Virus Advisories & Hoaxes

Sometimes you will receive an electronic message calling itself a "virus advisory" or "alert." Never act immediately upon information or warnings you receive - it could be a hoax or a deliberate attempt to harm your computer.

Often someone you know receives a virus alert from another user and then passes on to you and others without taking time to verify the threat is real. Thousands of virus hoaxes appear on the Internet - alerts referring to fake viruses or some other disinformation.

A hoax can be as bad or worse than a real virus if it contains instructions on removing the fake virus, causing you to harm your own computer. The file you're told to delete might be a file your computer really needs!

How can you tell if a virus advisory is real? You can check with your Internet Service Provider or web sites such as and Symantec's Hoax Page. Educate yourself before acting on - or passing on - virus alerts.

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