
  :: Gale OneFile: News (formerly National Newspapers)

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Description from publisher:
This innovative full-text newspaper resource allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, GA)
  • The Economic Times (Mumbai, India)
  • Globe & Mail (Toronto, Canada)
  • Irish Examiner (All Ireland)
  • Japan Times (Tokyo, Japan)
  • The Mirror (London, England)
  • The New York Times (New York, NY)
  • Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA)
  • The Record (Bergen County, NJ)
  • The Sun (London, England)
  • The Telegraph (Calcutta, India)
  • The Times (London, England)
  • The Toronto Star (Toronto, Ontario)
  • The Washington Post (Washingtgon, DC)

>> Please click here to access Gale OneFile: News (formerly National Newspapers).
Access Options:

This database can be accessed from any of Thrall Library's public Internet or research computers.

Concerning access outside the library:

Members of Middletown Thrall Library may log in to this service using their library barcode.

This database is licensed through New York State's NOVEL service program and is available to all NYS residents through the NYS NOVEL website.

Access Issues?

Please call our Reference Dept. at (845) 341-5461 when the library is open.

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Tips & Special Features:

This database contains millions of articles. Be sure to make full use of the search options link (under the search term input box) to help specify exactly what you are looking for, what date or range of dates, and in what publication (if you are searching for an article a specific newspaper).

An "Advanced Search" link at the top of the page lets you search multiple fields (Author, Document Title, Publication Date, among others) simultaneously.
For Further Exploration...


Technical Considerations:
Experiencing access/technical issues?
Please see the ACCESS OPTIONS section of this page.

Before printing, be sure to click the Printer icon located at the top of any article page. This will reformat the page in a "printer friendly" format, enabling you to print more on fewer pages.

Printing at the library costs $ .20 per page. Please inquire at the Reference Department if you are not sure how to print.

This database also allows you to e-mail articles you find to your own e-mail account. To do so, look for the e-mail icon at the top of a newspaper article page, click the icon, and carefully enter your e-mail address on the next web page that appears.

There is no cost for e-mailing articles, and you may e-mail as many articles to yourself as you like!

Some documents are available in the PDF format. These documents can be viewed at home if your computer has the free Adobe Reader software installed.

If you would like some assistance in using this database or finding any information, please speak with one of our librarians at the Reference Department or contact us:

By telephone: (845) 341-5461

Online: Ask a Librarian!

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