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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

Winter 2023

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Films and Documentaries


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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

July 2022

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Films and Documentaries

June & July Releases

Films and Documentaries

Coming in August

Films and Documentaries
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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

May 2022

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Films and Documentaries

Series / Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

December 2021

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Films and Documentaries

Series / Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

September 2020

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Feature Films

TV Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

February 2020

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Feature Films

TV Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

August 2019

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Feature Films

TV Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

April 15, 2019

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

Feature Films

Foreign Films

TV Shows

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

March 4, 2019

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

November 15, 2018

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

July 18, 2018

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Catching up with (or revisiting) the

Marvel Cinematic Universe

May 2018

As Marvel's "Cinematic Universe" (MCU) epically expands with its latest Black Panther and Infinity War chapters, we thought you might like to have a chance to look back, and perhaps catch up, on one or more of the many Marvel films released since 2008.

You can follow any images or title links to instantly check on their availability in the library system catalog.

To learn more about a movie, follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) links for details and movie reviews.

"CSM" links lead to parental content advisories and reviews from Common Sense Media.

While these titles are presented in "DVD release date" order, you might also consider these viewing guides:
Some links for further exploration...
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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

March 1, 2018

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

October 16, 2017

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.


Television Shows & Series

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

July 13, 2017

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

May 17, 2017

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

April 3, 2017

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

August 5, 2016

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

Once any of these titles enter the library system catalog, you can see if a DVD can be checked out. You can also attempt to reserve Thrall DVDs currently checked out to other users.

You can also follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) links after each title to learn more about each movie, incljuding its plot, cast, film director(s), and more.

"Review" links lead to reviews in the MRQE.com (Movie Review Query Engine) website.

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

April 26, 2016

The following films were recently ordered for our DVD collection.

You can follow movie posters or title links below to check on their eventual availability in the library system catalog.

Once a title gets listed in the library system catalog, you can see if it can be checked or try to reserve that item if it is already checked out.

To learn more about each movie, you can follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) link after the titles below:

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Recent Additions to Our DVD Collection

October 14, 2015

The following DVDs were recently added to our collection.

You can follow any movie posters or title links to instantly check on their availability in the catalog.

To learn more about a movie, follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) links for details and movie reviews.

"CSM" links lead to parental content advisories and reviews from Common Sense Media.

Once in the library catalog, you can see if the movie...

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Cult Film Classics @ Your Library

(review by Charles P. DeYoe, III)

September 2, 2015

The term "cult classic" or "cult movie" is a somewhat vague one. Sometimes it's interpreted to mean any movie that does poorly initially but later becomes popular, making The Shawshank Redemption and Fight Club cult classics.

Other times, it is used to describe movies that are as bad as a bad movie can be, such as Manos: The Hands of Fate, which is generally considered to be unwatchable without the comedians of Mystery Science Theater 3000 layering jokes on top of it.

Instead, of those definitions, the kind of cult classic I think captures the spirit of the term are movies that are technically bad but immensely enjoyable to watch for fans of strange things or ridiculous filmmaking. This definition of cult film is a movie that not a lot of people like but the people who do emphatically love and will defend fiercely.

So while the term "cult classic" is an extremely subjective one, here are five films in the collection that represent pure fun in a way that appeals to folks with a taste for unusual movies in a variety of genres!
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The Battle of Algiers

Film in Focus:
The Battle of Algiers

(review by Charles P. DeYoe, III)

June 26, 2015

The Battle of Algiers (1966) is an Italian film that recounts events during the Algerian War for independence against the French during the 1950s.

The movie is shot in a style designed to be reminiscent of documentary newsreels and portrays atrocities committed by both sides. The Algerian rebels are show placing bombs in cafes, killing innocent civilians while the French military is shown brutally torturing people for information.

What makes this film so hugely important is its portrayal of urban guerrilla combat and how large government forces respond. It cuts deep into human behavior in wartime and it does not take much stretching to draw parallels between this film and modern military activities in the Middle East involving the United States and various insurgent-groups.

What really makes this movie stand out is how it manages to avoid portraying either side of the conflict in an idealized light. The similarities between the events in this movie and the military reality the US is currently engaged with makes this movie extremely timely and is highly recommended to anyone with an interest in understanding the nature of urban warfare and the politics surrounding modern military undertakings.

This movie was released on DVD by the Criterion Collection who is famous for putting out the highest quality releases filled with intellectually stimulating bonus features. It is available in our general adult fiction DVDs under "B" until we transition to sorting movies by genre, and then it will be found within the "Silent and World Cinema" genre.

To find this film in the library system catalog, please see this link:
For more information about this movie, please see these links:
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Recent DVD Additions to Our Video Collection

May 14, 2015

The following movies are either currently on order or are in the library system catalog waiting to be reserved.

You can follow any movie posters or title links to instantly check on their availability in the catalog.

To learn more about a movie, follow the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) links for details and movie reviews.

"CSM" links lead to parental content advisories and reviews from Common Sense Media.

Names of directors, actresses, and actors can be clicked or tapped to search the catalog for other videos possibly involving those persons.

Once in the library catalog, you can see if the movie...

Some Highlights...

Description: "When a has-been movie superhero (Keaton) risks everything for Broadway, he faces harsh critics, a deranged alter ego, his estranged daughter (Emma Stone) and a difficult stage star (Edward Norton)."
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Description: " The epic conclusion to the adventures of Bilbo Baggins. The dragon Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, women, and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and honor to hoard it as Bilbo attempts to make him see reason."

The Imitation Game
Description: "An intense and haunting portrayal of a brilliant, complicated man, a genius who under nail-biting pressure helped to shorten the war and, in turn, save thousands of lives."
Description: "With our time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers undertakes the most important mission in human history; traveling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars."

Description: "Paddington tells the story of the comic misadventures of a young Peruvian bear who travels to the city in search of a home."
Description: "Selma chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition. The epic march from Selma to Montgomery culminated in President Johnson (Tom Wilkinson) signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significant victories for the civil rights movement. Director Ava DuVernay's Selma tells the real story of the revered leader and visionary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (David Oyelowo) and his brothers and sisters in the movement that prompted change that forever altered history."

Still Alice
Description: "Alice Howland, happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who starts to forget words. When she receives a diagnosis of Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease, Alice and her family find their bonds thoroughly tested. Her struggle to stay connected to who she once was is frightening, heartbreaking, and inspiring."
Description: "Academy Award(R) winner Angelina Jolie directs and produces "Unbroken", an epic drama that follows the incredible life of Olympian and war hero Louis "Louie" Zamperini (Jack O'Connell) who, along with two other crewmen, survived in a raft for 47 days after a near-fatal plane crash in WWII - only to be caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. Adapted from Laura Hillenbrand's ("Seabiscuit: An American Legend") enormously popular book "Unbroken" brings to the big screen Zamperini's unbelievable and inspiring true story about the resilient power of the human spirit."

Other Movies...

Some friendly reminders...

The very newest videos, just like the latest books, can sometimes take a while before reserves or interlibrary loans can occur.

If you've never placed a hold before, or if you'd like some help locating a video (or anything else), please feel free to contact our Reference Department at any time!

You can visit us in person, call us at (845) 341-5461, or ask us a question online.

For even more film lists and video entertainment possibilities, you might also...
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Recent DVD Releases

January 2, 2015

Follow any movie poster or title links to instantly search the library system catalog.

You can also learn more about a movie using the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) links.

"CSM" links lead to reviews and parental advisories from Common Sense Media.

You can also click on names of directors, actresses, and actors to locate more videos in the library catalog.

In the library catalog, you can see if the movie...


Description: "After quitting his job in a trendy Los Angeles restaurant, a chef moves to Florida and asks his friends and family to help him as he starts up a business as the owner and cook in a food truck."
The Hundred-Foot Journey
Description: "Hassan is a culinary ingenue with the gastronomic equivalent of perfect pitch. Displaced from their native India, his family settles in a quaint village in the south of France. They plan to open an Indian restaurant, that is, until Madame Mallory, the owner of a classical French restaurant, gets wind of it. Her icy protests against the new Indian restaurant so near her own escalate to all out war; until Hassan's cooking talent and love for Mme. Mallory's assistant, Marguerite cannot be ignored."

Other Movies...

Some friendly reminders...

The very newest videos, just like the latest books, can sometimes take a while before reserves or interlibrary loans can occur.

If you've never placed a hold before, or if you'd like some help locating a video (or anything else), please feel free to contact our Reference Department at any time!

You can visit us in person, call us at (845) 341-5461, or ask us a question online.

For even more film lists and video entertainment possibilities, you might also...
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