MINUTES OF THE MEETING THRALL PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT OF MIDDLETOWN AND WALLKILL BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 10, 2024 I. Attendance/Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Milburn, called the roll Present Ms. Marlena Lange, President Ms. Shelley Milburn, Secretary Bishop Robert Smith Ms. Evelyn Ortega (Arrived at 4:33pm) Mrs. Susan Wyman Mr. Matthew Pfisterer, Director Absent Ms. Fran Amelio, Vice President (Excused) Mrs. Tonia Crown, Financial Officer (Excused) Visitors None II. Agenda A. Roll Call G. Financial Officer's Report B. Minutes H. Committee Report C. Visitor Comments I. Old Business D. Correspondence J. New Business E. President's Report K. Adjournment F. Director's Report III. Discussion and Recommendation A. Ms. Marlena Lange, called the meeting at 4:30pm. B. Minutes Mrs. Wyman moved for the adoption of the May 8, 2024 regular monthly meeting minutes. Bishop Smith seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman - 4 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-37) C. Visitor Comments/Staff Report Tracy Barretta, Principal Account Clerk, was present to answer any questions the Board had in regards to the Proposed 2025 Preliminary Budget. D. Correspondence Ms. Lange read a letter of resignation from Board of Trustee, Shelley Milburn, who will be stepping down at the end of 2024. E. President's Report Ms. Lange spoke about the nomination of Carl S. Berkowitz for a seat on the RCLS Board of Trustees Orange County Representative. To be voted on under new business. F. Director's Report (A copy of the Director's Report sent to each Board member is attached to the official minutes.) Mr. Pfisterer also distributed the Draft for the 2025 Budget worksheet. He also spoke about the 2025 grant from Senator Skoufis for the Youth Department, as well as, thanked the Friends of Middletown Library for their continued support. He also spoke about the 2025 Board of Trustee election. G. Financial Officer's Report Ms. Lange moved that the regular monthly disbursements for May, 2024 in the amount of $123,868.83 having been audited by Francis Amelio and found to be correct, be approved. Mrs. Wyman seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman -4 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-38) Ms. Lange moved that the regular monthly disbursements for June, 2024 in the amount of $112,484.19 having been audited by Susan Wyman and found to be correct, be approved. Ms. Milburn seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman, Ortega -5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-39) H. Committee Report Building & Grounds: I have received two cost estimates from our architectural contactor for roof work. The first is a cost estimate for a restoration of the existing roof and the second is an estimate for a replacement of the existing roof. A meeting is scheduled with our attorney to discuss financing options for our roof and HVAC projects. Following an incident where I encountered squirrels in the ceiling woodwork of the Board area, I contacted our roofing contractor. Upon inspection additional possible entry points were identified and sealed. Following the repair we have not encountered any squirrels in the Board room or heard any squirrel activity in the attic. Public computers in the Adult Reference section of the library will be replaced in the coming months. Funding for the project was allocated in the 2024 budget. The public computers were last replaced more than five years ago through a generous grant from the Friends of Middletown Thrall Library. Our exterminating contractor has notified us that we are not experiencing any infestation problems at this time. Roof Architectural Proposal to be discussed and voted on in Executive Session. I. Old Business 2024 Library Trustee Training. J. New Business Ms. Lange moved: Whereas, the adoption for the 2025 budget for the Thrall Public Library District of Middletown and Wallkill requires a tax levy increase that exceeds the tax cap imposed by state law as outlined in General Municipal Law Section 3-c adopted in 2011; and Whereas, General Municipal Law Section 3-c expressly permits the library board to override the tax levy limit by a resolution approved by a voted of sixty percent of qualified board members; now therefore be it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Thrall Public Library District of Middletown and Wallkill voted and approved to exceed the tax levy limit for 2025 by at least the sixty percent of the board of trustees as required by state law on July 10, 2024. Mrs.Wyman seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman-4 Noes: Ortega -1 Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-40) Bishop Smith moved to accept the Library's Preliminary 2025 Budget. Mrs. Wyman seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman-4 Noes: Ortega -1 Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-41) Ms. Lange moved for the nomination of Carl S. Berkowitz for a seat on the RCLS Board of Trustees Orange County Representative. Ms. Milburn seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman -4 Noes: Ortega -1 Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-42) Mrs. Wyman moved to go into Executive Session at 5:07pm to discuss contracts. Bishop Smith seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman, Ortega -5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-43) Exited Executive Session at 5:36pm. Bishop Smith moved to accept the 2024-2027 Long Range Plan. Mrs Wyman seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman, Ortega -5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-44) Mrs. Wyman moved to certify the results of the online email LAN Roof Architectural Proposal. Bishop Smith seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman, Ortega -5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-45) Also discussed was the Library Security Camera Policy. K. Adjournment Ms. Milburn moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:49pm. Mrs. Wyman seconded. Ayes: Lange, Smith, Milburn, Wyman, Ortega -5 Noes: None Motion declared approved. (07/10/24-46) Respectfully Submitted, Shelley Milburn, Secretary TABLE OF MOTIONS (01/10/24-1) Designated Middletown Times Herald Record Digital Edition official newspaper (01/10/24-2) Designated Orange Bank and Trust as official bank. (01/10/24-3) Appointment of JBG Law as the HR Personnel Library Attorney & Alex Smith as the Library's General Attorney (01/10/24-4) Designation of Financial Audit Firm (01/10/24-5) Adjournment (01/10/24-6) Approval of adoption of the December, 2023 minutes (01/10/24-7) Approved monthly disbursement for October, 2023 (01/10/24-8) Approved monthly disbursement for November, 2023 (01/10/24-9) Approved monthly disbursement for December, 2023 (01/10/24-10) Discussion of HVAC construction project. (01/10/24-11) Adjournment (02/14/24-12) Approval of adoption of the January, 2024 Organizational Minutes (02/14/24-13) Approval of adoption of the January, 2024 regular minutes (02/14/24-14) Approved motion to proceed with HVAC bid process (02/14/24-15) Adjournment (03/13/24-16) Approval of adoption of the February, 2024 regular minutes (03/13/24-17) Approved monthly disbursement for January, 2024 (03/13/24-18) Approved monthly disbursement for February, 2024 (03/13/24-19) Approval of the 2023 NYS Annual Report (03/13/24/20) Executive Session (03/13/24-21) Adjournment (04/10/24-22) Approval of adoption of the March, 2024 minutes (04/10/24-23) Approved monthly disbursement for March, 2024 (04/10/24-24) Approval to continue "Fine Free" through 2024 (04/10/24-25) Approval of 2025 Budget and Trustee Vote Timeline (04/10/24-26) Executive Session (04/10/24-27) Approval of HVAC Phase One opening bids (04/10/24-28) Approval of roof scan (04/10/24/29) Approval of overhanging roof (04/10/24-30) Adjournment (05/08/24-31) Approval of adoption of the April, 2024 regular minutes (05/08/24-32) Executive Session (05/08/24-33) Approved monthly disbursement for April, 2024 (05/08/24-34) Approval to purchase three enhanced literacy program computers with the NYS Bullet Aide Grant (05/08/24-35) Executive Session (05/08/24-36) Adjournment No June 2024 Meeting (07/10/24-37) Approval of adoption of the May, 2024 regular minutes (07/10/24-38) Approved monthly disbursement for May, 2024 (07/10/24-39) Approved monthly disbursement for June, 2024 (07/10/24-40) NYS Tax Cap Override (07/10/24-41) Acceptance of the Library's Preliminary 2025 Budget (07/10/24-42) Nomination of Carl S. Berkowitz for Seat on RCLS Board (07/10/24-43) Executive Session (07/10/24-44) Approval of the 2024-2027 Long Range Plan (07/10/24-45) Approval of the LAN Roof Architectural Proposal (07/10/24-46) Adjournment