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Web Resources

Beginning Needlepoint
From All-About-Needlepoint.com.
British Origami Glossary
From the British Origami Society.
The Craft Yarn Council
Includes free patterns, getting started in crochet and knitting, finding classes and the standards and guidelines for crochet and knitting. Also includes instructions on how to read a pattern, glossaries of symbols, abbreviations, standard body measurements/sizing and more.
Crochet Pattern Central
Online directory featuring thousands of links to free crochet patterns. Choose from 90+ categories, including clothing, afghans, doilies, baby items, bags and totes, potholders, toys, stuffed animals (including amigurumi), and so much more.
Embroidery How To Videos
From Mary Corbet's NeedlenThread.com.
Embroidery 101!
From Instructables.com
Enchanted Learning's Crafts for Kids
Instruction on crafts made from items you have around the house. Arranged by subject matter. This version is free, but there is also a subscriber version that is ad free and has printer friendly pages.
Free Projects
Several free embroidery projects from the Embroiderers' Guild of America. Also includes a free PDF download of "A Little Book of Embroidery Basics". You may be asked for your email or to sign up for their newsletter.
Get Started and Learn to Knit
"This 3 part introduction to knitting walks the new knitter step-by-step through the knitting basics: Long Tail cast-on and the knit and purl stitches and basic knit bind-off and finishing your knitting. " From KnittingHelp.com.
Glass Dictionary
"Glass from A to Z." From the Corning Museum of Glass.
How to Make a Quilt
Articles also include Quilt Styles; Quilt Patterns; Quilting Products; and Quilt Care. From Quilting101.com.
"Over 800 free art and craft lessons, activities and plans for K-12."
Knitting Pattern Central
Online directory featuring thousands of links to free knitting patterns. Choose from 50+ categories, including clothing, hats, afghans, stuffed animals, toys, dishcloths, and much more. Also include some short videos of stitches.
Features "free videos with step-by-step instructions, text transcripts and handouts with patterns in PDF format." See also their full video collection on YouTube and also their Quilting Encyclopedia
Learn to Crochet
Videos and lessons for left and/or right handed people. From Crochet Guild of America.
Origami Bases and Folds
From Make-Origami.com.
Origami Club
Site contains many diagrams and animations of the folding process that you can control.
Origami Dictionary
"Origami has its own set of terms, and these often cannot be translated literally. This dictionary provides translations for the vocabulary used in paper folding. Additionally, details on every term are given to clarify their meaning – simply search for them, or click on the initial terms in the translation table." Some definitions include videos. From Happyfolding.com.
Our Pattern Collection
Hundreds of free projects for knitting, hand embroidery, machine embroidery, fun crafts, tv projects, crochet, quilting, sewing, print advertisements and magazines. For all skill levels. Search by brand, craft type or project type. From Coats and Clark.
Pin Tangle Stitch Dictionary
Online dictionary with pictures and diagrams for each hand embroidery stitch.
Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials Picture Dictionary
Free sewing patterns for stuffed animals, purses, clothing, babies and felt food projects. From AllCrafts.net.
"Sewing.org has free sew, quilt and craft projects, learn to sew articles, the SEW-lutions blog, Guidelines education articles and My Sewing and Craft Room - a place to share your creative space!" See also their "Guidelines for Sewing": "SEW-lutions Guidelines are educational articles in pdf format. They cover all aspects of sewing, from beginner and learn to sew instructions to advanced sewing techniques."
Detailed instructions and images of popular knitting and crochet stitches.
Women Folk: The Art of Quilting
Quilt history, patterns and their stories through history.

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