Preserving and Promoting Open Access to Government Since 1986
Thrall Government
Information Center
Government Information Center at Middletown Thrall Library - A Federal Depository Library Serving the 18th Congressional District
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Government Information Center
About Our Services

[Photo of Government Documents Collection]

Welcome to the Government Information Center!

In 1986, through the efforts of the Honorable Benjamin Gilman and Director, Mattie Gaines, Middletown Thrall Library was designated a Federal Selective Depository Library, providing free public access to government information, in a variety of formats, for the residents of the 18th Congressional District.

Our collection is strong in the following subject areas: health, education, criminal justice, small business, military history and legal resources including the CFR, Federal Register, Daily Congressional Record and Congressional Hearings. Periodicals, such as Humanities, English Teaching Forum, NIH Medline Plus, Alcohol Research, and more are available for check out in paper while other titles may be viewed online.

Our library catalog includes hotlinks to timely electronic only government documents as well as older, historically valuable information.

Remember, much of the collection circulates!

Classification of Items

Items in our government information collections are usually filed according to the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system, which uses letters and numbers to categorize information published by the U.S. Government. You can read more about SuDocs numbers at this link.

Please be sure to check out our regularly rotating displays in the library.
[Photo of Display Outside Office]    [Photo of Government Information Display]

[Photo of Display Outside Office]    [Photo of Government Information Display]

About Federal Depository (FDLP) Libraries

In 1986, through the efforts of the Honorable Benjamin Gilman and Director, Mattie Gaines, Middletown Thrall Library was designated a Federal Selective Depository Library, providing free public access to government information, in a variety of formats, for the residents of the 18th Congressional District.

The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) was established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government's information. Since 1813, depository libraries have safeguarded the public's right to know by collecting, organizing, maintaining, preserving, and assisting users with information from the Federal Government. The FDLP provides Government information at no cost to designated depository libraries throughout the country and territories. These depository libraries, in turn, provide local, no-fee access to Government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance.

As institutions committed to equity of access and dedicated to free and unrestricted public use, the nation's nearly 1,250 depository libraries serve as one of the vital links between "We the people" and our Government. Anyone can visit Federal depository libraries and use the Federal depository collections which are filled with information on careers, business opportunities, consumer information, health and nutrition, legal and regulatory information, demographics, and numerous other subjects.

The Depository Library Council (DLC) to the Public Printer was established in 1972 to provide advice on policy matters relating to the FDLP. The primary focus of the DLC's work is to advise the Public Printer, the Superintendent of Documents, and appropriate members of GPO staff on practical options for the efficient management and operation of the FDLP.

More about the FDLP...

The authority for the Federal Depository Library Program and the legal obligations of designated Federal depository libraries are found in 44 United States Code §§1901-1616.

For more information on FDLP, please click here or check out some of the videos below to learn more about the U.S. Government Publishing Office:
You can also locate a Federal Depository near you by clicking this link.

Government 2.0 Gateway
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Twitter feeds:



Local Government Agencies
Orange County, NY / Middletown / Town of Wallkill

Middletown, New York Government Home Page
Includes news, announcements, City Charter and Codes,
schedules of meeetings, city department contact information, and more
Middletown Police
Orange County Partnership
The Orange County Partnership is a county-wide, private,
not-for-profit, economic development agency that works
to enhance the quality of life in Orange County.
County Government Home Page, Orange County, NY
Town of Wallkill

See also:

Local Representatives
Orange County, NY / Middletown / Town of Wallkill
U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senators

State Government

New York State

New York State
State, county, local government information, agencies and organizations, state history and symbols, and more.

Other States

Ready Reference Center: States
Governmental information, facts and symbols, statistics, and more.

U.S. Federal Government

Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (HHS)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ERIC Database
- Education Resources Information Center.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Includes "Inmate Look Up" search engine for finding inmates.
Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Government Publishing Office (GPO) - Keeping America Informed
GPO's govinfo (www.govinfo.gov), the user-friendly, modernized site, offers a dynamic way for the public to discover and access information on the three branches of the Federal Government.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
Library of Congress
- Includes link to American Memory Project.
Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)
PubMed - Medline
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Social Security Administration
Supreme Court Decisions
U. S. Census Bureau
U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
U. S. House of Representatives
U. S. Patent Office (USPTO)
U. S. Senate
The White House
The President, Vice-President, and Presidential Administration of the United States of America.


Orange County, New York - County Executive: State of the County Addresses
PDF format.

New York State
New York State Governor: Speeches

Speaker of the House
The Supreme Court: Speeches
The White House: Speeches and Remarks (The Briefing Room)

General & Historical
Video of current and past Congressional speeches from the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Adobe Flash plugin required.
Presidential Speech Archive
The Scripps Library, in cooperation with presidential libraries, archives key U.S. Presidential Speeches.

See also:

Contact Information

  • Government Information Center:
    • Mailing address:
      Government Information Center
      at Middletown Thrall Library
      11 Depot Street
      Middletown, New York 10940
    • Telephone: 1-845-341-5465
  • Reference Department & Research Services:
    • Telephone: 1-845-341-5461
    • Internet (e-mail or 24/7)

  • Other contacts and departments