
  :: Kanopy

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About Kanopy

* As of July 2019, Thrall will begin a trial of the Kanopy video streaming service so patrons can - for free - explore and enjoy.

What is Kanopy? A description right from the publisher:
Films can be streamed from any computer, television, mobile device or platform by downloading the Kanopy app for iOS, Android, AppleTV or Chromecast.

Offering what the New York Times calls 'a garden of cinematic delights,' Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world's best films, including
  • award-winning documentaries
  • rare and hard-to-find titles
  • film festival favorites
  • indie and classic films
  • world cinema with collections from Umbrella Entertainment, Madman Entertainment, Under the Milky Way, SND Films and thousands of independent filmmakers."
Video subject areas include: * Depending on our internal overall cost of Kanopy, Thrall will evaluate whether this service is sustainable in the future.

>> Please click here to access Kanopy.
Access Options:

Members of Middletown Thrall Library may log in to this free service using their library barcode.

Patrons in good standing (e.g. no excessive fines, items lost, or expired cards) may use 10 play credits per month. This may change in the future.

After logging in, you will create a unique user name and password (i.e. not ones you've used before) to access Kanopy through this access page at Thrall.org in the future.

Please be sure to find the verification e-mail Kanopy will send you after you register at their website and tap/click the link in their message to activate your account.

This service has been made possible by the The Friends of Middletown Thrall Library, Inc.

Don't have a library card? Please visit or call our Circulation Dept. (341-5486) to see if you qualify for a free library card from Thrall.

Access Issues?

Please call our Reference Dept. at (845) 341-5461 when the library is open.

You can also...

Tips & Special Features:

For technical assistance with Kanopy, please visit their online help pages through this link.

About Kanopy Kids mode:
For Further Exploration...


Technical Considerations:
Experiencing access/technical issues?
Please see the ACCESS OPTIONS section of this page.


If you would like some assistance in using this database or finding any information, please speak with one of our librarians at the Reference Department or contact us:

By telephone: (845) 341-5461

Online: Ask a Librarian!

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