Extensive catalog of English and international fonts. Font families / styles include: Dingbat, Display, Handwriting, Monospaced, Sans-serif, Serif. Some fonts may be downloadable or Web-embeddable (i.e. Web Fonts): you must review the licensing for each font.
Web fonts. "By using our extensive catalog, you can share and integrate typography into any design project seamlessly - no matter where you are in the world."
Free / open source software. Includes OpenOffice Writer, "a word processor you can use for anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book." For Windows PCs, Mac OS/X, Linux, and other platforms.
Free / open source software. Includes LibreOffce Writer, "a modern, full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool" that is "simple enough for a quick memo, but powerful enough to create complete books with contents, diagrams, indexes, and more." For Windows PCs, Mac OS/X, Linux, and other platforms.
Select the year edition version of Microsoft Word / Office you are interested in and then select Microsoft Word from their menu. From GCFLearnFree.org.
Free to members of Thrall. Log in with your Thrall library card. Search for Microsoft Word once at the Universal Class course menu. Includes courses for Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016, as well as other Microsoft Office software.
"A free graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work." Select a font, and then adjust the options.
Typing tutorials in a game format. "A fun way to learn touch typing. There are four levels to play, each divided into three stages. You start by learning the home row keys. Each stage builds on previous lessons, introducing new letters as you progress." From BBC. Requires Adobe Flash.
A Universal Class course. Free to members of Thrall. Log in with your Thrall library card. You can either search for this course or locate it under their Computer Basics menu. Course description: "This course, Typing and Keyboarding for Business Professionals, is entirely self-teaching. Each lesson is short, simple and easy to master, with easy-to-understand text and custom-designed typing drills."