Working with Files

When you finally get to the point you want to store information on a computer, you will need to learn how to save your files to the hard drive, so the next time you turn on your computer you can access information you've already entered. You save a file by giving it a name and by storing it somewhere on the hard drive.

When you want to bring up existing information on the hard drive, such as a document you have saved the day before, you will be opening the file, using the name you gave it. Some people use the term loading, as in loading a file; "loading" and "opening" mean the same thing.

The hard drive allows you to store the information in special areas called subdirectories. Some operating systems use the term folders: again, these terms mean the same thing. You can store letters in a special folder and other things in other folders. Folders, like in an actual office setting, can help you keep your information organized.

Advanced users can rename, copy, and delete files. Until you have mastered saving and loading, it is not recommended you alter or remove any files on your computer, since doing so could cause your computer to malfunction or your information to become lost permanently.

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Computer Basics: A Brief Introduction to Computers
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