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Entertainment Information Guide
Copyright © 1999 - Present Middletown Thrall Library

Entertainment Resources
in the Library

Databases & Virtual Reference Titles
The following databases are available at Middletown Thrall Library.

Members of Thrall can also access most of these at home:

Arts and Humanities Through the Eras
Dance, Fashion, Literature, Music, Theater, Visual Arts. Available to members of Thrall.
Biography Databases
Research famous/historical persons/celebrities, recording artists, entertainers, and others. Available to members of Thrall.
Eyewitness Companion: Film
Described by the publisher as "a visual road map to the best cinema has to offer."
VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever
Described by the publisher as "The Complete Guide to Movies on VHS, DVD, and Hi-Def Formats."

You can use the biography databases to read up on your favorite movie stars and film directors.

Please click here to browse other databases available at Thrall.

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Middletown Thrall Library offers a variety of popular movies, musicals, comedy, music performances, documentaries, educational programs and more on DVD and VHS.

Conveniently located near the entrance of the library, our DVD and VHS collections can be browsed.

Please click here to browse famous films in the library catalog.

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Entertainment in the Library Catalog
Information on the lives and careers of entertainers (movie stars, celebrities, comedians, and others) can often be found in the Biography section of the library.

Our biography/autobiography collections are arranged alphabetically according to a person's last name. Biography books exist in regular print, large print, audio CD, and eAudio books.

In addition to biographies, here are some entertainment topics you can browse in the library catalog:


Please click here to browse famous persons in the library system catalog.

Explore Films in the Library System
Topics, Famous Films, & More

Please scroll down or select a section:

Genres & Topics,   Actors, Actresses, & Filmmakers,   Famous Film Titles

Browse Videos by Film Genre or Topic

Please click one any of the following words, names, or titles
to browse related films throughout the library system:

Please note: some libraries do not allow certain videos to be requested.

Browse Videos by Names of Famous
Actors, Actresses, Filmmakers

Browse Famous Film Titles

For more information...

If you need help finding anything, please speak with our reference librarians contact the Reference Department.

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Entertainment Reference Works
at Middletown Thrall Library
The following titles are just some of the many reference works available at Thrall's Reference Department.

Below every title is a "call number," which tells you where each book is located on our reference shelves:
75 Years of the Oscars
791.4307 OSB
Broadway: An Encyclopedia
792.0973 BLO
Cinema Year by Year
791.43 CIN
The Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons
791.4334 LEN
Encyclopedia of Film
791.4303 SCH
The Encyclopedia of Novels into Film
791.436 TIB
Encyclopedia of Television
791.45 ENC
International Encyclopedia of Dance
792.6203 INT
Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide
791.4303 LEO
Music Encyclopedias
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance
792.03 OXF
Sports Encyclopedias
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
973.9 ENC
The Standard Guide to Collecting Autographs
929.8807 BAK

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Entertainment on the Web

Biographies & Autobiographies
The Biography Channel
Biography Databases
Research famous/historical persons/celebrities, recording artists, entertainers, and others. Available to members of Thrall.
Infoplease: Arts and Entertainment Biographies
Includes: Actors, Architects, Artists, Bands, Comedians, Composers, Conductors, Dancers and Choreographers, Fashion Designers and Models, Filmmakers, Instrumentalists, Journalists, Musicians, Opera, Performers, Photographers, Poets, Producers, Radio and Television Personalities, Screenwriters, Singers, Writers.

Celebrities in the News
Access Hollywood
Celebrity news, photos, and videos.
The British Monarchy
E! Online: Celebrity News
Celebrity news and photographs.
Hollywood.com: Celebrities
Videos, photos, style, and news.
IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Celebrity News
MSN Entertainment: Celebrity News and Gossip

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Comedy & Comedians
Comedy Central
Stand-up comedians, satire, humor. Also the home of shows such as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report.
Comedy Films
Examines different styles of comedy (slapstick, deadpan, verbal, screwball, black/dark, parody/spoof, satire, lampoon, farce) and lists key classic and contemporary comedy movie titles. From Filmsite.org.
The Onion
A satirical newspaper filled with hilarious, fake, news stories, and headlines.
Political Humor
Politcal cartoons, jokes, and news. From About.com.
Top Comedy Movies of All Time
From the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). See also IMDB's current Popular Comedy Feature Films list (http://www.imdb.com/genre/comedy).

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Comics, Comic Books, & Cartoons
Big Cartoon Database
"An in-depth directory of your favorite cartoon classics & animated films. A searchable dataBase of cartoon information, animated guides, cartoon character and crew Lists; everything from Disney cartoons to adult cartoons."
Comic-Con International Convention
Comic Books, Manga, and Graphic Novels
News, information for collectors.
Popular comics by category
Comics Online
DC Comics
Comic strip online
GoComics.com: Comic Strips & Editorial Cartoons
King Features Syndicate Comics
Marvel Comics
New York Times: Cartoons
New York Times: Comics and Comic Books / Strips News
Political Humor
Daily/weekly cartoons featured at About.com
A library comic strip

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Family Fun & Activities
Disney FamilyFun
"Crafts, activities, recipes, and other ideas for kids and parents."
Family Fun and Teen Activities
Games, camping, parties, and more. From About.com.
Family Fun Craft Projects and Activity Ideas
From About.com.
Free Coloring Books from World-Class Libraries and Museums
A directory of free downloadable/printable adult coloring books (PDFs) offered by The Met, New York Public Library, Smithsonian, and others as part of the #ColorOurCollections week in February. Directory provided by OpenCulture.com. See also OpenCulture's 2016 listing and Twitter's #ColorOurCollections feed.
Funology: The Science of Having Fun
Family-friendly games and activities. Includes: Boredom Busters, Wacky Facts, Magic Tricks, Yummy Recipes, and Weird Science.
Nick Jr.
"Preschool kids games, preschool activities, and lesson plans."
Parents.com: Family Fun
Family vacation planning, games, birthdays, parties, indoor/outdoor activities, and more.

See also:

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Game Shows
Popular Game Shows on TV
Family Feud
The Price Is Right
Wheel of Fortune
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

Other Information
About.com: A Closer Look at Game Shows New and Old

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Local Entertainment & Events
Orange County & Hudson Valley
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Current and upcoming concerts and performances. Bethel, NY.
The Chance Theater
"Hudson Valley's premier music venue." News on upcoming concerts. Poughkeepsie, NY.
City of Middletown, NY: Calendar of Events
Community Calendars
Middletown, NY and other local area community events.
Eisenhower Hall Theatre
Hudson Valley Music
Local bands, artists, music performances.
Local Culture, Events, and Tourism
For Orange County, NY and the greater Hudson Valley.
Middletown BID (Business Improvement District): Calendar of Events
Summer concerts and other public events.
Movie Theaters
AMC, Destinta, Downing Film Center (Newburgh, NY), Middletown Cinemas, and more theaters in or nearby Middletown, NY.
Newburgh Chamber Music
"The Newburgh Chamber Music series presents concerts of the highest caliber with a varied and unusual repertoire in different historical venues in Newburgh, New York."
Orange County Fair
Middletown, NY.
Paramount Theatre
Local theater in Middletown, New York.
Middletown Thrall Library: Library Programs
See also Thrall's Youth blog for children's and young adult events.
SUNY Orange: Calendar of Events
Local community college. Music, drama, and other performances. Middletown, NY.
Times Herald-Record: Entertainment Section
Local entertainment news and events. Orange County, NY.

Summer Theater
Forestburgh Playhouse
"The Forestburgh Playhouse is the oldest continuously operating summer theatre in New York State, and has been bringing professional theatre to the Catskill Mountains every summer since 1947."
Hudson Valley Shakespeare Theatre
"The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival is dedicated to producing the plays of Shakespeare with an economy of style that focuses its energy and resources on script, actors, and audience."
Shadowland Theatre
"Dedicated to high-quality, professionally produced plays and musicals, Shadowland is located in the charming village of Ellenville, in Ulster County NY."

See also:

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Entertainment Magazines
& Journal Articles
Popular Publications Online
Entertainment Weekly
The Hollywood Reporter
Rolling Stone
Star Magazine
TV Guide
US Magazine
Vanity Fair

Journal Articles in Databases
Music, Dance, Drama, Film
Available to members of Thrall or researchers at the library. Browse by topic. Enter library card number when asked to log into a database.

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Jump to:

Academy Awards
Current and past Oscar award winners and nominees.
Golden Globes: Nominations and Awards
Movie Awards
From infoplease.com. Includes: National Society of Film Critics Awards, Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, National Board of Review Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Annual Directors Guild of America Awards, MTV Movie Awards, NAACP Image Awards, Independent Spirit Awards, New York Film Critics Circle Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, Boston Society of Film Critics Awards, British Academy of Film and Television Awards, Cannes Film Festival Winners.

Box Office Statistics
Box Office Mojo

Film Festivals
Cannes Film Festival
Film Festival Today
Film Festivals.com
IMDB: Film Festivals and Events
Inside Film Magazine: Film Festival Directory
New York International Independent Film and Video Festival
Sundance Film Festival
Woodstock Film Festival

General Information
AFI Catalog of Feature Films
Covering "the First 100 Years" (1893 - 1993). "In celebration of AFI's 50th Anniversary, the AFI Catalog database has been preserved, enhanced and redesigned with robust, user-friendly search capabilities to promote film education and appreciation worldwide. In addition, unique treasures from AFI productions and archives are now accessible for the first time as AFI Catalog Premier Records. Now everyone who comes to AFI.com has an opportunity to discover authoritative information about American cinema while watching footage of filmmakers discussing their work with AFI Conservatory fellows, or reviewing digitized assets from AFI Special Collections. The new database includes the AFI Catalog of Feature Films First 100 Years Project (1893-1993), which has nearly 54,000 academic records. In addition, there are approximately 9,000 films released after 1993 that are documented with basic records." From the American Film Institute (AFI).
IMDB: The Internet Movie Database
Information about past, current, and upcoming movies, films, and television programs and series. Details include: plots, actresses, actors, cast members, directories, and more.

Greatest Films Lists
100 Years, 100 Movies
Cinematic history and "best films." From the American Film Institute.
1000 Best Movies Ever Made
List from the New York Times.
The Greatest Films
Best films for different genres. Includes filmographies.
National Film Registry
"Established by Congress in 1989, the National Film Registry spotlights the importance of preserving America's unparalleled film heritage. These films are not selected as the 'best' American films of all time, but rather as works of enduring importance to American culture. They reflect who we are as a people and as a nation." View the list of films in the Registry from 1989 - present. From the National Film Preservation Board, Library of Congress.

News, Upcoming Films, & Movie Trailers
Fandango: Movie News
Fandango / MovieClips.com: Movie Trailers
IMDB: Movie & Television News
IMDB: Movie Trailers
MTV: Movie News
The New York Times: Movies - Articles, News, and Reviews
Screen Daily
Yahoo Movies

Reviews & Ratings
Common Sense Media: Movie Reviews for Parents
Ratings, reviews, and in-depth film content advisories.
Internet Movie Database
The database of everything movies. Includes descriptions and casts of thousands of movies, awards lists, and movie news. Movie database is searchable by title, people, characters, plots, and quotes.
Kids-in-Mind: The Parents' Guide to Movies and Video
Provides "objective, non-critical assessments of the potentially objectionable material contained in movies." Movies are listed by release date and can be searched by title. Each movie is given a rating on a scale of 0-10 in three distinct categories- sex and nudity, violence and gore, and profanity.
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA): FilmRatings.com
History and explanation of the MPAA rating system by Jack Valenti along with a database showing the rarings of movies going back to 1968. Movie titles link to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB).
Movie Review Query Engine
Database of movie reviews on thousands of movies from dozens of sources.
New York Times: Movie Reviews
Rotten Tomatoes
Free registration required. "Discover TV series and movies recommended by New York Times experts. The Watching home page, where viewers can use filters to begin finding recommendations on what to watch next." From The New York Times.
VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever
For Thrall Library cardholders. "Featuring over 28,000 movie reviews, on films ranging from the popular to the downright obscure, VGMR offers an informed, irreverent take on the movie industry and stands as the definitive guide for both hardcore film freaks and those who consider themselves merely film-curious." Search or browse.

Theaters, Movie Listings, Show Times, & Tickets
AMC Movie Theaters
Middletown, New York
Downing Film Center, Newburgh, NY
The official website for the Downing Film Center, which focuses on independent and foreign films.
Flagship Cinemas (opening July 2022; formerly Elite 6 Cinema)
Chester, New York
Click here for the Middletown, New York schedule of current/new/upcoming movies.
Middletown Cinemas
Middletown, New York
Movie Tickets.com
The Paramount Theater
Middletown, New York
Phoenix Theaters - New Windsor 12 (formerly Destinta Theatres)
New Windsor, New York
See also:

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Music Guide
News, lyrics, educational resources, and much more. Directory provided by Middletown Thrall Library.

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Entertainment News
Access Hollywood
Celebrity News Sites (6 of the Best Sites to Track Recent Celebrity News)
From Lifewire.
CNN Entertainment
Entertainment News Sites
An article from 2017 providing annotations and links to the best online sources of entertainment news.
Entertainment Tonight Online
Entertainment Weekly
Extra TV
Google News: Entertainment Headlines
Hollywood Reporter
The Insider
New York Times: Arts & Entertainment News
NPR: Arts and Life

See also:

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Performing Arts
International Society for the Performing Arts: Useful Links
A small international directory of arts councils, agencies, and performing arts networks.
Local Entertainment
Orange County, NY and the greater Hudson Valley.
National Public Radio (NPR): Performing Arts
News, articles, reviews.
New York Times: Arts
Dance, music, theater, and related news and articles.

Library of Congress: Performing Arts Encyclopedia
Historical exhibits, images, and online features.
New York Public Library: Performing Arts in America
"With visual and audio images drawn from the extensive archival collections at The Library, the site features an authentic look at this past, from the Broadway theater and Tin Pan Alley to the art of dancer Loie Fuller and composer Charles Griffes, all brought to you in original documents. Captured in the then new techniques of photography, recorded sound, and film, the performing arts of the early twentieth century come alive as never before, preserved by The New York Public Library and brought to you a century later via the Internet."

See also:

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Radio Shows
Web Broadcasts
BBC World Radio Service
CBS Radio
ESPN Radio
Live365 Internet Radio: Free Online Radio Stations
NBC Radio
NOAA Weather Radio
NPR: Radio Programs
Radio-Locator: Radio Station Search Engine
Talk Radio
Directory of Talk Radio websites including Radio Show Personalities. From Curlie
WFMU (91.1/90.1 FM)
Free-form radio station with a wide variety of programs.
WPDH (101.5 FM): Classic Rock
WQXR (105.9 FM): The New York Times Classical Music Station
WRRV: The New Rock Alternative (92.7/96.9 FM)
WTBQ (93.5 FM, 1110 AM)
Local radio station.

See also:

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Jump to:

Guides - What's on TV?
New York Times: Television
News, reviews, upcoming programs and TV series.
Online TV Database (TVDB)
"TheTVDB.com is a community driven database of television shows. It is our aim to be the most complete and accurate source of information on TV series from many languages and countries." " You can browse or search for television shows. Concise summaries are provided for television episodes and series in the database. You can browse shows with multiple seasons by selecting the season number at the bottom of their pages. Nota bene: "This site is an open database that can be modified by anybody." Some television program entires / seasons are locked and require permission prior to editing. A public forum for discussing edits and the website is also provided.
TV Guide
TV Recaps and Episode Guides
Summaries of recent television shows / programs / series / televised events from major TV networks. Provided by Entertainment Weekly.
TV.com (formerly Clicker.com)
"Clicker is the complete guide to Internet Television. Our mission is to make it simple for you to find the right show, right now." Search or browse.

Major Networks
A&E: The Arts & Entertainment Channel
Discovery Channel
National Geographic
Science Fiction Channel

Local Stations
Time Warner Cable News (formerly YNN)
WNET - PBS (Channel 13)

Hollywood News Reporter: Television News
IMDB: Movie & Television News
TV Guide: Television News
"Television industry news, TV ratings, analysis, celebrity event photos."
USA Today: Television News

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
Primetime Emmy Award Database
Database of Emmy Award winners and nominees from 1949 to the present searchable by year, name, network, and category.
Archive of American Television
"The Archive collects in-depth video interviews with TV's greatest legends and pioneers. Browse the interviews by person, show, topic or profession."
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
"Nearly 40,000 hours, comprising 68,000 digital files, of historical public broadcasting content have been preserved. On the website, nearly 7,000 of these American public radio and television programs dating back to the 1940s are now accessible to the public. These audio and video materials, contributed by more than 100 public broadcasting organizations across the country, are an exciting new resource to uncover ways that common concerns over the past half-century have played out on the local scene. Users are encouraged to check back often, as AAPB staff continue to add more content to the website." From the Library of Congress and WGBH.
The Encyclopedia of Television
This website from the Museum of Broadcast Communication contains 1,000 original essays from more than 250 contributors and examines specific programs and people, historic moments and trends, major policy disputes and other topics.
This site contains episode lists for over 1500 British and American television shows. The list includes titles and airdates.
History of Television
The invention (and inventors) of television technologies. From About.com.

See also:

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American Theatre Wing
"Dedicated to celebrating excellence and supporting education in the theatre, the American Theatre Wing has been an integral and influential part of the theatrical community for the better part of seven decades. Adapting its activities for each successive theatrical generation, ATW focuses today on programs and activities which help students, audiences and members of the theatrical community itself to learn more about what makes theatre tick from the people who make it so vital."
Current Broadway Shows
Taken from The New York Times, a list of all the shows running or soon to open on Broadway, with links to the New York Times reviews, readers' reviews and ticketing. Critics' Picks, the shows chosen as favorites by the New York Times's theater critics, are denoted with a gold button. Also includes Off Broadway, Off-Off Broadway, and London theater.
Internet Broadway Database
"IBDB (Internet Broadway Database) archive is the official database for Broadway theatre information. IBDB provides records of productions from the beginnings of New York theatre until today." The League of American Theatres and Producers.
The online version of Playbill includes schedules, theatre news and history.

See also:

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Streaming Videos Available to Members of Thrall
Active library card required.
Kanopy & Kanopy Kids
Active library card required.

Streaming Videos in RCLS OverDrive
OverDrive Videos
Available to members of Thrall and other RCLS libraries.

Children's Videos
The Cartoon Network
The Disney Channel
National Geographic Kids Videos
Nick.com Videos
Nick Jr. Videos
PBS Kids Videos

Other Videos
AOL Video
Shows, news, and other videos
BBC America Videos
Shows, news, and other videos
BET Videos
Bing Videos
Categories include: TV, Music, Movies, News, Comedy, Viral, Sports, Fashion, and more.
C-SPAN Videos Library
Country Music Television.
Computers, technology, gadgets news, previews, reviews.
Comedy Central
An amazingly large selection of streaming anime and Asian drama shows, that's both free and legal!
Discovery Channel: Videos
ESPN: Sports Videos
The History Channel: Videos
How Stuff Works: Video Channel
Hubble Space Telescope Videos
Television shows and other videos.
IMDb Freedive
"Watch Hollywood hits and TV favorites. Free on IMDb and Fire TV devices." Free account (IMDb or Amazon) required.
Live and Featured News Videos
Metacafe: Online Video Entertainment
MTV Music Videos
NASA Videos
Space missions, documentaries on space exploration.
National Geographic Videos
The New York Times Video Library
PBS Videos
Pluto TV
"100+ live and original channels and thousands of on-demand movies in partnership with major TV networks, movie studios, publishers, and digital media companies."
"Popcornflix has full-length movies that will make you laugh, make you cry, scare the heck out of you, or inspire you to hug the person you love. We have compelling documentaries, foreign films, unique original web series, and a place that showcases the brightest film makers of tomorrow. We built Popcornflix to be the most user friendly movie destination on the web. No movie is more than two clicks away and they are all FREE."
The Science Channel: Videos
TV shows, movies, movie trailers.
TED: Technology, Entertainment, Design
"Riveting talks by remarkable people." Video lectures.
"Watch amazing movies and TV shows for free. No subscription fees, and no credit cards. Just thousands of hours of streaming video content from studios like Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM and more. With content from over 200 partners."
TV.com (formerly Clicker.com)
Search or browse.
"Watch and discuss live events."
Videos in the News
The White House: Videos
Internet user-uploaded videos and other content.

See also:

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The Amazing Fact Generator
Random trivia facts on demand. From Mental Floss.
Fifty States and Fifty Fun Facts
From the Infoplease Almanac.
Fun Trivia Quizzes
Categories include: Animals, Brain Teasers, Celebrities, Entertainment, For Children, General, General Knowledge, Geography, History, Hobbies, Humanities, Literature, Movies, Music, People, Religion, Sci / Tech, Sports, Television, Video Games, World.
Library Trivia
Literature Trivia
Music Trivia
Water Trivia
From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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Video Games
News, Reviews, Trailers
Common Sense Media: Video Games
Reviews for parents
A blog-style video game news site.
Games Radar
New York Times: Games News
PC Gamer
PCWorld: Games
What They Play
"What They Play (www.whattheyplay.com) is the parents guide to videogames, providing expert insight into the themes and content of hundreds of today's most popular interactive entertainment products." From IGN.

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Entertainment Information Guide
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