
News & Newspapers

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Web Resources Featured Resources
Newspaper Databases
Newspaper Databases
Historical and select contemporary New York / national newspapers. Includes Newspaper Archive. Available to members of Thrall.
Today's Front Page
The current front page of over seven hundred newspapers. From Newseum.
Current Interests Center
Current events, hot topics, trending news, newspapers, news feeds, breaking news, special coverage, news sources.
Magazine Article Databases
Search millions of articles in magazines, peer-reviewed journals, and newspapers. Available to members of Thrall.

News Search Engines
Bing News
Google News
The New York Times
Yahoo News

Archives of Articles
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
"This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1910 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP)."
Free Newspaper Archives
"Free newspaper archives online containing 250 years of news publishing in the United States. They're scattered across the Web, and not always easy to find. That's what this site is all about…making it easy to access free newspaper archives ..." Grouped geographically by regions of the United States, such as NorthEastern United States and The Midwest States.
Google News
Current headlines and articles from newspapers around the world. Search or browse by topic.
Google News Archive Search
"News archive search provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. In addition to helping you search, News archive search can automatically create timelines which show selected results from relevant time periods."
Historical Newspapers from New York State
Official name of site is Old Fulton New York Post Cards. "Search Over 21,790,000 Old New York State Historical Newspaper Pages." Full text search with advanced options. Pages are presented as PDF files. An index of newspapers can be found at this link.
Historical U.S. Newspapers Online
" A guide to historical U.S. newspapers that are freely available on the Internet. " Links are still active even though it hasn't been updated. From Bowling Green State University.
New York State Newspapers on Microfilm and In Print
"Includes print and microfilm holdings for the State Library and other institutions statewide as collected by the NYS Newspaper Project from 1987 to 2007. The State Library's holdings are kept up-to-date. The State Library does not update the holdings data for outside institutions. Please contact those institutions directly for the latest information." Search by City, County, or Title. From the New York State Library.
The New York Times
Online edition. Recent articles are free. See also:
The New York Times: Free Articles Archive
Browse selectied free articles from 1851 to the present. Also includes Pay Articles from 1923 through 1986. See also: The Historical New York Times database (for members of Thrall).
"TimesMachine can take you back to any issue from Volume 1, Number 1 of The New-York Daily Times, on September 18, 1851, through The New York Times of December 30, 1922."
Newseum - Today's Front Pages
"Every morning, more than 800 newspapers from around the world submit their front pages to the Newseum via the Internet to be part of Today's Front Pages."
Includes links to papers by country, state, type, specialty, and campus. As well as radio, TV and magazines.
Newspaper Archive Sources on the Web
Fee based sources are indicated with $. Also includes US Newspaper Archives & Indexes (ususally older, local, sometimes very specialaized). From the Library of Congress.
"The Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (NewspaperCat) is a tool that facilitates the discovery of online digitized historical newspaper content from newspapers published in the United States and the Caribbean. NewspaperCat was funded by a grant from the George A. Smathers Libraries."
NYS Historic Newspapers
Digitized newspapers from New York State (1803 and up). "This site is created by the Northern New York Library Network on behalf of the NY 3Rs Association, Inc." A list of available newspapers can be found at this link.
Small Town Newspapers
"Choose from over 250 small town newspapers you can read free every week! Browse and search scanned newspaper archive from 1865 up to the current edition!"
Times Herald Record Online
Registration is required for some sections.

Broadcast News
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
"Discover historic programs of publicly funded radio and television across America. Watch and listen... a collaboration between WGBH and the Library of Congress with a long-term vision to preserve and make accessible significant historical content created by public media." Topics range from Agriculture, Animals and Cooking to History, Science and Women.
TV Archive
"The Internet Archive works to preserve the published works of human kind. Inspired by Vanderbilt University's Television News Archive project, the Internet Archive collects and preserves television news. Like library collections of books and newspapers, this accessible archive of TV news enables anyone to reference and compare statements from this influential medium. The collection now contains 350,000 news programs collected over 3 years from national U.S. networks and stations in San Francisco and Washington D.C. The archive is updated with new broadcasts 24 hours after they are aired. Older materials are also being added." From Internet Archive.

General Information
How Newspapers Work
From How Stuff Works.
News/Media Alliance
"We are the leading voice for the news and magazine media industries, fighting for the future of publishing. Our members represent today’s most trusted and compelling news and media brands whose job it is to keep the world informed. Our advocacy, proprietary research and events leverage the brightest minds and unite our diverse members under a shared purpose. Together, we’re creating the strategies and business models that will enable original, quality journalism to grow and thrive." Formerly the Newspaper Association of America.
Search thousands of classifieds sites at one time. Everything from pets to real estate are listed.

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