The Library Catalog
Finding Items in the Catalog

You can use the library system catalog (known as "Enterprise") to locate books, audiobooks, DVDs, children's items, government information, local history materials, and much so more!

The library catalog contains items from Middletown Thrall Library as well as other Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) libraries.

When you first visit the catalog through our home page, here's a preview of what you will see:

[Image of Thrall's catalog page]

This is Middletown Thrall Library's very own entrance page to the library catalog, which enables you to search or browse through nearly one million items within the entire RCLS system!

You can log into your library account and can check due dates of items borrowed, review the status of any items you might have reserved (requested), and even attempt to renew (extend the due date) of borrowed items (if items can be renewed).

Looking for a new title? Fiction or nonfiction? A biography? A classic or popular author? A large print or audio edition? A DVD? You can easily do all this and more right through our page!

If you want, you can check the "Thrall items only" box to see only items our library owns when you search.

If you know the title, author, or subject, you can switch from keyword (general) searching to a title, author, or subject search for better results. You can further refine your search once you're in the catalog.

Don't know the author's complete name or the complete title? No problem! Just begin typing what you know, and you will see a list of possible titles and authors appear as you type. You can click on any title or author to search the catalog instantly!

You can also browse items by genre, month, fiction or nonfiction/biography through our page. We update this page monthly so you can locate and discover new titles and quickly search the catalog – all without typing!

If you prefer to browse books visually – by viewing book covers – you can also do that! Just click on the "New Titles" link at either the top of our catalog page, the our home page, or right here.

Thrall provides a variety of ways for you to explore the vast contents of the library system. On our home page, you can click on the "Library Catalog topics" link (or you can click right here) to see a menu of topics including: A-to-Z Subject Explorer, Bestsellers & Best Books, Children's items, Government Information, Languages, Law, Local History, Music, People, Periodicals, Poetry, Ready Reference Topics, Young Adult items, and Videos.

Once you search for something, here's an idea of what you will see. This is the "search results" screen:

[Search results screen]

Notice the Limit Search Results options on the left. These search filters can help you close in on precisely what you need to find. Looking for a CD? Don't want fiction results? You can check what you do or do not want and then click the Include or Exclude button.

[Search results screen]

You also can try the Sort By option to attempt to display newer items (by publication date).

Receiving hundreds or thousands of search results? You might want to review and revise your search terms to ensure you're using the most specific and correct words (or names) in your search. A librarian can help you with that!

See something you like? You can try to reserve an item (once it becomes available) by clicking the Place Hold button.

[search results with place holds buttons]

Please click here to learn more about placing holds.

Whether you're a fan of cinema or just in the mood for a movie, Middletown Thrall Library has offers a video browser, an easy yet extensive way for you to explore and discover the many videos within the RCLS library system.

Just click on the Videos link on our home page (or on any of our Library Catalog pages). You can search or browse, explore movies by genre, by names of actresses/actors or directors/filmmakers, by topic, awarded films, and more!

You can even find movie reviews or locate the books which inspired some of the most popular movies ever.

If, at any point, you'd like some help using the catalog, finding information, or anything else, please visit Thrall's Reference Department or call us at (845) 341-5461. Our reference librarians would love to help you!

You can also ask us questions anytime online - just click the Ask a Librarian link on our home page or anywhere at our website!

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