Interlibrary Loan Service
at Middletown Thrall Library

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About our ILL Services

Library patrons have access to the resources of the public, school and special and academic libraries in other parts of the region, state, and country through our interlibrary loan services. To "interlibrary loan" something is to request an item to be transferred from another library to your local library.

If for whatever reason we do not have an item you need, such as a book or video, you may attempt to request it from another lending institution. Our Reference Department will assist you in locating materials and initiating interlibrary loans.

The library system will inform you of an item's arrival by either...

If you have an e-mail account and would like to register to receive e-mail notices instead of telephone notices, please follow this link to register for e-mail alerts. This is a free service.

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A Friendly Reminder

The ability to request an item (via interlibrary loan) is both a free service and a privilege enjoyed by many members of Middletown Thrall Library.

Through this service you can access materials other libraries choose to share for the mutual benefit of all library patrons.

When requesting items, please be sure you truly want each item and can pick it up when it arrives.

You can track requested items through the online library catalog at by logging in with your library barcode number and PIN (usually the last four digits of your phone number).

Overdue materials result in fines, and interloan privileges could be suspended if you frequently fail to pick up items.

Please help us to preserve this essential service for everyone by requesting items mindfully and by returning materials on time.

If you cannot pick up or return an item on time, please call Circulation at (845) 341-5454 to learn of available options, if any.

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Loan Policies

Anyone with an active ANSER library card request interlibrary loan materials from other libraries through Middletown Thrall Library.

Inquiries can be made by calling the Interlibrary Loan Department at 341-5487 or the Reference desk at 341-5461.

Requests may be done in person at the library or via our website through the library catalog.

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Online Interlibrary Loan Requests

To attempt to initiate an ILL via the web, first locate an item owned by another library using the library catalog then click the Place Hold button. If an item can be ILL'd you will next be prompted to enter your library card number and PIN (the last four digits of your telephone number).

You may cancel a hold at any time either by notifying the Interlibrary Loan Department at the library (341-5463) or by cancelling your request over the web using the library catalog. To cancel via the web, enter the library catalog, click on Patron Information, enter your card number and PIN, then click on Holds. Highlight the requested item you want to cancel, then click Cancel Hold. You will not be charged for cancelled holds.

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Due Dates

Please be aware that items requested from other librarys may not coincide with our own due dates. You may have more or less time to borrow an item than you would if you borrowed the item from Thrall. When checking an item out, please examine your date due slip to be sure when an item is due to be returned at the library.

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Returning Items

Items borrowed from any library within the Ramapo Catskill Library System may be returned at any of its member libraries. Items obtained by us for your use from outside RCLS must be returned to this library.

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You may attempt to renew an item by bringing the item to the library and requesting a renewal or calling the library at 341-5454. Renewals may also be attempted via our website through the library catalog by clicking Patron Information, entering your library card number and PIN, then clicking Items Out. Select the item you wish to renew and click Renew. If an item cannot be renewed you must return it immediately to avoid overdue fines. Renewals cannot be done by telephone or through our website (via the library catalog) once they have become overdue.

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Overdue Fines

As with every other item lent out in our library, interlibrary loans are due back at certain intervals (generally two to three weeks). Interlibrary items returned late are subject to fines set by the lending library.

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Other Materials

Videotapes, CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, Audiobooks

Interlibrary loan requests are not only limited to books. If you identify a computer CD-ROM, music CD, DVD, videotape, audio book or an item in another format elsewhere in the library system, you may attempt to request it. Each library in the Ramapo Catskill Library System maintains its own interlibrary loan policy, which also governs what does and does not go out to other libraries. Reference materials generally cannot be requested.

If you have adequate transportation and absolutely need an item available only at another library, your ANSER card is valid everywhere in the Ramapo Catskill Library System. Provided the item is available for borrowing (that is a "circulating" and not a "reference" item) at the other library, you may borrow it directly there. Our librarians may help by contacting another library in advance to ensure the item is there and able to be borrowed from that location.

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For Further Assistance...

For more information on interlibrary loans procedures please call the Interlibrary Loan Department at 341-5487.

For all other questions involving locating materials at the library or within the library system please come to the library of contact the Reference Department at 341-5461. You may also ask our librarians questions online by clicking here.

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