
  :: CQ Researcher

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CQ Researcher is often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Founded in 1923 as Editorial Research Reports, CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Reports are published in print and online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications.

Each single-themed, 12,000-word report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist. The consistent, reader-friendly organization provides researchers with an introductory overview, which includes three pro-con debates; a background and chronology on the topic; an assessment of the current situation; tables and maps; a pro/con debate by representatives of opposing positions; and bibliographies of key sources.

Topics include:
Abortion, Advertising, Affirmative Action, Afghanistan, Africa, AIDS/HIV, Air Pollution, Air Transportation, Alcoholism, Alternative Energy, Alternative Medicine, Alzheimer's, Animal Rights, Archeology, Arms Control, Arms Trafficking, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Automobiles, Banking, Bilingual Education, Brazil, Campaign Finance, Cancer, Caribbean, Census, Challenges of the Courts, Child Abuse, Child Care, China, Christianity, Coal Industry, College Financing, College Sports, Colleges and Universities, Communism and Socialism, Computers, Constitution and Separation of Powers, Consumer Protection, Copyright and Patents, Corporate Salaries, Cosmetics and Fashion, Cost of Living, Wages, Credit Consumer Debt, Crime, Cuba, Death Penalty, Defense Spending, Democracy, Disabled Persons, Disasters and Preparedness, Disease, Diversity, Doctors, Drug Abuse Drug Trafficking, Education Issues, Education Standards, Elections, Energy, Environmental Protection, Ethics in Government, Ethics in War, European Unification, Evolution, Science, Creationism, Executive Powers, Farm Policy, Federal Budget and National Debt, Federal Reserve System, Federal/State Government Relations, Food Prices and Supply, Food Safety, Foreign Aid, Gambling and Lotteries, LGBTQ, Genetics and Cloning, Government Secrecy, Gun Control, The Second Amendment, Health Insurance, Highways and Roads, The Holocaust, Antisemitism, Hospitals, Housing, Human Rights, Immigration, Naturalization, India, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, Jobs and Skills, Journalism, Newspapers, The Media, Korea, Labor Unions, Latin America, Law Enforcement, Lawyers, Learning Disabilities, Libraries, Lobbying and Special Interests, Marijuana, Marriage, Divorce, Mass Transit, Mental Health, Music, National Parks, Native Americans, NATO, Natural Resources, New Deal, Great Depression, Nuclear Power, Nutrition and Health, Oil and Gasoline Prices, Older Americans, Senior Citizens, Pakistan, Peace Corps, Pensions and Retirement, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Philanthropy and Charities, Political Parties, Polling, Population, Poverty and Homelessness, Presidential Candidates and Campaigns, Prisons, Privacy, Privatization, Professional Sports, Property Rights, Protest Movements, Publishing Industry, Puerto Rico, Racism and Hate, Railroads, Redistricting, Refugees and Asylum, Religion and Politics, Right to Die, Rural America, Russia and the Soviet Union, Science Policy, Smoking and the Tobacco Industry, Social Security, Space Exploration, State and Local Governments, Stock Market, Stress, Supreme Court, Taxation, Teaching, Teens and Alcohol, Telecommunications, Television, Terrorism, Tourism and Vacation, U.S. Dollar and Inflation, U.S. Military, Unemployment, United Kingdom, United Nations, Foreign Trade, Urban Planning, Vaccines, Violence, Voting Rights, Water Pollution, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Welfare, Wildlife and Endangered Species, Women and Work, Women's Rights, Workforce Protections, World Trade, World War II Aftermath, and more.
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