7311 RUS)
Van Keulen/Van Keuren/Van Kuren/ Van Curen, A Family History by D. G. Van Curen (N 929.2 VAN)
Vital Records of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Walden, Orange County, New York 1793-1906 (N 285.732 VIT)

Past Additions to the Local History Collection:

100 Years (April 26, 1899-April 26, 1999), Orange County Golf Club (N796.352 Orange)
1878-1965; v.2 The Records of the George M. Holt Funeral Home Including Purdy &McKenzie 1864-1953. N 929.5 REC
1901-2001 Middletown Thrall Library Commemorative Centennial Journal (N974.731 MID)
A Guide to the New York Ontario & Western Railway's Southern Division: Cornwall to Liberty by Charles M. Breiner &William E. Scott. N 385.314 BRE
A Guide to the New York Ontario &Western Railway's Monticello, Port Jervis &Kingston Division, by Charles M. Breiner, and William E. Scott. N 385.314 BRE
A Hill, a Branch, and the Pecksport Loop by J. Taibi, O&W Railway Historical Society (N385.314 TAI)
A Hudson Valley Reader: Writings from the 17th Century to the Present, edited by B. Marranca (N974.73 HUD)
Blooming Grove, Orange County, NY 1865 Census &Related Area Obituaries compiled by Robert W. Brennan. N 317.47 BLO
Bridging the Hudson: the Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge and Its Connecting Rail Lines, by Carleton Mabee. N 385.0974 MAB
Burials at Brick Church Cemetery Rockland County, New York, 1774-1994. N 929.5 BUR
Cameradoi Sing to Me: Poems Inspired by Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain (N811.5 CAM)
Chester Presbyterian Church by H. Predmore (N285.1 PRE)
Collage by Jonathan Talbot (N702.812 TAL)
Collections of the New York Historical Society 1891, Muster Rolls of New York Provincial Troops 1755-1764. N 974.702 MUS
Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Middletown Lodge #1097 Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, 1908-1983 N 974.731 COM
Damascus Manor by A.V. Tyler (N974.823 TYL)
Dear Sister: The Civil War Letters of the Brothers Gould by R.F. Harris (N973.781 PEA)
Diamond Jubilee, 1914-1989, Otterkill Engine Company No. 1, 75 Years Serving Hamptonburgh. N 974.7951 DIA
Dutch Schultz &His Lost Catskills' Treasure by J. Conway (N B Schultz)
Early Deeds &Documents of the Minisink Region, compiled by T.H. Satter (N929.3747 SAT)
Erie Railroad Trackside with Robert F. Collins by Larry DeYoung (N385 ERIE)
Families of Bergen County, New Jersey, by Frances Westervelt. N 974.212 WES
Fire Towers of the Catskills by M. Podskoch (N634.9 POD)
Florida, New York, Orange County: An Early Look at its Faces, Places, and Winding Staircases by The Florida Historical Society, 2002. N 974.7 FLO
Folk Medicine of the Delaware &Related Algonkian Indians by G. Tantaquidgeon (N9740.004 TAN)
From Scranton to Cadosia along the New York O&W Railway Co. by S. A. Marder (N385.314 MAR)
From Sunset to Cock's Crow: Woodstock &Catskill Mountain Folklore, Witchcraft &Herbal Lore by N. Shultis (N398.2 SHU)
Genealogical History of Black Families of Orange County, New York by R.W. Brennan (N929 BRE)
Genealogical Society of Rockland County Funeral Home Records Series, 2002: v.1 The Records of the A.W. Dutcher's Sons Funeral Home
Genealogies of New Jersey Families, 2 vol. (N929.3749 GEN)
Geology of New York: A Simplified Account. 2d ed. NYS Museum N 557.47 GEO
Ghosts, Haunted Hudson Valley and More Haunted Hudson Valley by Linda Zimmermann (N133.1 ZIM)
Gleanings from Rockland History, 4 pamphlets (N974.728 HIS)
Goshen Rotary History and Goshen Rotary, 1928-1978. N 974.7950 GOS
Guide to the Archives of Orange &Rockland Counties and the Towns of Ramapo &Warwick (N974.73 GUI)
High Point State Park and the Civilian Conservation Corps, by Peter Osborne. N 974.976 OSB
Historic Catskill by J.V.V. Vedder (N974.737 VED)
Historical & Genealogical Miscellany: Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of NY & NJ. 5 volumes N 929.3749 STI
History of Wayne County, PA by P.G. Goodrich (N974.73 GOO)
Horse Farms & Homesteads in Old Orange County by Robert C. Eurich. N 974.731 EUR
Images of America: Middletown by Marvin H. Cohen N 974.731 COH
Images of America: Newburgh by K. Barrett (N974.7311 BAR)
Images of America: Port Jervis by Matthew M. Osterberg. N 974.731 OST
Meet Your Chester: A Handbook, sponsored by St. Paul's Church (N270 BAK)
Memories of Pop and the Ontario &Western Railway by Clyde R. Conrow;
Monroe, NY Bicentennial Showcase: 1776-1976 (N974.73 BIC)
Mountain Top &Valley: Green County Folk Arts Today by F. Horne (N974.737 HOR)
New York's Hudson: America's Valley, by Ted Spiegel. N 974.73 SPI
New York State Probate Records: A Genealogist's Guide to Testate &Intestate Records, by Gordon L. Remington N 929.3 REM
New York State Towns, Villages, and Cities: A Guide to Genealogical Sources, by Gordon L. Remington. N 929.3 REM
Newburgh in the American Revolution by Albert Gedney Barratt N 974.7311 BAR
Old Gravestones of Dutchess County, New York (N929.509 POU)
Old Gravestones of Ulster County, New York (N929.574 POU)
Once upon a Memory: The Upper Delaware, 3 vol (N974.9 ONCE)
Orange County Comprehensive Plan: Strategies for Quality Communities in the 21st Century. N 974.731 ORA
Orange County Gets a College by S.M. Morrison (N974.731 MOR)
Pierce's Register. N 973.34 U.S.
Records of the Laurel Grove Cemetery, Port Jervis, NY, 1864-2000 N 929.3747 REC
Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants Awarded by State Governments by Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck. N 333.16 BOC
Rockland County New York in the 1790s by J.M. Haley (N974.728 HAL)
Songs and Sketches of the First Clearwater Crew, compiled and edited by Don McLean. N 784.49 McL
St. Mary's in Tuxedo by D. Crofut (N283.747 CRO)
The Archaeology of the Tocks Island Area by H.C. Craft (N970.4497 KRA)
The Battle of Fort Montgomery: A Short History by Jan Sheldon Conley. N 974.731 CON
The Canaller's Songbook, by William Hullfish. N 784.49 HUL
The Catskill Forest, A History by M. Kudish (N333.78 KUD)
The Catskills in Vintage Postcards by I. Richman (N974.7 RIC)
The Chardavoynes in America by G.Corwin &V. Chardavoyne Corwin (N929.2 COR)
The Diary of Kitsey Horton Lain, 1884 (N B LAIN)
The First 50 Years Keepsake Journal of O.C.C.C. (N974.731 FIR)
The Great Migration Newsletter v1-5 1990-1994; v6-10, 1997-2001 N 929.3 AND
The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635. v.2 C-F N 929.3 AND
The Hudson Valley: Our Heritage, Our Future by the Poughkeepsie Journal (N974 HUD)
The March of the New Windsor Militia to the Defense of Ft. Montgomery, Oct. 6,1777, by Louis V. Mills. N 974.731 MIL
The Minisink Site by H.C.Kraft (N974.976 KRA)
The Palisades, a Surprising Wilderness (N917.47 PAL)
The Shawangunk Mountains: A History of Nature and Man by Bradley Snyder N 974.73 SNY
The West Point Foundry &the Parrott Gun by C.R. Isleib (N672.209 ISL)
The Winding Delaware by P. DeNio (N973.0074 PEN)
Thomas Cornell and the Cornell Steamboat Company, by Stuart Murray. N 386.2 MUR
Train Control on the New York Ontario &Western Railway by Robert E. Mohowski N 385.314 CON
Tuxedo Park by Jennet Conant. N B Loomis
We Can Take It! The Roosevelt Tree Army at New Jersey's High Point State Park 1933-1941, by Peter Osborne. N 974.976 OSB

Local History Image Search

Our image search currently contains hundreds of images portraying local area interests and persons over nearly two hundred years. These images are from our Digital History Initiative, which contains online editions of rare local history texts. The image database will continue to expand.

Click here for the search engine.

Photographs from the Historical Society

Middletown Thrall Library has been permitted by Historical Society of Middletown and the Wallkill Precinct, Inc. to digitize part of their extensive photographic collection and make them available on the Internet and on computer in the library. These images highlight notable features in and around the City of Middletown, including schools, buildings, businesses, places of worship, streets, trains and train stations. Class photos and a variety of personalities also populate this vivid exhibit. You may access these photographs at http://www.thrall.org/photos. The library has presented to the historical society a CD-ROM containing images digitized for this project.

Obituary Database Online

Middletown Thrall Library has created an obituary database which you may search. To access the database please click here. For more information or assistance please call 341-5483.

Additions to the Local History Collection

10,000 Vital Records of Central New York 1813-1850 by Fred Q. Bowman
10,000 Vital Records of Easter New York 1777-1834 by Fred Q. Bowman
10,000 Vital Records of Western New York 1809-1850 by Fred Q. Bowman
A Family History, Eddy Farm by Frank D. Patterson II
Caudebec in America by William Louis Cuddeback
Ellenville Days and Ways by Dorothy H. Sanderson
Genealogical and Family History of Southern New York and the Hudson River Valley. 3 vols. 1913 ed.
Genealogies of Pennsylvannia Families. 3 vols. (From the Pennsylvannia Genealogical Magazine).
History of Minisink Township by Doris E. COle
Hulce/Hulse Genealogy. 3 vols.
Illustrated Guide to Hudson River Fishes by James M. Haynes and Norman J. Frisch
Images of America: Montgomery, New York by Robert L. Williams
Jewish Farmers of the Catskills: A Century of Survival by Abraham D. Lavender &Clarence B. Steinberg
Mapes Genealogy. 3 vols. by Joseph Boyle, et al
Old Burying Grounds Within Harriman &Bear Mountain State Parks by Marjorie Smeltzer-Stevenot
Pine Hill Cemetery/Families by Bob Brennan
Preserving the Railroad Heritage of the Catskill Mountains; Ulster &Delaware Railroad (A Commemorative Brochure) Empire State Railway Museum, Inc.
Shandaken, New York, A pictorial History by Lonnie &Ruth Gale
Shawangunk: Adventure, Exploration, History and Epiphany from a Mountain Wilderness by Marc B. Fried
The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635 (vol. I A-B) by Anderson, Sanborn &Sanborn
The Hudson Valley Dutch &Their Houses by Harrison Meeske
The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the Living River by Stanne, Panetta &Forist
The King's Men on Command: A Compilation of the New Jersey Loyalist Volunteers in the American Revolution by Theodore V. Brush
The Minisink: A chronicle of one of America's first and last frontiers by Bertland, Valence &Woodling
The Mountains Look Down: A History of Chichester, A Company Town in the Catskills by Reginald Bennett
The Riverkeepers by John Cronin and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Story of the River Road: Life along the Delaware from Bushkill to Milford, Pike County, PA by William F. Henn
The Underground Railroad in Orange County, N.Y.: The Silent Rebellion by Roger A. King
The Village of Monroe: The Celebration of a Century by Cornelia Bush et al.
Wallkill, Orange County, New York. Volume One (Vital Statistics 1881-1913, Census 1900, Area Obituaries)
Warwick Historical Papers. 2 vols. Historical Society of the Town of Warwick, Orange County, New York
Wawayanda, Our Town (In Celebration of Its 150th Year Nov. 27, 1849 - Nov. 27, 1999) by Elaine Flynn et al.

The League of Women Voters

In June, 2000, the League of Women Voters of Orange County donated videos, scrapbooks, pamphlets and other materials pertaining to their organization, to the library's Local History collection.

Additions to the Local History Collection

American Marriage Records Before 1699. Edited &compiled by William Montgomery Clemens N 929.373 CLE
Borscht Belt Bungalows: Memories of Catskill Summers by Irwin Richman N 974.738 RIC
Catskill Culture: A Mountain Rat's Memories of the Great Jewish Resort Area by Phil BrownN 974.738 BRO
Commemorative Biogaphic Record of Ulster County, New York N 974.734 COM
Corridor through the Mountains by Richard J. Koke N 355.309 KOK
Descendants of Thomas Powell of Bethpage, Long Isand, 1688 by Mary Powell Bunker N 974.721 BUN
Doodletown: Hiking through History in a Vanished Hamlet on the Hudson by Elizabeth Stalter N 974.728 STA
Earliest English Deeds of Ulster County, NY.V.I-V.III, 1685-1710 - Transcribed in condensed form from Dead Books in the County Clerk's Office, Kingston, NY by Louise Hasbrouck Zimm. N 929.3 ZIM
Genealogical and Family History of Southern New York and the Hudson River Valley, 3 vol. N 929.2 GEN
Genealogical Dictionary of New England, 4 vol. N 929.1 SAV
Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany from 1630 to 1800 by Jonathan Person N 929.2 PEA
A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack N 929.1 CAR
Geology of New York - SUNY, SED, Educational Leaflet No. 28 N 557.47 GEO
Gravestone Inscriptions of Sullivan County Cemeteries - Copied and edited by Gertrude A. Barber, 1949. N 929.5 SUL
The Great Historic Families of Scotland by James Taylor N 929.2 TAY
Guide to Genealogical &Biographical Sources for New York City (Manhattan), 1783-1898 N 016.9747 BAI
The Hidden Half of the Family: A Sourcebook for Women's Genealogy by Christina Schaefer N 929.1 SCH
History of Orange County Libraries by Orange Library Association. N 974.7 ORA
The Hudson River Waterway Guide by Ian Giddy N 917.473 GID
List of Freemen of Massachusetts, 1630-1691 by Lucius R. Paige. N 929.374 PAI
A Long Haul: The Story of the New York State Barge Canal by Michele A. McFee N 386.4 McF
Lower Hudson Conference History Keepers' Companion: Guide to Sites and Sources of the Lower Hudson Valley &Wester Connecticut N 917.473 HIS
My Heart Goes Home: A Hudson Valley Memoir by Thomas Sweet Lossing
New York Marriages Previous to 1784 N 989.3747 NEW
New York State Canals: A Short History by F. Daniel Larkin N 386.4 LAR
Night Siege: Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, 2nd Ed. by Hynek, Imgrogno &Pratt N 001.942 HYN
The Pioneers of Quarry Hill, Rio, Orange County, New York by Maurice L. Patterson N 974.731 PAT
Pleasure Grounds: Andrew Jackson Downing and Montgomery Place N 712.092 DOW
Slave Genealogy: A Research Guide with Case Studies by David H. Streets N 929.1 STR
The World of William &John Crabtree of Montgomery, NY by Robert Williams N 929.2 WIL
Years and the People: Album of the Catskill Foothills by William Winters N 917.47 WIN

Digital History Initiative Update:

Historic Post Cards - These historic post cards represent architectural structures central to Middletown's rich heritage and illustrate, without words, the evolution of a small town from a quaint development to cultural epicenter. * Please click here to begin viewing "Post Cards"

The original souvenir post cards are available in the Local History department at the library.

Digital History Initiative Update:
"Middletown Thrall Library, 1901-1996: A Historical Study of a Small City Public Library" offers rare insight into one of Middletown's most important social, cultural and educational institutions: the library. This comprehensive work covers nearly a century of the library's evolution, from its beginnings to the new Thrall Library on Depot Street. Click here to begin reading this work.

Digital History Initiative Update:
"Middletown: A Retrospect of the Years" is an illustrated introduction to the history of Middletown, New York. This work is now completely accessible through our website for the benefit of local students and teachers, patrons, and our Internet visitors. Please click here to begin reading "Middletown: A Retrospect of the Years."

Digital History Initiative Update:
"Middletown Firsts" is our latest Digital History document to come online, thanks in part to Peter Laskaris of the Middletown Historical Society, who gave us permission to make this information available to our patrons and all those interested in the history of Middletown, New York. To access this work, please click here.

Middletown Thrall Library has recently published "Documenting the Agricultural Records of the Black Dirt Region." This documentation project was funded in part by a grant from the New York State Archives Documentary Heritage Program, 1997 - 98. You may read the report, in its entirety, at our website at http://www.thrall.org/blackdirt. A copy of the report is also available at the library in Local History.


Middletown: A Photographic History, by Peter A. Laskaris

[cover] Click here to access the complete illustrated volume.


Middletown Thrall Library has received a grant from the New York State Documentary Heritage Program, which is part of the New York State Archives and Records Administration, for the 1997/1998 year. The library will receive $5,235, to continue with a survey of the farming operations and agricultural organizations of the unique black dirt area of Orange County, New York, to locate appropriate records for collection and preservation, and to produce a finding aid to the records. This is the second year that the library has received a grant from the Documentary Heritage Program.

The project director is Gail Myker, Local History Librarian at Middletown Thrall Library. The project archivist is Christopher Gratzel, Assistant Archivist at Westchester County Archives and Records Center, and the project consultant is Frances Sodrick, Pine Island Historian and Deputy Historian for the town of Warwick.

For more information, please call the Local History Librarian at 341-5483.

[OC Onions] Click here to view a local brochure associated with this project.

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