
  :: Complete Television, Radio & Cable Directory

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Description from the database provider:
Grey House's Complete Television, Radio & Cable Industry Directory will offer immediate access to up-to-date data on over 22,000 company/station listings and over 72,000 executives:
  • Industry Overview
  • Television
  • Cable
  • Radio
  • Satellites & Other Carriers
  • Programming Services
  • Technological Solutions
  • Brokers & Professional Services
  • Associations, Events, Education, Awards
  • Law & Regulation, Government Agencies
This is data that is scattered across websites and governments sites and is now in one ready to go to work for you resource. The directory is the most detailed, comprehensive and current broadcasting reference source available.

Detailed entries in the Complete Television, Radio & Cable Industry Directory contain call letters, type of station, frequency, antenna & transmitter data, phone numbers, fax numbers, address, hours of operation, station format, special programming, affiliates, advertising rates, ownership, national and regional networks, national and regional representatives, wire services and a wide range of key contacts, from Station Managers to Production Directors, Advertising to Music Directors, important contacts that get you to the right person at the right organization in just one call.

The Complete Television, Radio & Cable Industry Directory saves hours of research time and provides the most comprehensive industry data on the US and Canadian Television, Radio and Cable Industries.
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This database can be accessed from any of Thrall Library's public Internet or research computers.

Concerning access outside the library:

Members of Middletown Thrall Library may log in to this service using their library barcode.

Access Issues?

Please call our Reference Dept. at (845) 341-5461 when the library is open.

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Tips & Special Features:

Once you reach the database page, please look on the left-side menu for "Business Databases" and select "Television and Cable."

After the main page updates, please see further down the page for "Television & Cable" search interface, which lets you search several different ways: Keyword, Organization Type, Organization Name, Area Code, City, State, and more.
For Further Exploration...


Technical Considerations:
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Please see the ACCESS OPTIONS section of this page.

None. http://www.thrall.org/databases/dbm/files/CompleteTelevisionRadioAndCableDirectory.html

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