Searching the Internet Quiz

Answer all questions by clicking on the button next to the answer under each question. Questions without answers will be scored as incorrect. You may review the Searching the Internet course materials at any time (this link will open up another window, which you can close when done to return here).

  1. What best describes the Internet?
    The Internet is the creation of webmasters.
    The Internet represents all computers worldwide.
    The Internet is where all information is stored.
    The Internet is a network of networks.

  2. How is the Internet organized?
    It is organized alphabetically.
    It is organized chronologically.
    It is organized according to the Dewey Decimal System.
    It is not organized.

  3. What best defines a web page?
    A page of information viewable a web browser.
    A page that contains an image of a spider web.
    A page that contains images.
    A page of information not on the Internet.

  4. What best describes web guides and directories?
    They contain text and images in web pages.
    They allow you to see everything on the Internet.
    They contain hyperlinks to other web sites.
    They allow you to access information in search engines.

  5. Search engines help us to...
    Find only factual information.
    Find other web sites.
    Use the best possible keywords.
    Find a specific computer on the Internet.

  6. What part of the search engine automatically travels around the web looking for new web pages?
    None of the above

  7. A "good" search engine is one that produces...
    Highly intelligent results based on what you meant.
    Highly accurate results based on what you want.
    Only the most current results available.
    Highly relevant results based on your keywords.

  8. Which is true when searching?
    Spelling keywords correctly.
    Being as specific as possible.
    Understanding what it is you want to find.
    All of the above.

  9. Why is it important to evaluate information?
    Information could be inaccurate.
    Information could be old and obsolete.
    Information could contain bias or lies.
    All of the above.

  10. How do you evaluate information?
    By going with your intution.
    By checking to see if a web page contains spelling errors.
    By assuming everything is untruthful until otherwise proved.
    By being aware and asking questions.

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