Tips & Special Features:
Click on a title or author to see more information in the RAVES! database.
When you reach a book's information page, you will see a description and
some tags (subject headings) recommended by a reader.
You can click these tags to see if there are other books similarly tagged
in the RAVES! database.
If a book interests you, look for the "Library Catalog Links" section
and click on either the "Find title in catalog" or "Find author(s) in
catalog" links to be taken right to our Library Catalog, where you
can determine if an item is checked in at Thrall or another library
in RCLS.
You can even request that an item be set aside for you once
it is available. If you have never done that before, we will be happy
to assist you at the Reference Department.
If you're feeling adventurous, try the "Random Reads" link to get
some unpredictable and potentially interesting reading recommendations,
including topics, titles, and authors in RAVES! and
the library catalog.