

Species, Organizations, Zoology

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Animals Featured Resource
Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia
Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia
"A completely revised and updated version of the original work published in Germany in 1960, this edition incorporates recent developments in the animal world as noted by prominent advisors and contributors from the scientific community."

General Information & Zoology
All About Birds
Find out how to start the hobby of birdwatching. Includes scientific information on bird species with maps and pictures, as well as what conservation steps are being taken. From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Animal Bytes
"Each byte is a one-page fact sheet specifically designed to help you quickly find information about some of the interesting creatures found in the animal kingdom. Most species files include coverage regarding scientific classification, basic physical traits, fun facts, and conservation/ecological value. Where available, links to more in-depth species coverage via our online infobooks are provided." From Sea World Parks and Entertainment.
Animal Diversity Web
Sponsored by the University of Michighan Museum of Zoolology. A highly informative classification of the animal kingdom. Includes a good search engine with an extensive updated links collection.
Animal Kingdom Visual Dictionary
Colorful, labeled diagrams. From the Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary Online.
Animal Pictures and Facts
"Learn all you wanted to know about animals with pictures, facts, news, and more." From National Geographic.
Audubon New York
Includes topics such as conservation, photography, outdoor activities and more. Also includes information on Birds of Conservation Concern in New York via this link.
Card Wildlife Education Center Animal Index
"This portion of our site allows you to learn about the animals that can be found in the Card Wildlife Education Center. Each animal in our museum can be found in the animal index. Each page contains pictures of the animal as well as pertinent information pertaining to the various animals. " Organized into Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores. Includes interactive animal pages and PDF pages for each animal at the Center.
Encyclopedia of Life
"The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) is an ambitious, even audacious project to organize and make available via the Internet virtually all information about life present on Earth. At its heart lies a series of Web sitesone for each of the approximately 1.8 million known speciesthat provide the entry points to this vast array of knowledge. The entry-point for each site is a species page suitable for the general public, but with several linked pages aimed at more specialized users. The sites sparkle with text and images that are enticing to everyone, as well as providing deep links to specific data."
Food Chains & Food Webs
From Khan Academy.
Food Chains and Food Webs: "What's for Dinner?"
About animals, plants, people, and consumers. From Enchanted Learning.
Topics include" What Bug Is This?; Insect Groups; Insect Fact Files; Conservation; Caresheets; Insects & Man; Biodiversity; Become an Entomologist; and Entomologists' Glossary. From the Amateur Entomologists' Society.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
You will find authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. Search by common name or scientific.
ML: Macaulay Library
"The Macaulay Library is the world's largest and oldest scientific archive of biodiversity audio and video recordings. Our mission is to collect and preserve recordings of each species' behavior and natural history, to facilitate the ability of others to collect and preserve such recordings, and to actively promote the use of these recordings for diverse purposes spanning scientific research, education, conservation, and the arts."
New York's Watchable Wildlife
"Whether it's the spectacle of a soaring eagle or a glimpse of a river otter, here you'll find what you need to plan a great wildlife viewing experience in New York State. DEC's wildlife experts help you learn where to find wildlife, what sounds to listen for, or when to look for your favorite animal." Free newsletter available via e-mail. Provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Photo Ark
"Through a project called Photo Ark, photographer Joel Sartore is visiting zoos around the world to snap pictures of all 12,000 species of captive animals. He hopes to use the photos to inspire people to save the planet's most endangered animals." Follow this link for specific collections of "Photo Ark Galleries." From National Geographic.
Sites with Bird Songs
A list of websites arranged geographically that have the songs of birds and some other animals.
Smithsonian Wild
"Welcome to Smithsonian WILD! This site is designed to showcase some of the exciting research conducted by the Smithsonian Institution and its collaborators around the world, and to highlight the incredible diversity of wildlife that exists in a range of habitats across the globe." Includes an A-to-Z index of animals as well as a gallery. Requires the Adobe Flash plugin. From the Smithsonian Institution.
University of Colorado Garst Photographic Collection
This site contains over 1300 digitized wildlife slides by Warren and Genevieve Garst who photographed them over 25 years for the television series Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. Each photograph includes the common name, scientific classification, physical characteristics, the habitat, diet and more.
Explore by type of animal, behaviors, or habitats. From the BBC.
Wildlife Guide
Scroll down the page for topics including: Birds; Mammals; Reptiles; Amphibians; Fish; Invertebrates; and Plants & Fungi. From the National Wildlife Federation.
William A. Watkins Collection of Marine Mammal Sound Recordings
This database contains "recordings of various marine mammal species collected over a span of seven decades in a wide range of geographic areas by Watkins and many others." From Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
"The aim of World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. While highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature. The content of WoRMS is controlled by taxonomic experts, not by database managers. WoRMS has an editorial management system where each taxonomic group is represented by an expert who has the authority over the content, and is responsible for controlling the quality of the information. Each of these main taxonomic editors can invite several specialists of smaller groups within their area of responsibility to join them. This register of marine species grew out of the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS), and its combination with several other species registers maintained at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)."

See also:

Animal Organizations
- Welfare and Protection

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
"The ASPCA was founded in 1866 as the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. The Society was formed to alleviate the injustices animals faced then, and we continue to battle cruelty today."
Protecting Species
Information about specific species that the World Wildlife Fund is highlighting "whose protection influences and supports the survival of other species or offers the opportunity to protect whole landscapes or marine areas." From the World Wildlife Fund.
The Humane Society of the United States
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
USDA Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
"The Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) is mandated by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to provide information for improved animal care and use in research, testing, teaching, and exhibition." From the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Prehistoric Animals & Extinct Lifeforms
- Dinosaurs and Fossils
From the American Museum of Natural History:
PaleoPortal Fossil Preparation
A resource on fossil preparation for anyone with an interest in paleontology. Sections include History, Collecting, Revealing, Studying, Follow the Specimen and Tools and Resources. Also includes career information.
Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs
BBC Earth: Dinosaur
Department of Paleobiology
From the National Museum of Natural History.
The Dino Directory
Search by Name, Dino Timeline, Body Shape, In Your Country and Top 5 Dinosaurs. Includes the pronunciation and meaning of each listed dinosaur. From the Natural History Museum in London, England.
The Dinosauria
Explore questions such as: "Are birds really dinosaurs? What killed the dinosaurs? Were dinosaurs hot-blooded or cold-blooded? Can we infer the possible speeds of dinosaurs? Is what the movies tell us about dinosaurs true?" Also includes special exhibits. From Berkeley University.
Lessons and videos on What Is a Dinosaur?; How Do Scientists Study Dinosaurs?; Dinosaur Extinction; and Dinosaur Fossils. From the Khan Academy and the American Museum of Natural History.
Dinosaurs: Facts and Fiction
"This pamphlet contains answers to some frequently asked questions about dinosaurs, with current ideas and evidence to correct some long-lived popular misconceptions." A publication of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life
Topics include: Basics; Dinosaur Scientists; Carnivores; Dinosaurs & Birds; Herbivores; Marine Reptilles; Prehistoric Mammals; Pterosaurs; and Tetrapods & Amphibians. From ThoughtCo.com.
Dinosaurs: News
From the BBC.
Extinct Animals
From How Stuff Works.
How Stuff Works: Dinosaurs
Includes pictures, information on fossils, extinction, and more.
New Scientist: Dinosaurs
Articles and news on prehistoric life.
The Paleontology Portal
"This site is a resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any classroom." Produced by the University of California Museum of Paleontology, the Paleontological Society, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Prehistoric Life: Age of the Dinosaurs, Human Beginnings
Articles, games, quizzes, galleries, news. From BBC.
ScienceDaily: Dinosaur News
Recent discoveries, studies, articles, videos, and images.
Stories About Dinosaurs
Listen and/or read about the dinosaurs. From National Public Radio (NPR).

See also:
For more on prehistoric life and times, see these sections:

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