
  :: America's Top Rated Cities

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Description from the publisher: "America's Top-Rated Cities: A Statistical Handbook offers current, comprehensive statistical information in one easy-to-use source on 100 cities that have been cited as the best for business and living in the United States. Conveniently arranged by city, this four-volume set allows readers to see-at a glance-concise social, business, economic, demographic, and environmental profiles of each city, including brief evaluative comments. This 2016 edition includes cites that ranked highest and received the most points, using our unique weighting system.

Each city chapter is divided into three major sections: Background (updated with significant news in both business and living environments), Rankings (enhanced with survey results from over 200 sources), and Statistical Tables (updated with new data plus many new data points). Every chapter is followed by Comparative Statistics, which arrange the data across 73 tables. The six appendices and maps of each region will make finding specific or comparative data easy.

Each of the 100 city chapters begins with an informative Background Essay that combines history with current events. All city narratives have been updated to reflect changes that have occurred in the past year, and touch on the city's environment, politics, employment, cultural offerings, climate, and interesting trivia."

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