January 8, 2025

I.  Attendance/Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Wyman, called the roll 

Ms. Marlena Lange, President
Ms. Evelyn Ortega, Vice President
Mrs. Tonia Crown, Financial Officer (Arrived at 5:10pm)
Mrs. Susan Wyman, Secretary
Ms. Fran Amelio
Mr. Joseph Ruyack
Mr. Matthew Pfisterer, Director 


Diane Swenson and Nareen Russell

II.  Agenda
A.  Roll Call            G.  Financial Officer's Report
B.  Minutes              H.  Committee Report 
C.  Visitor Comments     I.  Old Business
D.  Correspondence       J.  New Business
E.  President's Report   K.  Adjournment
F.  Director's Report			 

III. Discussion and Recommendation	

A.  Ms. Marlena Lange, called the meeting at 5:06pm. 

B. Minutes      
Mrs. Wyman moved for the adoption of the regular December, 2024 minutes. 
Ms. Ortega seconded.   
Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack -5 
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-6) 

C.  Visitor Comments/Staff Report
Ms. Roxanne Adams – Executive Session

D. Correspondence 

E. President's Report  

F. Director's Report 
(A copy of the Director's Report sent to each Board member is attached to the official 
minutes.) Mr. Pfisterer also spoke about receiving the grant for Youth Programming
from Senator Skoufis. He also reminded the Board about the yearly NYS Mandated Sexual
Training and the Library Experience Committee meeting scheduled before the February 12, 2025 meeting. 

G. Financial Officer's Report:
Ms. Amelio moved that the regular monthly disbursements for December, 2024 in the
amount of $349,018.05 having been audited by Susan Wyman and found to be correct, be
approved. Ms. Ortega seconded. 

Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Crown, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack - 6
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-7) 

H. Committee Report
Building & Grounds: The front door mechanical opener has been replaced, and the
control buttons have been serviced.  All mechanisms are now operational. 

Our exterminating contractor has notified us that we are not experiencing any
infestation problems at this time. 

The Board will vote on the purchase of new furniture for the Staff Break Room during
the February 12, 2025 meeting. 

The 2025 Trustee Appointment was tabled. 

Ms. Amelio moved to accept the following 2025 Slate of Officers:
Ms. Marlena Lange, President
Ms. Evelyn Ortega, Vice President
Mrs. Tonia Crown, Financial Officer
Mrs. Susan Wyman, Secretary
Mr. Ruyack seconded.  

Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Crown, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack - 6
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-8) 

Ms. Amelio moved to go into Executive Session, with Mrs. Roxanne Adams, at 5:29pm
to discuss the employment history of a particular individual.  Ms. Ortega seconded. 

Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Crown, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack - 6
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-9) 

Exited Executive Session at 5:51pm

I.   Old Business
2025 Library Trustee Training 

J.  New Business   

Mrs. Wyman moved to Change Bylaws Article VII, section 2: 
Amendments to these by-laws may be made by the majority vote of the Board at a regular
or special meeting. The proposed amendment must be sent via e-mail or certified mail to
each Trustee 10 days prior the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.

Trustees will designate an official e-mail address for library correspondence at the
annual reorganizational meeting. Ms. Ortega seconded. 

Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Crown, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack - 6
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-10) 

K.  Adjournment

Ms. Amelio moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:05pm. Ms. Ortega seconded.	   

Ayes: Lange, Ortega, Crown, Wyman, Amelio, Ruyack - 6
Noes: None
Motion declared approved. (01/8/25-11) 

Respectfully Submitted, 
Susan Wyman, Secretary	 


(01/8/25-1)	Designated Middletown Times Herald Record Digital Edition official newspaper 
(01/8/25-2)	Designated Orange Bank and Trust as official bank
(01/8/25-3)	Appointment of JBG Law & Alex Smith as Library Council 
(01/8/25-4)	Appointment of Nugent and Haeussler as Financial Audit Firm
(01/8/25-5)	Adjournment
(01/8/25-6)	Approval of adoption of the minutes for the December, 2024 minutes
(01/8/25-7)	Approved monthly disbursement for December, 2024
(01/8/25-8)	Approved 2025 Slate of Officers
(01/8/25-9) Executive Session
(01/8/25-10) Approval to Change Bylaws Article VII, section 2
(01/8/25-11) Adjournment