
Businesses, Associations, Organizations

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Featured Resources
Business Insights: Essentials
"Today's business researchers demand instant access to reliable, comprehensive data and the tools to analyze and interpret the information. Gale Business Insights: Essentials delivers authoritative company and industry information, articles, and statistical data. Students, business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, investors, financial planners, and general researchers can explore real-world applications and develop analytical skills. Gale Business Insights: Essentials features easy-to-search rich content, a user-friendly interface, and robust analytical tools." This database is licensed through the NYS NOVEL program and is available to all New York State residents through the NYS NOVEL website. Members of libraries which are part of the Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) may log in using their library barcode.
Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
"The U.S. Business Database contains a total of 57 Million Businesses including 16 million verified and 41 million unverified businesses that are updated weekly. It is the only business database that is enhanced with more than 24 million phone calls per year providing you with the most accurate data possible." Members of Middletown Thrall Library may log in to this service using their library barcode.

Web Resources
Business Statistics -
Instant access to useful financial ratios, business statistics and benchmarks. Effective and understandable analysis of businesses and industries.
Business Insights: Essentials
Accessible to current ANSER Library cardholders. Information on over 400,000 US and international companies: histories, chronologies, rankings, investment reports, and more.
Community Organizations Database
"Our database contains basic contact information for community organizations located within (or serving citizens in) Orange County, NY. You can search by keyword or browse. This is not an exhaustive list containing every known local organization or group." Provided by Middletown Thrall Library.
Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
Access via Gale Directory Library (GDL) (select "Encyclopedia of Associations" after accessing GDL). "Comprehensive source of detailed information concerning nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope. Covers more than 23,000 organizations in categories such as trade, business, and commercial; legal, governmental, public administration, and military; cultural; educational; veterans, hereditary, and patriotic; athletic and sports; fan clubs, and many more." Available to Middletown Thrall Library cardholders.
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
Access via Gale Directory Library (GDL) (select "Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media" after accessing GDL). "Contains listings for radio and television stations and cable companies. Print media entries provide address; phone, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses; key personnel, including feature editors; and much more. Broadcast media entries provide address; phone, fax, and e-mail addresses; key personnel; owner information; hours of operation; networks carried and more. Scope includes U.S., Canadian, and international media." Available to Middletown Thrall Library cardholders.
Databases of companies' customer service telephone numbers annotated with information on how to connect to a real person.
"Created by the International Business Center at Michigan State University (IBC), globalEDGE is a knowledge web-portal that connects international business professionals worldwide to a wealth of information, insights, and learning resources on global business activities."
Infospace Companies Online
Search for a company website by entering either a company name or a keyword. Caution: There are sometimes inaccurate duplicate entries.
"OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies and company data in the world, with in excess of 100 million companies in a similarly large number of jurisdictions. Our primary goal is to make information on companies more usable and more widely available for the public benefit, particularly to tackle the use of companies for criminal or anti-social purposes, for example corruption, money laundering and organised crime."
Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
For Middletown Thrall Library cardholders. Directory information for 120 million households and 13 million businesses in the U.S. Includes reverse phone number searches. Allows you to search by name, yellow page heading and/or location.
Search ThomasNet to find manufacturers, distributors and service providers - from Actuators to Zirconium and everything in between.

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