Building Experience and Proficiency

The only way to increase your experience and proficiency is to work steadily with computers. In doing so you will become used to the capabilities and limitations of your computer and the programs installed on it.

One of the best ways of achieving mastery is to start with a single program, such as a word processor, and to use it consistently. Do not be intimidated when things do not seem apparent or when something happens or doesn't happen as you expected it to: each program is different, and each new version of a program likely has noticeable differences from the previous version of the program.

Be patient with yourself and establish realistic goals: you will not become a computer genius overnight, but you can learn much in very little time if you calmly and carefully explore the features in each program. Many programs have built in help screens, which let you know how to do different things. If you have entered unfamiliar territory in a program or would like instructions or explanations, look for the word "Help" or a question mark somewhere on the screen and click it; the assistance you receive might pleasantly surprise you.

Also remember: your library may have materials you can read for further guidance. See a librarian about a book on a program or a type of project you wish to undertake. Help, in some form, is always available!

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Computer Basics: A Brief Introduction to Computers
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