Web Resources
- Dead People Server
- An occasionally humorous but current source of concise biographies and obituaries.
- High School Memorials
- "Find and follow high schools that matter to you. Connect with classmates to honor alumni who’ve passed." Browse by state, city and school. From Legacy.com.
- Obituary Daily Times
- "The Obituary Daily Times is a daily index of published obituaries. It is distributed FREELY, often twice a day by email, and usually has over 2500 entries a day. You can search the database anytime with the search engine." Includes obituary indexing of the Times Herald Record for unknown range of dates. It does NOT include the actual obituaries.
- Obituaries 101
- Provides links to recent obituary notices in newspapers through out the United States and Canada. Arranged by state and province. Also contains links to current obituaries of prominent people.
- Obituaries Online
- Obituaries were selected because of their relevance to American History. Choose by name, or select a year from 1870 to 2000.
- Obituary Database
- This database contains references to local obituaries covering Middletown, New York and surrounding areas for the approximate period of 1981 - 1988. This date range extends backward as more records enter our database. Middletown Thrall Library develops this very basic database as a courtesy to researchers interested in locating obituary articles for the time period covered.
- Times Herald Record Obituaries
- Sort by date posted online, location, or funeral home. Goes back several years.
- United States of America Obituaries
- Search recent obituaries by State and City. Does not include Middletown Times Herald Record, but does include local Middletown funeral homes. From Legacy.com.