Sections include: Holocaust Basics (Pictures, Glossary, Timeline of the Holocaust, Holocaust Remembrance Day - Yom Hashoah, Why We Should Remember), The Camps, Ghettos, The Victims, Persecution, Resistance, Nazis, Museums & Memorials, Book & Movie Reviews, Related Articles.
Includes news, a Virtual Musem, Websites and Bibliography, Publications (e.g. Citizens - "a book teaching about response to hate crimes and discrimination by Mike Hatch, Attorney General, State of Minnesota" - PDF format: view with the Adobe Reader).
Includes informative histories of past genocides, a list of at risk countries, reports on preventing genocide, and links to other organizations and websites.
News, articles, and more. "Genocide Watch exists to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder. We seek to raise awareness and influence public policy concerning potential and actual genocide. Our purpose is to build an international movement to prevent and stop genocide."
Sections include: Defining Human Rights, International Information, News, Government (Federal, New York), Organizations, Publications, Regional Information, Resource Collections, Search Engines.
"The Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide acts as a catalyst within the UN system and more broadly within the international community, in order to alert to the potential of genocide in a particular country or region, to make recommendations towards preventing or halting it, and in order to open up space for partners to undertake preventive action in accordance with their mandates and responsibilities under international law."
From Google: "In honor of the UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we’re partnering with Yad Vashem, the Jerusalem-based center for remembering the Holocaust's victims and survivors, to bring their collections of photographs and documents to the web."
Includes maps and satellite images, past and current research projects (Darfur, Cambodia, Rwanda, East Timor, the Holocaust, Bosnia), Databases (Cambodian Genocide Data Bases, Yale East Timor Project Databases, Sanford Guatemalan Genocide Databases, Conflict and Genocide in Former Yugoslavia, 1991-1995).