
  :: America's Top Rated Smaller Cities

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Description from the publisher: "America's Top-Rated Smaller Cities provides current, comprehensive data on 126 US cities, 32 of which are new to this edition, including 26 never before profiled.

America's Top-Rated Smaller Cities is arranged into two volumes - Volume 1 has 67 city chapters, Alabama to New Jersey, and Volume 2 has 59 city chapters, New Mexico to Wyoming.

Each city chapter is divided into three sections: Background & Rankings; Business Environment and Living Environment.

Each of the 126 city chapters begins with a City Background. These page-long narratives combine history with current events and touch on the city's environment, politics, employment, and cultural offerings. The next section, Rankings, has 18 ranking categories including Business/Finance, Health, Women/Minorities, Retirement, Family, Safety, Recreation, and Dating/Romance. It is in this section you will find rankings on Best Cities for Seniors, Best Cities for College Graduates, Best Cities for Families, Best Cities for Hispanics, Best Places for Newlyweds, Best Cities to Flip a House, Best Cities for Dogs, Best Cities for Wheelchair Users, Best Place for Business and Career, and hundreds more."

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Please note: this database will be available until August 9, 2018.

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