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Investments & Personal Finance Guide
Copyright © 1999 - 2020 Middletown Thrall Library

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Library Resources

How Investing & Personal Finance
Is Classified

Middletown Thrall Library's reference and circulating collections contain a variety of items covering information on investing, personal finance, and the economy. This information can be found in the "330's" section of the nonfiction collection. To find them, just browse the nonfiction aisles until you reach the number 330.

If you need more assistance, please speak with our reference librarians. They can be reached at (845) 341-5461 or online at www.thrall.org/ask.

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Investing & Finance Topics
in the Library Catalog

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and other items available in the library catalog.

You can also search the library catalog for a specific investment topic:


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or use our Ask a Librarian service on the web.

Thrall/RCLS members can click here to browse investing and personal finance
eBooks and eAudiobooks in the library system.

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Business Databases

These are some of the many databases available to you as a member of the Middletown Thrall Library:

Business Insights: Essentials
Contains information on businesses, companies, and industries. Includes financial statistics and earning estimates, corporate histories, industry ratings and company rankings, market shares and more.
Financial Ratings Series Online
Topics include: Automobile Insurance, Elder Care Choices, Health Savings Accounts, Homeowners Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance, Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Variable Annuities. Available in the library and to members of Thrall at home logging in with their library cards.
Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
Database of 14 million U.S. Businesses, updated monthly.

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Magazines, Newspapers, Journals
and Other Periodicals

These are some of the many Newspapers and Magazines relating to Investment and Personal Finance available at the Middletown Thrall Library:


See also:

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Online Resources

General Information

Clark Howard's Investment Guide
An easy-to-use guide put together by radio show host Clark Howard about the basic strategies investing with links on the bottom for different levels of experience from "easy" to "advanced."
Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Information - Investing Online
This site offers advice about online investing. It provides information on securing personal information online, avoiding online investment scams, and reporting online investment fraud. Also available in Spanish.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission serves as advisories for investors. Here are direct links to some of the SEC's many publications:
EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering Analysis & Retrieval System)
A service of the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All foreign and domestic companies are required to file registration statements and periodic reports through the Next-Generation EDGAR System. This information is available for free to the public through this database.
Provided by the SEC; an investor-focused website to help invest wisely, avoid fraud and plan for the future.
Investopedia.com - Your Source For Investing Education
An online encyclopedia of financial information. Includes articles on all aspects of investing, a financial term dictionary, calculators, and information on licensing tests for financial professionals.
Markets Data Center
Provides comprehensive data on global stocks and indexes, bonds, futures, commodities, corporate earnings, currencies and more. Provided by "The Wall Street Journal."
This site includes information on markets, investing and personal finance, news, research, and tools. Searching for companies provides an overview of the company, charts, news, profile, analysis, opinions, and historical data.

See also: Personal Finance

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News & Journals

Bloomberg.com: Investing, Business, and Personal Finance - Breaking News
Business and financial news.
CNN Business (was CNN Money)
Economic News: U.S. Economy (Crisis, Recovery) and World Markets and Indicators
Google Finance
Includes real time quotes for NASDAQ stocks, company financial information, news, and a stock screener that helps you indentify stocks based on P/E Ratios, dividend yields and fourteen other criteria.
Marketplace from American Public Media
The official website of the public radio program about business and the economy.
MSN Money: Investing News
New York Times: Markets News
Includes: Markets Overview, U.S. Markets, World Markets, Mutual Funds, Currencies, Commodities, Bonds, Consumer Rates.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): News and Public Statements
"The latest news from the SEC, including press releases, speeches and testimony by senior SEC officials, and special studies and reports. You can also read a daily summary of significant SEC actions, such as recent enforcement proceedings, rule filings, and policy statements."
Yahoo! News: Personal Finance

See also: Current Interests Center: Business and Finance News Sources, Stocks and Stock Prices

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Featured Resource
Financial Ratings Series Online
Financial strength ratings of banks and credit unions. A Middletown Thrall Library card required for use outside of the library.

Other Resources
Bank Find
"FDIC Bank Find allows you to locate a single FDIC-insured institution by entering one or more of the criteria below. If more than one institution meets the criteria you enter, you will be provided with a list of institutions that met your criteria. Bank Find can answer questions such as: Is My Bank Insured? Where are My Bank's Branches Located? Where is My Bank's Home (Main) Office Located? What is My Bank's Web Site Address? What Happened to My Bank (Historical List of Events)? Does My Bank have a New Name? Is My Bank Still Open? And More." From Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC.gov).
Bankrate monitors approximately 4,800 financial institutions, providing current rates on mortgages, credit cards, new and used automobile loans, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, checking and ATM fees, home equity loans and online banking fees. Calculator will predict monthly loan payments based on interest rates and terms. Provides numerous blog posts with personal finance advice and commentary. Safe and Sound ratings include ratings, financial statements, and memorandums on findings - comparing the financial health of banks.
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
"An independent agency created by the U.S. Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system by insuring deposits, examining and supervising financial institutions for safety and soundness and consumber protection, and managing receiverships." The site provides information on laws, regulations, banking and consumer news. They also provide an institutional directory, where you can "find a bank or bank holding company, generate comprehensive financial or demographic reports, and find bank locations or groups of banks."

See also:
"Locate FDIC-insured banking institutions."
Consumer Assistance and Information
Consumer advisories and resources to help manage and protect your money. From From the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). See also FDIC's Safe Internet Banking website.
Federal Reserve Bank: Consumers and Communities
Find resources if you are having a problem with a financial institution, or if you want to learn more on other consumer-related topics, such as credit and debit cards, credit reports, and deposit accounts. From FederalReserve.gov.
"Helpwithmybank.gov helps you find answers to your National Banking questions." Provided by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, from the U.S. Treasury Department.
National Credit Union Administration
The NCUA is the federal agency that supervises, charters and insures savings in federal credit unions. Provides a directory of chartered Credit Unions including financial performance reports. Also provides a locator to find credit unions by geographic location.
New York State Department of Financial Services (formerly The New York State Banking Department)
"To allow the financial industry to expand and prosper through judicious regulation and vigilant supervision, to educate and protect consumers while promoting economic growth and ensuring that the financial system is safe and accessible to all."
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Administrator of National Banks: Consumer Protection
Topics include: Reverse Mortgages, Foreclosures, Scams, Rights and Laws, Cashier's Checks, Fraud, Gift Cards, Borrowing against Home Equity, and more. From the U.S. Treasury Department.

See also: The Banking section in our Economy web guide.

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Project Invested: Bond Basics
This site provides information about Bonds, including: Bond Basics, What You Should Know, Buying and Selling Bonds, Types of Bonds, Strategies, Bonds and Your Stage of Life, Municipal Bonds, Government Bonds, and Corporate Bonds. It is provided by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).
Treasury Securities and Programs (Including Savings Bonds)
A guide to the Treasury Securities currently available.
Savings Bond Calculator
Easily calculate the current value of paper savings bonds.

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Commodities, Futures, and Options

Barchart.com - Commodity Futures Market Overview
Charts, price quotes, and technical analysis for Commodities, Futures, Stocks, Forex, and exchange-traded funds (ETF).
Chicago Board Option Exchange
The Chicago Board Option Exchange offers current and historical options market data as well as educational material.

See also:
Options Calculator
Customizable options and margins calculators. Input parameters include option styles, prices of underlying instruments, expirations, strikes, implied volatility, interest rates, dividends, and more.
CME Group
Provides a range of benchmark futures and options products covering all major asset classes, including interest rates, equities, FX, commodities, and alternative investments such as weather and real estate.
Commodities - Latest Trading Prices and Data from CNNMoney.com
Provided by CNN, Fortune & Money. Offers trading prices, data and news headlines on the U.S. Commodity market and exchange.
Commodity Futures & Financial Market Charts
TFC provides free commodity and financial charts, an online glossary and an online short course.
Latest Commodity Prices
Review commodities and pricing by timeframes (week, months, years, decade). Topics include: Metals (Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum, Palladium), Energies (Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Gas, Natural Gas, Crude Oil Brent, Ethanol Futures), Grains (Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean, Meal, Soybean Oil, Oats, Rice, Wheat), Meats (Cattle, Hogs, Milk), and Softs (Cotton, Orange Juice, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, Lumber). From NASDAQ.
Options Clearing Corporation
The Options Clearing Corporation is a registered options clearing agency.
Options Industry Council
Offers a variety of options education including online classes, glossary, quotes, options chains, and tutorials on options basics, equity options, index options, LEAPs and volatility. Links to the Options Clearing Corporation.

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Currency Converter
Provided by OANDA Corp. Current and historical rates for the entire world's currencies and four metals. Also provides a glossary of currency terms.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
An organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
The United States Mint - U.S. Department of the Treasury
Official website for the U.S. Mint - responsible for producing and distributing coins.
U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Official website for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - responsible for producing and distributing paper money.
Virtual Currencies / Electronic Currency / Digital Money

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Financial Ratings Series Online
Topics include: Automobile Insurance, Elder Care Choices, Health Savings Accounts, Homeowners Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance, Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Variable Annuities. Available in the library and to members of Thrall at home logging in with their library cards.
A.M. Best Company
Provides ratings and analysis of Insurance and Banking Companies. Free registration is required to access information in the Rating Center.

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Mutual Funds

The Balance: Mutual Funds
Provides basic information about Mutual Funds, different types of funds and how to build a portfolio. Provided by The Balance, a Dotdash brand.
Financial Ratings Series Online
Rates and provides analysis on 16,000 mutual funds including exchange traded funds (ETFs). Allows you to search for mutual funds based on a number of parameters including performance, assets, and expense ratios. A Middletown Thrall Library card required for use outside of the library.
Interactive U.S. Money Market Fund Monitor
"This monitor is designed to track the investment portfolios of money market funds by funds asset types, investments in different countries, counterparties, and other characteristics. Users can view trends and developments across the MMF industry. Data are downloadable and displayed in six interactive charts." From the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Offices of Financial Research (OFR).
Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) - A Guide for Investors
Provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Topics include: Key Points to Remember, How Mutual Funds Work, Factors to Consider, Avoiding Common Pitfalls, If You Have Problems, and Glossary of Key Mutual Fund Terms.
Mutual Funds Center - Yahoo!
Learn more about mutual funds, including types of mutual finds and how to choose a fund. The site provides video tutorials and the ability to search by fund name or symbol.

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Personal Finance

Better Money Habits
Free tools and information on personal finance topics such as Credit; Saving & Budgeting; Debt; Home Buying & Renting; Taxes; Car Buying; and Banking Basics. From the Khan Academy and Bank of America.
Consumer Complaint Database
"Each week we send thousands of consumers' complaints about financial products and services to companies for response. Those complaints are published here after the company responds or after 15 days, whichever comes first. By adding their voice, consumers help improve the financial marketplace." From the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Offers personal finance and investing advice, financial management tools and business forecasting. Includes articles from current and past issues of Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine.
FTC: Financial Educators | Consumer Information
From the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Sections include: Money & Credit, Homes & Mortgages, Health & Fitness, Jobs & Making Money, Privacy & Identity, Video & Media, Blog, and Scam Alerts. Also available in Spanish / en Español.
A collection of articles, videos, checklists, calculators, and interactive tools to aid consumers in their personal finance decisions. Topics covered include: saving, budgeting, banking, investing, debt, retirement, loans, mortgages, taxes, estate planning and much more.
List of Approved Providers of Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses (Debtor Education) Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 111
From the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
Numerous tips and advice from the Financial Literacy & Education Commission of the U.S. Treasury Department. Popular topics include: Spending Plan, Managing Debt and Credit, Dealing with Mortgages, Planning for Retirement, Saving & Investing, Getting a Loan, Getting Insured, Knowing Your Consumer Rights and Scams/Fraud. The site also provides calculators, checklists, and budgeting worksheets. Links to other government websites.
Personal Finance: Official Information and Services from the U.S. Government
Government information about personal finance, homeownership, retirement, and estate planning. Topics include: Credit and Debt (Bankruptcy, Credit Reports, Manage Debt, Personal Credit Help, Student Financial Aid, Student Loan Consolidation), Home Ownership (Mortgage Resources, Homes and Housing), Money Management (Bank Complaints, Cars, Charities, Benefits and Grants from the Government, Lottery Results, Saving and Investing) and Retirement and Estate Planning (Estate and Gift Taxes, Retirement Estimator, Retirement Plans Benefits and Savings).
Personal Finance - TheStreet.com
News and articles. Money management and retirement help, financial market and Wall Street news, trading stock and personal finance advice.
Personal Finance Advice - Personal Financial Management
Provided by MarketWatch, includes information on Real Estate, Taxes, Retirement, Spending & Saving, Careers, Small Businesses and Credit Cards.
Calculators: Mortgage, Auto, Credit, Retirement, Savings
Provides a variety of calculators relating to Mortgage and Home Equity, Auto, Credit Cards, Savings & Investment and Retirement. Provided by Bankrate.com.

See also:

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AARP: Money
News, articles, and tips tailored for retired persons and seniors from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
New York State and Local Retirement System
New York State Office of the State Comptroller. Information for employers and current or prospective retirees in New York State.
Social Security Online - The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration
Includes Social Security Earnings Statements, Estimating Your Retirement Benefits, Forms and Publications, Local Offices, and Applying Online.
Retirement: USA.gov
Official Information and Services from the U.S. Government. Includes links to the Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration.
Yahoo! Finance: Retirement
Includes retirement calculators, how-to guides, articles and tools. The site also provides a helpful glossary of financial terms.

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Stocks & Stock Symbols

Stock Symbols

BigCharts: Symbol Lookup
MarketWatch Virtual Stock Exchange
Trade stocks in real-time with a virtual portfolio. Join or create a public or private game. Also includes resources for teachers to use the game with their classes. Requires a free MarketWatch account.
MSN Money: Market Summary and News
New York Stock Exchange.

Stocks - Charts, Reports, News, Dividends, & Histories

BigCharts (a service of MarketWatch)
A free service providing access to professional level investing tools - quotes, news, interactive charts, industry analysis and stock screens. Historical quotes go back to 1985.
Business Insights: Essentials (formerly Business and Company Resource Center)
Accessible to current Thrall / RCLS library cardholders. Information on over 400,000 US and international companies: histories, chronologies, rankings, investment reports, more.
Financial Ratings Series Online
Rates and provides analysis on over 6,000 stocks. Allows you to search for stocks based on a number of parameters including growth, income, total return, efficiency, solvency, and volatility. A Middletown Thrall Library card is required for use outside of the library.
Stock market quotes, business and financial news. Subsidiary of Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
CNN Business (was CNN Money)
Business news and financial market coverage, stock quotes, investing and personal finance advice, and tools. Stock charts and company profiles are available.

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Investments & Personal Finance Guide
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